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Our Favorite Anti-Flea Treatments

3 minutes
Fleas annoy our pets as well as us, as they may invade our home for a time and "attack us," as well.
Our Favorite Anti-Flea Treatments
Last update: 12 March, 2018

Fleas are a common ill that affects all of our pets. To prevent fleas, we’re going to give you a list of our favorite anti-flea treatments. Grab a paper and pencil and get ready to take some notes.

The best anti-flea treatments for pets

There is a wide selection of brands and products on the market that meet this need. Nevertheless, we have decided to talk to you about home remedies made with things that we all have at home and that, additionally, won’t harm your pet because they don’t contain chemicals.

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They say that vinegar helps with everything. The truth is that the more we learn about this product the more we realize that it’s absolutely true, so we’re going to check out the uses it has for our pets.

Using vinegar (best to use apple vinegar to avoid staining your pet’s fur), when you bathe her will serve as a fabulous anti-flea treatment. To do so, wash the animal with his normal shampoo and, once rinsed, pour a cup of vinegar over his fur without getting it in his eyes or snout.

Allow it to act for about five minutes to reach the maximum number of fleas possible, and then rinse with water. Brush his fur with a  fine-toothed comb, similar to that used for lice in children, and then dry your pet. Do this every time you bathe him, and soon you’ll see that your animal no longer has fleas.


Simply brushing your dog everyday with a fine-toothed comb may eliminate fleas from your pet’s coat. In addition, you’ll be able to pull out the eggs, and thus prevent more fleas from crawling around on your furry friend’s body.

If before brushing him, you add a bit of vinegar to the animal’s fur, you’ll see that the fleas will begin to move more slowly and you’ll be able to use the brush to trap them. Even doing this in dry fur is productive.


Fleas hate the smell of lemon, which makes it one of the best homemade anti-flea treatments that we know. To use it simply get a liter of boiled water and add a lemon previously cut into slices.

Next, remove the pot from the heat and let it sit overnight. The following day, pour the contents into a spray bottle and spray this mixture on your pet’s fur and skin, making sure to avoid contact with his eyes and snout.

Watch your pet carefully to make sure that lemon is something his skin tolerates. It might happen in some cases that the animal’s skin does not tolerate lemon, and if your animal is one of these, stop using lemon. If not, complete this process twice a week and use the rest of the mixture that you don’t use to scrub the house.

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This plant is commonly known for its anti-parasitic properties and help to fight against sicknesses, which makes it an ideal anti-flea treatment for our pets. There are two ways of using it: one is planting wormwood on the roof or garden or even placing some pots of this plant at the entrance of the house.

Another way is making up small bags of dry wormwood and distributing them throughout the house, especially in areas where there may be more fleas, such as where your pet sleeps.

Cedar shavings

With cedar, the same thing happens to fleas that happens with lemon: they hate the smell. So one of the ways of keeping fleas away from your pet and your home is scattering cedar shavings around the house, on the sofa and in your dog’s bed.

Underneath the furniture and in corners are strategic places where it will work at the highest level. So that they’re not scattered around the house, giving off the appearance of being dirty, you can put them in small, breathable bags.

This is our list of anti-flea home remedies, with simple and easy-to-find items that have been tested. Choose the one that you think is simplest and most useful for you, and win the battle against annoying fleas.

Fleas are a common ill that affects all of our pets. To prevent fleas, we’re going to give you a list of our favorite anti-flea treatments. Grab a paper and pencil and get ready to take some notes.

The best anti-flea treatments for pets

There is a wide selection of brands and products on the market that meet this need. Nevertheless, we have decided to talk to you about home remedies made with things that we all have at home and that, additionally, won’t harm your pet because they don’t contain chemicals.

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They say that vinegar helps with everything. The truth is that the more we learn about this product the more we realize that it’s absolutely true, so we’re going to check out the uses it has for our pets.

Using vinegar (best to use apple vinegar to avoid staining your pet’s fur), when you bathe her will serve as a fabulous anti-flea treatment. To do so, wash the animal with his normal shampoo and, once rinsed, pour a cup of vinegar over his fur without getting it in his eyes or snout.

Allow it to act for about five minutes to reach the maximum number of fleas possible, and then rinse with water. Brush his fur with a  fine-toothed comb, similar to that used for lice in children, and then dry your pet. Do this every time you bathe him, and soon you’ll see that your animal no longer has fleas.


Simply brushing your dog everyday with a fine-toothed comb may eliminate fleas from your pet’s coat. In addition, you’ll be able to pull out the eggs, and thus prevent more fleas from crawling around on your furry friend’s body.

If before brushing him, you add a bit of vinegar to the animal’s fur, you’ll see that the fleas will begin to move more slowly and you’ll be able to use the brush to trap them. Even doing this in dry fur is productive.


Fleas hate the smell of lemon, which makes it one of the best homemade anti-flea treatments that we know. To use it simply get a liter of boiled water and add a lemon previously cut into slices.

Next, remove the pot from the heat and let it sit overnight. The following day, pour the contents into a spray bottle and spray this mixture on your pet’s fur and skin, making sure to avoid contact with his eyes and snout.

Watch your pet carefully to make sure that lemon is something his skin tolerates. It might happen in some cases that the animal’s skin does not tolerate lemon, and if your animal is one of these, stop using lemon. If not, complete this process twice a week and use the rest of the mixture that you don’t use to scrub the house.

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This plant is commonly known for its anti-parasitic properties and help to fight against sicknesses, which makes it an ideal anti-flea treatment for our pets. There are two ways of using it: one is planting wormwood on the roof or garden or even placing some pots of this plant at the entrance of the house.

Another way is making up small bags of dry wormwood and distributing them throughout the house, especially in areas where there may be more fleas, such as where your pet sleeps.

Cedar shavings

With cedar, the same thing happens to fleas that happens with lemon: they hate the smell. So one of the ways of keeping fleas away from your pet and your home is scattering cedar shavings around the house, on the sofa and in your dog’s bed.

Underneath the furniture and in corners are strategic places where it will work at the highest level. So that they’re not scattered around the house, giving off the appearance of being dirty, you can put them in small, breathable bags.

This is our list of anti-flea home remedies, with simple and easy-to-find items that have been tested. Choose the one that you think is simplest and most useful for you, and win the battle against annoying fleas.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.