Small Dog Breeds: Which One to Choose?

If you are thinking about getting a small dog, perhaps you are wondering which breed to choose. The answer all depends on what you’re looking for and your availability. Even though they are pretty much the same sized dogs, not all of them have the same traits and personalities.
Things to consider about small dog breeds

There are many stereotypes in regard to small dogs. For example, they have no problem with adapting to small homes or they don’t need to be taken out for long walks. Although, even if some of these dogs fit this description, it’s not always like that.
Anyways, if you’re planning to bring a small dog into your life, then you should be certain that this does not mean you’ll have less responsibilities. So, if you are only thinking about appearance or fashion, then you’re most likely not making the wisest decision.
Before deciding on what breed (however, adopting a mixed breed dog is always a good option), it’s best to think carefully about what type of dog you’re looking for or what type is the most suitable for you.
Without a doubt, it’s best to seek expert advice from the veterinarian or animal shelter workers. You can be sure that they will tell you which small dog breed is the best for you.
If you like small dogs, here are some tips that can help you choose a breed that best suits your lifestyle.
Some facts about small dog breeds
Small dogs usually weigh a maximum of 10 kilograms (22 pounds).
Keep the following advantages (and disadvantages) of small dogs in mind :
- They are usually on the alert. It’s normal for them to bark at any time when hearing different types of alarms, sounds, people that approach the house, etc.
- They live longer than large sized dogs.
- Your expenses for food, the veterinarian, grooming, and accessories will be less in comparison to larger sized pets.
- They are less work when it comes to washing and brushing them, cleaning their space, etc.
- They are easier to take from one place to another (you can even use a dog carrier).
- It’s less inconvenient to travel with them on different types of transportation. It’s also more likely that hotels and other public places will accept them without a problem.
Keep these examples in mind when it’s time to choose a small dog
If you agree that a dog should adapt to your lifestyle, pay attention to the examples below:
1-You live in a small apartment with only adults. You aren’t a big fan of physical activity, and you don’t want to spend too much time grooming the dog and you already have another dog. Your perfect companion could be one of the following breeds:
- Toy Poodle
- Miniature Poodle
- Havanese
- Bichon Frise
- Brussels Griffon
- Maltese
2-You have a house with a small yard, children and other dogs. You don’t have a lot of time or desire to spend time on physical activity or grooming. These playful dogs might be a good choice for you:
- French Bulldog
- Boston Terrier
- King Charles Spaniel
- Pug
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Other information that will help you decide which dog best suits you
Take these breeds into consideration:

3-Your house is small. You have little time to groom or walk the dog. There aren’t children at home, and you already have other pets. You’re looking for a guard dog as well as a good companion. In this case, look into:
- Pomeranian
- Tibetan Spaniel
- Bolognese
- Australian Terrier
4-You live near parks, fields, or forests, and you like doing physical activity but not spending too much time grooming your dog. You have children and other pets. You want a companion to go on walks and play with you. Then the perfect dog for you would be:
- Cairn Terrier
- Norfolk Terrier
- Parson Russell Terrier
- Miniature Schnauzer
- West Highland White Terrier
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.