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Tips for Choosing a Dog Groomer

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Tips for Choosing a Dog Groomer
Last update: 27 December, 2022

You should definitely take your dog to be groomed periodically, not only because it will keep him clean and beautiful, but also because it will help keep him healthier. However, choosing a dog groomer you can trust is hard. Thus, today we’ll discuss a few tips that will help you choose the right one.

Why Taking Your Pup to a Dog Groomer is Important

There are certain essential parts to taking care of a dog. Not only should he be eating quality, healthy food, but you should also take him for regular vet check-ups and give him lots of love and affection.

However, in addition to all of that, taking care of your dog’s fur is also important. When it comes to getting your dog groomed, though, the most important thing is for the location to be safe and trustworthy.

Contrary to what many people think, taking your dog to have his fur trimmed and groomed has a lot of advantages. For example:

  • Hygiene: After all, usually a grooming session includes a bath. This way you’ll have less fur in the house and your dog will be more likely to stay healthy.
  • Health: A dog that goes to a dog groomer’s regularly will be less likely to have ticks, fleas, and other skin conditions.
  • Comfort and coolness in hot weather.
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  • Hygiene: not only should your dog be bathed, which is usually included in a dog grooming service, but a dog’s surroundings must also be cleaned regularly. By doing this, the animal will shed less and will also have a lesser chance of contracting diseases.
  • Health: a pet that is groomed regularly will be much less likely to have fleas, ticks or other skin infections.
  • Comfort and freshness.


Choosing a Dog Groomer

Given the advantages of taking care of your dog’s fur, the obvious question of how to choose a dog groomer arises. To choose the right groomer, you must take several things into account.

First of all, look for referrals and reviews on the location you are thinking of choosing. Similarly to when you choose other professional services, having a veterinarian or a trusted individual recommend the groomer is essential. Getting some background about the place and sharing the name of the person who recommended it will ensure a good start.

Secondly, watch how the grooming facility is run before making a final decision. See how your pet is greeted and how they treat other animals there.

One thing that really differentiates one groomer from another has to do with the interest they show in your pet. Is the groomer interested in your dog’s name? How do they greet him? It’s also very important whether they ask about your dog’s health history and any possible skin problems, preferences, etc.

It’s all about carefully considering the interest they have in your pet, as well as the individualized attention they provide. Every animal is different and has their own personality and temperament. A good groomer knows that being aware of these things makes for a better experience, and helps the groomer treat the dog the best way possible.

Opinions on forums and social media also matter a lot. They help you ensure that the locations you’re taking into consideration are good options.

What truly counts is an environment where you can feel the staff’s enjoyment of taking care of animals. If you can find all of this, both you and your dog will have peace of mind at all of his grooming sessions.

Proper Handling is Key

In addition to the attitude of groomer, there are other variables. Another point to consider when choosing a dog groomer is how prepared they are to deal with anxiety in dogs. Many dog groomers have strategies to assist anxious pets. For example, they may play relaxing music or give the animal a massage to help calm him (with a little pampering).

Your pet’s levels of anxiety can greatly influence your visit to the dog groomer. Taking your dog on a walk is very helpful because it will distract him and help him relax.

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Once you choose a dog groomer, trust is something that can only come with honesty and sincerity. For example, if your pet got a small cut from moving around during his haircut, which is not anything out of the ordinary, the important thing is that the groomer communicates this to you. By doing this, the groomer demonstrates concern and professionalism.

Products for Different Types of Fur

Long-haired breeds need different types of products than short-haired dogs. It’s important that the groomer uses the correct products for your dog’s fur type. You must also make sure that all the products the groomers use are good quality.


Another important point has to do with the proper certifications. Whoever is dedicating themselves to the task of dog grooming must have a certificate that allows him or her to do it.

These certifications ensure that your pet ends up in the hands of someone who has unequivocally been trained as a dog groomer. By making sure that dog groomers have their certifications, you can rest assured that they will do the job properly.

Main image source: Oswaldo Rubio

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.