Tips to Stop Your Dog from Peeing in the House

Even though our pet is part of the family, he must behave himself as best as he can
Tips to Stop Your Dog from Peeing in the House

Last update: 06 March, 2018

Many times we don’t know how to teach a dog certain habits. We end up punishing him when he does something bad without realizing it. In this article, we are going to give you some tips to stop your dog from peeing in the house.

Can your dog be stopped from peeing in the house?

The first and main thing is understanding why the animal does his business where he shouldn’t. If he is a puppy, it’s because he still has not learned how to control his bowel movements. If he is an adult, the situation is different. There could be different reasons for this, such as nerves, fear, anxiety, or even the need to mark his territory.

It is fundamental to understand that training at an early age is recommended before punishment. You don’t have to give a speech to the animal because he won’t understand that the carpet is new, the floor is clean, or whatever you say. You simply have to tell him an emphatic and firm “no” so that he knows he did something bad.

In the case of puppies, you should implement the technique of ignoring him for a few minutes after scolding him. That way he will understand that you are angry and that he has behaved very badly. On the contrary, when he stops peeing inside and pays attention to what you taught him, it is advisable to reward him with some toy, treat, or cuddles.

If you don’t have an exterior space and the dog has to spend many hours alone inside, you can mark an area where he is allowed to do his business. Just like for cats, there are also litter boxes for dogs. Some have artificial grass, for example.

If you go to another person’s house, or if it’s during the first days of training, it is essential that you keep your eye on him and pay a lot of attention to his behavior. If you see that he is sniffing some place a lot, or that he is about to urinate (lifting his leg up or crouching down), scold him before he does it.

Tips so your dog doesn’t pee inside

Having patience is the key in these cases. Maybe you don’t have a lot of time for your dog, but it is important that you pay attention to him when you can. Each animal learns at his own rhythm, don’t force it or punish him if he doesn’t learn right away.

Dogs don’t follow a logic or reasoning when urinating. They simply see a place that seems appropriate to them and that’s it. Naturally, they want to keep their personal area clean (that’s why it is less frequent that they pee in their bed) and so they look for a suitable spot far from their belongings.

Some tips to stop your dog from peeing in the house:

1. Use a dog carrier

Put your dog in there while you teach him that he must wait to go out to do his business. Using a crate or carrier, you can teach the dog not to pee as soon as you open the door. This is not recommended if you live in a housing development. The size of this “means of transport” should be big enough so that the dog can lie down and turn around. If you don’t want to do that, you can take him out on a leash that is as short as possible and well-attached to you. That way he won’t be able to squat down or lift his leg in any place.

2. Watch him for 15 minutes

Did you know that puppies tend to have bowel movements in the first 15 minutes after eating and drinking, waking up, playing, or running? After these activities, we recommend that you have a look at him to make sure that he doesn’t pee wherever. And if possible, take him out for a walk in this time.

3. Choose an area where he can pee

If you won’t be at home all day, you can’t expect that the animal will be able to tolerate the need to urinate or defecate. Therefore, you should choose a zone where he is able to do his business. How can you get the dog to choose it too? Sprinkle a few drops of his own urine so that the animal considers it his territory. After he does some activities, take him to the spot so that he knows he must do his business there.

What do you think of these pieces of advice to stop your dog from peeing in the house? Which ones would you put in practice?

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.