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5 Tricks to Keep Your Dog Warm This Winter

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5 Tricks to Keep Your Dog Warm This Winter
Last update: 24 January, 2018

The days of low temperatures are approaching. And, it never hurts to review some tips to keep your dog warm this winter We will tell you some issues to keep in mind to ensure that your dog does not get cold this winter.

Tips to keep your dog warm

Unless you have a dog from a Northern breed, for example, dogs usually suffer from the drop in degrees as much or more than us. Above all, you must take special care in these cases:

  • Small breed dogs
  • Animals with a small amount of fur
  • Those who very young or elderly, or who are sick (especially if they have respiratory problems)

So take note of how to keep your dog from getting cold during the winter.

We tell you some tips so that your four-legged friend can face low temperature days without problems.

1-Procure a warm and comfortable place to sleep

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If your dog sleeps inside the house, it will surely want to sleep near some source of heat. But this is not ideal because then it will notice a significant temperature difference when in other less warm places or when it has to go outside. So place its bed in its usual place, obviously away from the cold, with a mattress isolated from the humidity of the floor and a warm blanket.

In the event that your dog does not have access to the interior of the house, you must make sure that his house adequately protects him from the low temperature. Then, keep in mind that its materials must keep it isolated from the cold, rain and humidity. For example: the floor must be made of rubber or wood, and the walls and the ceiling have to have polyurethane or fiberglass sheeting.

2-Dress it in warm and waterproof clothes for its walks

Sudden temperature changes are what can contribute to both humans and dogs getting sick. When going for a walk, it is ideal is that you bundle your dog in comfortable clothes that protect it well from the cold. Here, fashion or a more or less beautiful design does not matter; the important thing is that the clothing — which you can buy or make yourself—has the function of protecting your dog from low temperatures.

If rain is added to the cold, also put on a raincoat to keep your dog warm. In any case, make sure the animal is still dry when the walk ends. There is also the option of having it wear some shoes, but some specialists only recommend them for animals that have very sensitive foot pads and that have to walk through the snow.

3-Reduce how many times you go out

When the cold, rain or snow become excessive, it is best to only take your dog out when it needs to relieve itself. This will help keep your dog warm throughout the day. While exercise is extremely necessary for dogs, you can supplement outdoor activities with more extensive play sessions inside the house.

The issue is that if you and your pet expose yourselves to low temperatures for too long, there is a risk of getting sick, being at the mercy of bacteria, viruses and fungi. And that is against the point of going out.

4-Do not cut its fur

Do not even think about going to the hairdresser or cutting your pet’s fur when winter just begins to appear. Fur is one of the natural tools that the animal has to protect itself from the cold.

So, no scissors. But keep its coat in good condition with brushing sessions, and if you must bathe it, do so inside the house with the water at a good temperature and in a very warm space.

5-Make sure your vaccination schedule is up to date

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Make sure your dog always complies with its vaccination schedule. And in order to better face the winter season, it should be immunized against kennel cough or tracheobronchitis. The thing is that, although it is not a serious illness, it can be difficult to cure. In any case, pay attention to symptoms such as:

Then, do not fail to take your dog to the veterinarian for vaccinations in a timely manner. And by the way, ask him about any doubts you may have when it comes to making sure you can keep your dog warm throughout the whole winter.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.