Fun Activities To Do With Your Dog

Having a dog is a very gratifying experience. They make you feel so good and loved that it’s hard to even describe. Doing fun activities together is an important part of having a dog. The more varied the activities are, the more fun they are for everyone involved. Here are a few ideas for fun activities to do with your dog.
Having Fun With Your Dog
Doing things together with your dog can be very beneficial for both of you because it strengthens your bond. Going on walks and playing fetch are, of course, good options. But have you ever wondered whether your dog might be bored of doing the same things over and over?
To clarify, repeating certain activities is not a bad thing. The problem is when you both get bored of the same activities, like going down the same street for every walk.
If this sounds familiar to you, ask yourself how you can vary the activities you’re doing with your dog. You would probably be surprised at the number of new ideas you come up with just by looking at everyday situations and objects. And sometimes, all you need to have fun together is each other.

Be sure to always take your pet’s safety into careful consideration, first. The idea is to entertain them, not endanger them. So, choose your materials and settings wisely so that you do not accidentally harm or mistreat your dog.
Fun Activities Using Simple Household Items
You don’t always have to spend money on toys (that your dog is just going to rip apart) for you two to have a good time.
By applying just a little bit of creativity and ingenuity, you can turn simple, everyday objects into an entire playground. Thanks to the internet, you have access to endless ideas and tutorials for homemade toys that you will both love.
Take toilet paper tubes, for example. You can hide treats inside the tubes and place them in strategic locations all around your home. Your dog might also enjoy fetching a stick for a change, instead of their usual balls and toys.

Besides using cardboard tubes, you could also create a kind of ball with treats hidden inside of it. Your dog will inevitably have to destroy the outer layer to access their treats, and this will help them understand what they can and cannot eat.
It’s a very useful tactic to keep your dog from eating random and potentially harmful objects. This idea is definitely a good one to try out.
In the event that you don’t want to make homemade toys, consider the possibility of playing with other things like water or your camera. These are always very fun options!
Playing with Water
From a dog’s perspective, water is perhaps one of the most entertaining things in the world. Sometimes, all you have to do is leave the faucet running a little bit and let your dog do the rest.
A good way of making this activity more dynamic, though, is by changing the speed and the water pressure. If you’re using a hose, you can move it from side to side or from one place to another. This way, your dog can follow the stream of water with their snout while still being able to drink it.
You can play with your dog during your walks together, as well. Consider taking them to a nearby body of water where they can jump in, swim and have a great time. Throw toys into the water for your dog to fetch. It will get them to swim and encourage them to exercise in a new way.

Keep in mind that these are public places we’re talking about, so your dog needs to know how to behave appropriately before you take them. The last thing you want is for you or other people to pay for your dog’s lack of training.
Playing with a Camera
Taking pictures or recording videos can be one of the most fun activities ever. Just think of Mishka, the talkative Husky who became an internet sensation in 2009 — or the keyboardist cat.
Our dogs do really funny things every day, and they love being watched while they do them. So, recording videos of your furry friend is always a good idea.

If recording videos is not really your thing, try taking photos instead. Dogs can become very photogenic, and this is even truer if they allow you to dress them up with different accessories. If your dog seems to enjoy being in the spotlight, take a moment to change up their style and snap a few pictures. We can assure you that you will both have a great time.
Other Fun Activities to Do with Your Dog
- Dog massages are an excellent idea. Believe it or not, there are actually professionals who specialize in them. Try to do it yourself first to see what you think and whether your dog enjoys it. However, if you have the ability to do so, make an appointment for them with one of these professionals. Both you and your dog will love the experience.
- Singing together is also a great option. Try a song with plenty of high notes and, between the two of you, try to cover the song in its entirety. We’re pretty sure you will not be able to do the whole song together, but that doesn’t make this activity any less fun or worth trying out.
- On a different note, why not take some type of class with your dog? The exact kind of class you attend is up to you. These activities not only have the potential to significantly improve your dog’s discipline, but they can also help cement their perception of you as their authority figure.
There are plenty of other ideas you can explore together. The sky is the limit when it comes to fun activities to do with your dog. It’s up to both of you to change up your monotonous routines, so go ahead and start having some fun!
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.