Homemade Cat Toys

Cats have a reputation for being very snobby and demanding animals. This is especially true when it comes to their taste level because cats want to eat best food and have the best place to sleep. However, homemade toys are inexpensive & an easy way to please them.
Things to Consider Before Making Homemade Cat Toys
Before you start, take your pet’s natural instincts into consideration and ask yourself what he likes best. For example, cats need to scratch to wear down their nails. Therefore, they will enjoy having a toy or a scratching pole to help them.
Cats are known for lying around and sleeping all day. It’s common knowledge that they like cardboard boxes, heights and hiding places. These pieces of information can help inspire several different ideas about making cat toys.
No matter what, your cat’s safety needs to be the number one priority if you are planning on making him a toy. Don’t use nay toxic materials and small objects or threads he can swallow.
If you are building a tall structure, be sure to secure it to the ground or the wall. This will keep it from falling over if your cat jumps on it or scratches it too hard.
Prize Puzzle
Cats are very smart animals, and yet the simplest of puzzles can put their minds to work. These animals are also awesome at problem-solving, and enjoy winning a prize or a treat after solving them.
You will need several cardboard tubes to make this first toy, like the ones in toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Lie a few tubes on the floor, and build it upwards in the shape of a pyramid. For example, use four tubes at the base, three on the next layer, then two, and one on at the top. Bind all the tubes together, either by wrapping them with tape or non-toxic glue.

Finally, put treats inside the tubes and wait for your cat to figure out how to get them out. To raise the difficulty level of this toy, put the pyramid against a wall. You can also use fewer treats so your cat has to be more precise with his paws.
Scratching Post
A scratching post is one of the best gifts you can give your cat. Felines love to scratch for several reasons. They do it to spread their scent around the house, to relax or even show affection.
To make a scratching post, you will need a brush with rigid plastic threads, like the ones used to sweep porches or scrub carpets. You can also use a hardware pipe cleaner. Likewise, you will need some strong non-toxic glue to stick the pieces together.
Use the leg of a table leg, chair or wall corner to attach the brush at the height of your cat’s cheeks. It’s really that simple to give your cat place to scratch whenever he wants without ruining your furniture.
Catnip-filled Stuffed Animal
If you know how to sew, making a small stuffed animal filled with catnip is very simple. Cats love this herb because it brings them excitement and pleasure.
You only need a few things to make this homemade cat toy. First, buy or cut out two pieces of fabric that are the same size and shape. You can make a template to be sure that you are cutting out the two pieces exactly the same. You will also need yarn, a needle, stuffing, and a handful of catnip.

Sew the two pieces of fabric together half a centimeter from the edge, and when you have sewn almost entirely around the perimeter, flip it inside out. Add the stuffing and catnip by cramming it small section of the seams you haven’t sewn yet. Once the stuffing is in, sew the hole shut.
It’s very easy to make different types of plush toys: round discs, small pillows or, if you are good at sewing, you can even make mice or any other animal that you want to recreate.
Box Castle
One of a cat’s favorite toys are castles that have different levels and heights to hide and jump from. To make one at home, you will need both medium and large cardboard boxes, non-toxic glue and scissors.
Start by designing where you want to place the boxes and where the entrances will be. Then, cut out doors and holes in the boxes. These doors should not just be the entree and exits of the castle. They should also form tunnels that allow your cats to communicate with each other.
When you have cut out all doors (make them big enough for your cat) and peek-holes, glue the boxes together. Allow them to dry thoroughly. While they’re drying, look for something heavy that you can attach at the base to give it stability. Once you have done that, your cat’s box castle should be ready to go.
Cats are pretty smart, and although they sometimes seem snobby, they still enjoy playing with homemade toys. These types of games and puzzles are great for satisfying a cat’s desires, needs, and natural instincts.
Besides, since the toys in this article are homemade and built out of recycled materials, they are very inexpensive to make and can easily be disposed of once they are worn down.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.