Why does my dog not want to sleep in his bed?

The most common explanation for why your dog would rather spend the night with you is if you allowed him to do so ever since he was a puppy. So now it makes him feel protected, which is a natural instinct in dogs and herd animals.
You wake up and feel something on your feet, a somewhat annoying weight. It’s your dog! He’s done it again. He crawled into your bed to sleep with you, even though you bought a cozy, comfortable bed. Why won’t he sleep in his own bed? You don’t understand. Well, let’s take a look at some reasons and possible solutions to this problem.
Why does my dog not want to sleep in his bed?
One of the main reasons your dog might not want to sleep in his bed is if you’ve been lax with him without realizing it. It’s understandable that you would want to be with your new puppy all the time. As a result, you allow him go anywhere in the house — including your bed.
Dependency is a natural behavior in dogs, even more so when they’re still puppies. Remember that dogs are herd animals, and thousands of years ago when they were wild they tended to sleep in a group to protect themselves from the cold and external dangers.
Now in modern times, as pets, they still have this survival instinct driving them to look for protection. Who other than their owners would they seek out? We do want to clarify that it’s not necessarily harmful to either of you if your dog sleeps with you, so it’s up to you to decide.

How do I make my dog want to sleep in his bed?
If you’re not happy with your dog sleeping in your bed, here are some tips you can follow:
Choose a safe place
Look at where your dog’s bed is. One of the reasons he would want to sleep in your bed could be that his is in a place where there’s a lot of noise or where he doesn’t feel safe. If you think this is what’s happening, move the bed. If your dog is easily scared, you could put it in your room.
It’s best to look for a quiet location against the wall. Putting the bed in the middle of a room may put your dog in surveillance mode all the time. He may think there’s a threat lurking behind him. Also, when choosing the ideal place, remember that temperature is an important factor.
Your dog needs enough exercise to fall asleep quickly. If not, he’ll start running in circles and end up in your bed to find a little respite from his insomnia. However, if he’s tired, he’ll probably lay down in his bed and fall asleep right away.
Eating very late at night can keep a dog from sleeping well, so he’ll look for a more comfortable place than his own bed: yours. Remember that dog’s digestion works much more slowly than ours, so try to give him his last meal in the afternoon, or at least two hours before sleeping.
Be strong
If you think you dog doesn’t want to sleep in his bed because you’ve been too lax with him his whole life, it’s time to make a change… as long as you want him to stop sleeping in your bed. If you no longer let him in, it’s normal for him to whine or bark, but be firm.

Speak with a friendly but firm tone, and don’t expect it to happen at the drop of a hat. Needless to say, teaching him to change a behavior takes patience and love. Positive reinforcement gives the best results; yelling and hitting are not acceptable.
The most common explanation for why your dog would rather spend the night with you is if you allowed him to do so ever since he was a puppy. So now it makes him feel protected, which is a natural instinct in dogs and herd animals.
You wake up and feel something on your feet, a somewhat annoying weight. It’s your dog! He’s done it again. He crawled into your bed to sleep with you, even though you bought a cozy, comfortable bed. Why won’t he sleep in his own bed? You don’t understand. Well, let’s take a look at some reasons and possible solutions to this problem.
Why does my dog not want to sleep in his bed?
One of the main reasons your dog might not want to sleep in his bed is if you’ve been lax with him without realizing it. It’s understandable that you would want to be with your new puppy all the time. As a result, you allow him go anywhere in the house — including your bed.
Dependency is a natural behavior in dogs, even more so when they’re still puppies. Remember that dogs are herd animals, and thousands of years ago when they were wild they tended to sleep in a group to protect themselves from the cold and external dangers.
Now in modern times, as pets, they still have this survival instinct driving them to look for protection. Who other than their owners would they seek out? We do want to clarify that it’s not necessarily harmful to either of you if your dog sleeps with you, so it’s up to you to decide.

How do I make my dog want to sleep in his bed?
If you’re not happy with your dog sleeping in your bed, here are some tips you can follow:
Choose a safe place
Look at where your dog’s bed is. One of the reasons he would want to sleep in your bed could be that his is in a place where there’s a lot of noise or where he doesn’t feel safe. If you think this is what’s happening, move the bed. If your dog is easily scared, you could put it in your room.
It’s best to look for a quiet location against the wall. Putting the bed in the middle of a room may put your dog in surveillance mode all the time. He may think there’s a threat lurking behind him. Also, when choosing the ideal place, remember that temperature is an important factor.
Your dog needs enough exercise to fall asleep quickly. If not, he’ll start running in circles and end up in your bed to find a little respite from his insomnia. However, if he’s tired, he’ll probably lay down in his bed and fall asleep right away.
Eating very late at night can keep a dog from sleeping well, so he’ll look for a more comfortable place than his own bed: yours. Remember that dog’s digestion works much more slowly than ours, so try to give him his last meal in the afternoon, or at least two hours before sleeping.
Be strong
If you think you dog doesn’t want to sleep in his bed because you’ve been too lax with him his whole life, it’s time to make a change… as long as you want him to stop sleeping in your bed. If you no longer let him in, it’s normal for him to whine or bark, but be firm.

Speak with a friendly but firm tone, and don’t expect it to happen at the drop of a hat. Needless to say, teaching him to change a behavior takes patience and love. Positive reinforcement gives the best results; yelling and hitting are not acceptable.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Ros Cuéllar, E. (2020). Alternancia de mirada en perros de intervenciones asistidas con animales: una comparación entre perros adiestrados con el método de refuerzo positivo y perros adiestrados con el método cognitivo emocional (Master’s thesis, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía).
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.