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7 Mistakes You Might Be Making While Walking Your Dog

4 minutes
Whether he's in the park or on the street, your canine requires your attention and carefulness, and correct socialization with other pets. You should also avoid pulling on the leash, and educate your dog to be calm, because anxiety is never beneficial, because of the suffering it causes. 
7 Mistakes You Might Be Making While Walking Your Dog
Last update: 23 March, 2018

In addition to doing his business, dogs need to leave the house to spend energy, get fresh air, and socialize with other animals, and exercise. As owners, many times we make mistakes when walking our dogs, mainly because of misinformation. In this article we’ll tell you what the 7 most common mistakes you might be making while walking your dog.

Common errors made while walking a dog

Perhaps you’ve kept the same walking routine with your pet for a long time.  and there are things you do – or both you and your dog do – that are not good for the animal. Pay attention to the most frequent mistakes made when walking a dog:

1. Not letting him sniff anything

A dog’s sense of smell is very important to him, because it helps him orient himself, find food, identify a person or even prevent a danger or threat. When our dog smells trash, waste from other animals or anything on the street, we automatically pull the leash away.

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However, you should allow him to sniff his surroundings and make contact with the “aromas” of other neighboring dogs. Believe it or not, this habit not only helps him understand the environment, but also to relax.

2. Not picking up his droppings

Maybe you’ve forgotten the plastic bag, or you don’t have time, or it makes you sick… Collecting our pet’s feces is not the most enjoyable task in the world, but we must do it to keep the streets and parks clean. In addition, it prevents diseases from spreading, keeps bad smells from polluting the air, and prevents people from accidentally stepping in it and ruining their new shoes.

3. Pulling on the leash

Although your pet may pull hard on his leash, you will not be able to achieve much if you exert the opposite force to bring him back to you. Dogs can be very stubborn! Also, some big breeds are so strong, they have the ability to knock people down.

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On the other hand, you should know that pulling the leash is not good for your dog’s health because, for example, it causes stress, throat problems and intraocular pressure. How can you avoid this situation? Teach him to always walk by your side, switch to a special harness, or use an extendable leash.

4. Letting him off the leash in the park

One of the mistakes you may make when walking the dog if you have a park nearby is to remove his leash and let him “run free” as soon as you get to an open green space.

It can be a great idea, and even ideal when the animal has been at home a lot and does not exercise, but it can also become a problem for the pets around him.

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This habit can be stressful for other animals, dangerous for small children and even harmful to your own pet. If he is not calm, do not let him go: wait until he calms down a little before taking off his leash.

5. Not exercising with him

Instead of taking off his leash and letting him run wild, why not take advantage of the opportunity to exercise with your pet? You can start by walking down a few streets, then jogging and then, if you wish, you can get on a bike and let your dog run by your side. 

6. Avoiding socialization

A dog that does not socialize is more likely to suffer anxiety, fear or stress. It is therefore essential that you let him have contact with other animals from an early age. The park is an ideal place for this to occur, but with certain ‘ conditions ‘.

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As a first step, you should not force your pet to become a ‘ friend ‘ to other animals. They should be allowed to approach them on their own, sniff them, and feel at ease. Perhaps the first time they meet they will not pay much attention to each other, but the next time they see each other they might recognize each other and even play together.

Remember that large dog breeds should not ‘ get together ‘ with little ones, because they can get hurt inadvertently while playing. Therefore, a Rottweiler with a
Yorkshiremay not be a good combination.

7. Not paying attention to your dog

Finally, one of the typical mistakes people make when walking their dogs is to not keep an eye on their movements and actions. Chatting with other pet owners at the park or constantly looking at your phone are distractions that do not allow you to act quickly if there is a fight or a problem.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.