10 Myths About Dogs

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
There are many myths about owning and caring for a dog. Some of them contain a grain of truth, while others are just old folk tales.
The best way to get good information on taking care of your dog is by talking to a specialist. However, in this article, you can look at a list of the most common myths about dogs and a few things that have been clarified.
The 10 Most Common Myths About Dogs
Dogs Only See in Black and White
Despite what people think, dogs can actually see much more than just black and white. Although there is a range of colors that they can’t distinguish, they can still see pure colors such as red, blue, and yellow, as well as a few more.
A Human Year is Equal to Seven Dog Years
Trying to come up with the equivalence of a dog’s age to human years isn’t quite as easy as you might think is. In fact, there is no exact formula because it depends on every breed.
A dog’s “human age” can vary depending on the dog’s size, breed, and development. There are lots of online calculators that can do this job for you with more precise answers.

Eating Bones Strengthens Their Teeth
People have always said that it’s good to give bones to a dog. This is because they believe that bones help sharpen and clean a dog’s teeth.
However, bones can actually be very bad for your dog’s health. If they shatter or break, and your dog swallows some bits of bone, he can do some serious damage inside. It can cause perforations in the intestine, cut his tongue, or even choke him.
Grass Helps to Purge a Dog’s Stomach
Although it’s quite common to see dogs eating grass, it’s horrible idea to let them do it. Grass, like most vegetation, can’t be digested by dogs, and so it causes vomiting and irritation to the intestinal mucosa.
Some dogs eat grass to induce vomiting and relieve stomach pain. But this is definitely not a good idea. The best solution is to go and see a vet for proper treatment.
If A Dog Drags Their Rear On The Floor It’s Because He Has Parasites
Although parasites can cause anal itching, this isn’t necessarily the reason why your dog is dragging himself on the floor. Sometimes, after going to the bathroom, some feces can dry around the anus and cause itching. Therefore, the way they clean themselves is by dragging their behind on the lawn or ground.
Pedigree Dogs Are Healthier
This is one of the more common myths about dogs, but there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. It doesn’t matter if a dog is a pedigree or a mongrel dog, a dog’s health is determined by many other factors. However, it is true that some breeds are more prone to certain diseases.
Certain Breeds Are More Aggressive Than Others
Sure, some dog breeds have more personality than others, but a dog’s personality is determined by his upbringing. For example, Pitbulls are considered to be an aggressive dog, but it’s more likely to occur because he’s been trained to fight or attack other dogs, or has even been abused as a puppy.
Another myth about aggressive dogs is that their jaws lock after biting, but this doesn’t seem to be true. Like all things, they all depend on the size, breed, and other specific features.
Dogs Heal Their Wounds By Licking Them
Licking wounds is a sign of pain. A dog maybe trying to soothe the discomfort or itching. That’s why they lick themselves. However, this could actually be counterproductive.
A dog’s mouth contains a lot of bacteria so there is a chance of infecting a wound. Not only that, constantly keeping a wound moist stops it from healing. It’s best to try and stop your dog from licking his wounds if you can.

You Shouldn’t Neuter A Female Dog Before Her First Litter
Many experts are quite sure that there is no need to wait for a litter before getting a female dog neutered. Reproduction is more of an instinctive than an emotional thing for animals. A dog is not going to get depressed if she’s not a mother.
Dogs Love Being Hugged
The truth is if you huge a dog, he’s likely to feel threatened. It’s better for you to pet him as a demonstration of affection. He’ll find that much more pleasing.
There are so many myths about dogs, so that why it’s good to clarify a few things. If you’re well-informed, you can make better choices when caring for your dog. However, if you ever come across any doubts about something you hear, you can always go to your vet to seek advice.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Miller, P. E., & Murphy, C. J. (1995). Vision in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
- Bjone, S. J., Brown, W. Y., & Price, I. R. (2007). Grass eating patterns in the domestic dog, Canis familiaris. Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia.
- Brodbelt, D. C., Pfeiffer, D. U., Young, L. E., Wood, J. L. N., Department of Primary Industries, V., Yeates, J., … King Marston, L.C., Bennett, P.C., T. (2011). The price of a pedigree: Dog breed standards and breed-related illness. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. https://doi.org/10.1093/bja/aem229
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.