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Professional team

My Animals is formed by professionals specialized in the veterinary, biological, and animal psychology fields who work to guarantee the quality, veracity, and scientific accuracy of the contents to provide information about the animal world, give guidelines and advice for the care of pets, and defend the rights of animals.

Medic Team

Thanks to our rigorous selection process, we have a trained team of professionals from the research and professional fields who have a great wealth of experience that validates and verifies that our contents comply with the quality standards.

Our team of experts verifies the information in all our content to ensure its quality.

Before each publication, our team of professionals evaluates each article to ensure that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by scientific studies. All content is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that My Animals readers receive quality information adapted to the latest findings and research in veterinary medicine, biology, and animal psychology.

Associated professionals

Luis Gabriel Garcia Trompa

Luis Gabriel Garcia Trompa

Veterinary Doctor
Veterinarian graduated from Universidad de La Salle with more than ten years of professional experience not only in the medical field, but also in the writing of pet related topics.
Veterinarian graduated from Universidad de La Salle with more than ten years of professional experience not only in the medical field, but also in the writing of pet related topics.
Norka Romero

Norka Romero

Veterinarian with a master's degree in animal nutrition, mention in ruminants. Teacher in the area of small ruminants. Tutor and co-author of special degree projects. Evaluator of undergraduate projects in the area of veterinary medicine.
Veterinarian with a master's degree in animal nutrition, mention in ruminants. Teacher in the area of small ruminants. Tutor and co-author of special degree projects. Evaluator of undergraduate projects in the area of veterinary medicine.
Sebastian Ramirez Ocampo

Sebastian Ramirez Ocampo

Veterinary doctor and zootechnician
Alejandro Rodríguez

Alejandro Rodríguez

Biologist specialized in bioinformatics. He is a doctor in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from the University of Salamanca. He has worked on different research projects and as a bioinformatician at various institutes. He has also explored a facet as a disseminator for digital media.
Biologist specialized in bioinformatics. He is a doctor in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from the University of Salamanca. He has worked on different research projects and as a bioinformatician at various institutes. He has also explored a facet as a disseminator for digital media.
Silvia Conde

Silvia Conde

A biologist specialized in animal behavior. She has worked with exotic and endangered animals in projects that mediate their preservation. She has also worked as a veterinary assistant, a laboratory technician, and as a disseminator. She explores this last facet by writing and curating content related to her areas of interest.
A biologist specialized in animal behavior. She has worked with exotic and endangered animals in projects that mediate their preservation. She has also worked as a veterinary assistant, a laboratory technician, and as a disseminator. She explores this last facet by writing and curating content related to her areas of interest.
Samuel Sanchez

Samuel Sanchez

A biologist specializing in zoology. His current research areas are applied zoology, environmental conservation, and ecology. He worked for two years at the National Museum of Natural Sciences collaborating with animal conservation projects. He has a role as a disseminator, which he explores by writing and editing digital content related to zoology and the environment.
A biologist specializing in zoology. His current research areas are applied zoology, environmental conservation, and ecology. He worked for two years at the National Museum of Natural Sciences collaborating with animal conservation projects. He has a role as a disseminator, which he explores by writing and editing digital content related to zoology and the environment.
Érica Terrón González

Érica Terrón González

Veterinary specialist in wildlife management. She has worked in veterinary clinics, as well as in centers and organizations dedicated to the protection of animals. Her collaboration with GREFA and CRAS stands out. She has also worked as a teacher, as well as a writer for different platforms related to zoology, veterinary medicine, and environmental conservation.
Veterinary specialist in wildlife management. She has worked in veterinary clinics, as well as in centers and organizations dedicated to the protection of animals. Her collaboration with GREFA and CRAS stands out. She has also worked as a teacher, as well as a writer for different platforms related to zoology, veterinary medicine, and environmental conservation.
Luz Eduviges Thomas-Romero

Luz Eduviges Thomas-Romero

A bioanalyst specialized in biochemistry. She has extensive experience as a scientific researcher, lecturer, and as a tutor for end-of-degree projects. She has carried out research in foreign universities, and has specialized in intestinal physiology in animals and humans. She collaborates as an advisor for research articles in indexed journals, as well as a writer for digital media.
A bioanalyst specialized in biochemistry. She has extensive experience as a scientific researcher, lecturer, and as a tutor for end-of-degree projects. She has carried out research in foreign universities, and has specialized in intestinal physiology in animals and humans. She collaborates as an advisor for research articles in indexed journals, as well as a writer for digital media.
Francisco María García

Francisco María García

A lawyer specializing in business management and finance. His career in the legal field was gradually replaced with one as a professional copywriter. For more than 8 years Francisco García has been devoted his time to writing, editing, and curating texts for different digital media. He also collaborates in marketing campaigns, advertising, and business projects.
A lawyer specializing in business management and finance. His career in the legal field was gradually replaced with one as a professional copywriter. For more than 8 years Francisco García has been devoted his time to writing, editing, and curating texts for different digital media. He also collaborates in marketing campaigns, advertising, and business projects.
Cesar Paul Gonzalez Gonzalez

Cesar Paul Gonzalez Gonzalez

A biologist specializing in genetics and molecular biology. He has worked as a scientific disseminator, as a collaborator in environmental impact manifestos, as a laboratory assistant, and as a teacher and tutor. He has focused on the social impact of knowledge about biology, with the aim of using this as a benefit for people in general.
A biologist specializing in genetics and molecular biology. He has worked as a scientific disseminator, as a collaborator in environmental impact manifestos, as a laboratory assistant, and as a teacher and tutor. He has focused on the social impact of knowledge about biology, with the aim of using this as a benefit for people in general.
Elsa M. de Arribas

Elsa M. de Arribas

A biologist specializing in cell biology and bioinformatics. She is currently studying for a doctorate at the University of La Coruña, where she is expanding her knowledge of bioinformatics. She combines her studies with her work as a writer specializing in biology, animals, and nature in general.
A biologist specializing in cell biology and bioinformatics. She is currently studying for a doctorate at the University of La Coruña, where she is expanding her knowledge of bioinformatics. She combines her studies with her work as a writer specializing in biology, animals, and nature in general.
Laura Huelin

Laura Huelin

Dog trainer
She has a degree in Hispanic Philology. Her passion for language is complemented by her desire to advance in the study, understanding, and care of animals. Specifically, she has specialized at a theoretical and practical level in dog training. She uses a positive approach and advises and accompanies dog owners so that they can assimilate techniques, methods, and strategies of canine care.
She has a degree in Hispanic Philology. Her passion for language is complemented by her desire to advance in the study, understanding, and care of animals. Specifically, she has specialized at a theoretical and practical level in dog training. She uses a positive approach and advises and accompanies dog owners so that they can assimilate techniques, methods, and strategies of canine care.
Sara González Juárez

Sara González Juárez

Degree in Psychology with a penchant for ethology. She has specialized in comparative psychology and cognitive psychology, and has also expanded her training in the area of zoology and veterinary medicine. She has collaborated with zoos and botanical organizations, as well as carrying out outreach and environmental education activities.
Degree in Psychology with a penchant for ethology. She has specialized in comparative psychology and cognitive psychology, and has also expanded her training in the area of zoology and veterinary medicine. She has collaborated with zoos and botanical organizations, as well as carrying out outreach and environmental education activities.
Natalia Laguna

Natalia Laguna

A biologist specializing in ecology and wildlife preservation. She has collaborated with various research projects, as an environmental educator, as a field technician, and as a botanical technician. She has experience in viticulture, soil analysis, oenology, environmental sensitivity programs, and as a facilitator of ecosystem conservation workshops.
A biologist specializing in ecology and wildlife preservation. She has collaborated with various research projects, as an environmental educator, as a field technician, and as a botanical technician. She has experience in viticulture, soil analysis, oenology, environmental sensitivity programs, and as a facilitator of ecosystem conservation workshops.
Jose Maria Rodriguez Diaz-Sarabia

Jose Maria Rodriguez Diaz-Sarabia

A biologist specializing in microbiology and research techniques in clinical laboratories. He has been part of different research projects related to virology, bacteriology, and zoology. He has also worked with different clinical institutions, and at the same time has developed a facet as a disseminator.
A biologist specializing in microbiology and research techniques in clinical laboratories. He has been part of different research projects related to virology, bacteriology, and zoology. He has also worked with different clinical institutions, and at the same time has developed a facet as a disseminator.
Georgelin Espinoza Medina

Georgelin Espinoza Medina

A biologist with extensive experience in projects related to the conservation and promotion of the environment. She is currently studying to specialize in protozoology, an area that she has introduced into the workplace. She also has experience in popularizing science and writing materials and articles related to biology.
A biologist with extensive experience in projects related to the conservation and promotion of the environment. She is currently studying to specialize in protozoology, an area that she has introduced into the workplace. She also has experience in popularizing science and writing materials and articles related to biology.
Ana Díaz Maqueda

Ana Díaz Maqueda

A biologist specialized in animal behavior. She has worked as a veterinary technician, animal facility technician, animal caretaker, and volunteer in programs related to animal and environmental conservation. She uses the knowledge acquired during her training as a writer, editor, and disseminator of articles on ethology and animals in general.
A biologist specialized in animal behavior. She has worked as a veterinary technician, animal facility technician, animal caretaker, and volunteer in programs related to animal and environmental conservation. She uses the knowledge acquired during her training as a writer, editor, and disseminator of articles on ethology and animals in general.
Daniel Aguilar

Daniel Aguilar

Veterinary doctor specialized in zootechnics. He has extensive experience collaborating with activities and projects related to environmental sustainability, the agricultural sector and animal welfare. He has participated in conferences, seminars and research programs focused on these areas of interest.
Veterinary doctor specialized in zootechnics. He has extensive experience collaborating with activities and projects related to environmental sustainability, the agricultural sector and animal welfare. He has participated in conferences, seminars and research programs focused on these areas of interest.
Eugenio Fernández Suárez

Eugenio Fernández Suárez

A veterinarian specialized in primate ethology. He is currently secretary of AVEFES Nacional, as well as supervisor of the Department of Primates and Small Mammals at Oasis WildLife. He has extensive experience as a volunteer in animal conservation programs, as well as being a disseminator to create awareness regarding animal welfare.
A veterinarian specialized in primate ethology. He is currently secretary of AVEFES Nacional, as well as supervisor of the Department of Primates and Small Mammals at Oasis WildLife. He has extensive experience as a volunteer in animal conservation programs, as well as being a disseminator to create awareness regarding animal welfare.
Raquel Rubio Sotos

Raquel Rubio Sotos

A biologist specializing in animal care and environmental management. She has worked as a volunteer in conservation projects, as well as a facilitator of programs, talks and outreach events. She works as an environmental educator at FAUNIA, so she teaches children, youth, and adults about environmental preservation. She also has experience in the care and protection of birds of prey.
A biologist specializing in animal care and environmental management. She has worked as a volunteer in conservation projects, as well as a facilitator of programs, talks and outreach events. She works as an environmental educator at FAUNIA, so she teaches children, youth, and adults about environmental preservation. She also has experience in the care and protection of birds of prey.
Miguel Mata Gallego

Miguel Mata Gallego

A biologist specializing in environmental conservation and soil analysis. He's currently developing his studies to access the Master's Degree in Ecosystem Restoration at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked on research projects and consultancies on urban trees. He's also an amateur writer, a facet that he manifests through collaboration as a writer for digital media.
A biologist specializing in environmental conservation and soil analysis. He's currently developing his studies to access the Master's Degree in Ecosystem Restoration at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked on research projects and consultancies on urban trees. He's also an amateur writer, a facet that he manifests through collaboration as a writer for digital media.
María Muñoz Navarro

María Muñoz Navarro

Biologist specializing in microbiology. She has worked on various research projects, as a disseminator and as a laboratory technician. She currently works as a quality control technician at Aquamar.
Biologist specializing in microbiology. She has worked on various research projects, as a disseminator and as a laboratory technician. She currently works as a quality control technician at Aquamar.
Paloma de los Milagros

Paloma de los Milagros

A biologist specialized in food quality. She has extensive experience as a quality control technician in microbiological and physicochemical processes. She also has a degree in Journalism, which has allowed her to translate his knowledge of biology into popular articles.
A biologist specialized in food quality. She has extensive experience as a quality control technician in microbiological and physicochemical processes. She also has a degree in Journalism, which has allowed her to translate his knowledge of biology into popular articles.
Juan Pedro Vazquez Espeso

Juan Pedro Vazquez Espeso

Veterinarian specialized in the care and preservation of small exotic animals. He has accumulated more than 8 years of experience working in animal clinics, a profession that he combines with a role as a disseminator. He has also trained professionally in the area of food safety in industries.
Veterinarian specialized in the care and preservation of small exotic animals. He has accumulated more than 8 years of experience working in animal clinics, a profession that he combines with a role as a disseminator. He has also trained professionally in the area of food safety in industries.