Samuel Sanchez
A biologist specializing in zoology. His current research areas are applied zoology, environmental conservation, and ecology. He worked for two years at the National Museum of Natural Sciences collaborating with animal conservation projects. He has a role as a disseminator, which he explores by writing and editing digital content related to zoology and the environment.
About the author
Graduated in Biology from the University of Alcalá de Henares (2018). His training was completed with a Master's degree in Zoology from the Complutense University of Madrid (2019).
Throughout his student career, he was part of a research team at the Department of Evolutionary Biology of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. During this period he carried out various activities related to the conservation of the fauna on the Iberian Peninsula, from population estimates and calculation of demographic parameters; to genetic studies in small vertebrates.
Due to his interest in conservation and scientific dissemination, he has also been associated with congresses such as the V Congress of Positive Biotic Interactions in Madrid (2016) and the Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology in Salamanca (2018). In the first, he obtained a Diploma of excellence for his paper From animals to zombies: indirect mutualism.
Currently, his areas of interest are applied zoology, restoration, and conservation of ecosystems and ecology. He also works as a disseminator, a facet that he explores through the writing and editing of digital content on the aforementioned topics.