Erectile Dysfunction in Dogs

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
Dogs have many diseases and conditions in common with humans. In this article, we’ll look at erectile dysfunction in dogs.
Experts in animal reproduction explain that erectile dysfunction isn’t a problem exclusive to men. Dogs can also have problems achieving and maintaining an erection. In these cases, the most important thing is to determine the cause of the problem.
Why does erectile dysfunction in dogs happen?
Erectile dysfunction in dogs is a reality, although it occurs in a smaller proportion than it does in men. It’s one of the many ailments and diseases that dogs have in common with humans.
Generally, dog owners discover erectile dysfunction problems when they want their dogs to breed. When this problem occurs, it’s essential to take the dog to a vet.
First of all, the specialist must determine the cause or causes of the problem, and based on this they’ll be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for the animal.
Erectile dysfunction in dogs can develop as a consequence of other underlying problems. The most common causes are hormonal imbalance, behavioral problems, vascular problems, poor sexual stimulation, fear due to past painful experiences, anomalies or deformities in the reproductive system, etc.
Dogs and viagra
Viagra is one of the best-known drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Surprisingly, it’s also prescribed for dogs, and has been since long before it was used in men. However, contrary to what you might think, it’s not used for this purpose in dogs.
Viagra has been used for many years to treat pulmonary hypertension in dogs. The drug is a vasodilator, meaning it increases and improves blood flow; this significantly improves the animal’s quality of life.
It should be remembered that the use of Viagra as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in dogs isn’t so common. The main reason for this is that its effectiveness against the condition hasn’t been proven.
The important thing is for the vet to determine what’s causing the problem in the animal, and to use this to decide on the most appropriate treatment based on its clinical history.
Nutrition and erectile dysfunction in dogs
In addition to the above-mentioned causes, nutrition can also be an important factor in the sexual performance of dogs. In fact, poor nutrition can lead to problems such as loss of libido, decreased sperm count, and testicular atrophy, among other issues.
On the other hand, the dog may also have problems mating if it’s overfed. This is due to weight gain which translates into difficulties at the time of copulation. It can also affect the hind limbs and create problems with thermoregulation.
Generally, these effects can be observed when the protein content of the dog’s food is less than 2%. Similarly, a vitamin A deficiency can result in different atrophies; the consequence will be a decrease in the quality of the semen that the dog produces.
Their environment: the key to dog performance
Dogs’ sexual behavior is regulated by hormones, but their environment is also an important part of the whole mating process. This process involves identification, pursuit, courtship, and finally copulation.
Although there are genetic and hormonal factors, auditory, olfactory, visual and tactile stimuli are all essential for the animal to perform well.
Home remedies for erectile dysfunction in dogs
In addition to the option of acquiring a commercial drug such as Viagra, it’s also possible to make carry out treatment at home. This will be a 100% natural product, made from aphrodisiac ingredients which are good for the dog’s health.
However, when preparing anything for dogs to consume, it’s important to remember that they can’t eat all the same things as us. That’s to say, some ingredients or foods which are common in our diet can be very harmful for dogs.
Dogs have many diseases and conditions in common with humans. In this article, we’ll look at erectile dysfunction in dogs.
Experts in animal reproduction explain that erectile dysfunction isn’t a problem exclusive to men. Dogs can also have problems achieving and maintaining an erection. In these cases, the most important thing is to determine the cause of the problem.
Why does erectile dysfunction in dogs happen?
Erectile dysfunction in dogs is a reality, although it occurs in a smaller proportion than it does in men. It’s one of the many ailments and diseases that dogs have in common with humans.
Generally, dog owners discover erectile dysfunction problems when they want their dogs to breed. When this problem occurs, it’s essential to take the dog to a vet.
First of all, the specialist must determine the cause or causes of the problem, and based on this they’ll be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for the animal.
Erectile dysfunction in dogs can develop as a consequence of other underlying problems. The most common causes are hormonal imbalance, behavioral problems, vascular problems, poor sexual stimulation, fear due to past painful experiences, anomalies or deformities in the reproductive system, etc.
Dogs and viagra
Viagra is one of the best-known drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Surprisingly, it’s also prescribed for dogs, and has been since long before it was used in men. However, contrary to what you might think, it’s not used for this purpose in dogs.
Viagra has been used for many years to treat pulmonary hypertension in dogs. The drug is a vasodilator, meaning it increases and improves blood flow; this significantly improves the animal’s quality of life.
It should be remembered that the use of Viagra as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in dogs isn’t so common. The main reason for this is that its effectiveness against the condition hasn’t been proven.
The important thing is for the vet to determine what’s causing the problem in the animal, and to use this to decide on the most appropriate treatment based on its clinical history.
Nutrition and erectile dysfunction in dogs
In addition to the above-mentioned causes, nutrition can also be an important factor in the sexual performance of dogs. In fact, poor nutrition can lead to problems such as loss of libido, decreased sperm count, and testicular atrophy, among other issues.
On the other hand, the dog may also have problems mating if it’s overfed. This is due to weight gain which translates into difficulties at the time of copulation. It can also affect the hind limbs and create problems with thermoregulation.
Generally, these effects can be observed when the protein content of the dog’s food is less than 2%. Similarly, a vitamin A deficiency can result in different atrophies; the consequence will be a decrease in the quality of the semen that the dog produces.
Their environment: the key to dog performance
Dogs’ sexual behavior is regulated by hormones, but their environment is also an important part of the whole mating process. This process involves identification, pursuit, courtship, and finally copulation.
Although there are genetic and hormonal factors, auditory, olfactory, visual and tactile stimuli are all essential for the animal to perform well.
Home remedies for erectile dysfunction in dogs
In addition to the option of acquiring a commercial drug such as Viagra, it’s also possible to make carry out treatment at home. This will be a 100% natural product, made from aphrodisiac ingredients which are good for the dog’s health.
However, when preparing anything for dogs to consume, it’s important to remember that they can’t eat all the same things as us. That’s to say, some ingredients or foods which are common in our diet can be very harmful for dogs.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.