6 Traps for Mice (Without Killing Them)

Written and verified by the psychologist Sara González Juárez
Fortunately, the role of small rodents in the ecosystem is being recognized more and more every day, and people are looking for humane traps for mice, rats, and other animals. This new and respectful way of getting them out of the home is good for them, obviously, and has the same result for humans, as the rodents disappear from your home!
If you suspect that a mouse has sneaked into your home and you want to get it out, here are the best solutions, as well as the most ethical ones. Don’t miss them, as one of them is sure to be the best for your specific case.
Catch and release traps for mice
There are many types of traps for mice that don’t kill the rodent. All of them follow the idea you read in the title: capture the animal and release it later somewhere else. Below are some commercial and homemade examples, so don’t miss them.
1. Trap cages
These cages are equipped with a mechanism that allows the mouse to enter, but not to leave. If you suspect the presence of a rodent at home, you only have to place the cage close to where you observe their activity and put a succulent bait inside them.
There are traps that allow you to catch several mice at once in case a group is installed in your home.
Remember to check the traps several times a day, as the little ones could die of stress or starvation if they spend too much time inside them. Once you find one, it’s time to release it.
Ideally, you should release the captured specimens at least 8 kilometers from your home and in a rural environment. Otherwise, the mice will easily find their way back and relocate to your surroundings, either in your own home or in the neighbors’.

2. Bowl and coin
This is one of our homemade traps for mice. It has a mechanism that you probably know about: placing a glass or bowl upside down and lifting it with the help of a coin placed on edge (or other material, such as wood). Then, place food under the glass for the mouse to enter. When it does so, the mouse will move its grip and the glass will fall on it, trapping it.
Afterwards, you will only have to insert something flat and resistant underneath to transport the bowl with the rodent inside. Release it following the instructions in the previous section and problem solved.
3. High container
If you have a container at home that’s taller than it is wide, you can use it as a trap. Just place a ramp up to the edge and place succulent food inside the container. Make sure it has a strong smell, as this will attract the mouse more easily. Once it falls in, the height will be too high for it to get out and it will be trapped. Then it’s as easy as covering it, and taking it away to release it.
Mice are agile and capable of making big jumps, so you’ll have to choose a fairly high container with smooth walls so that it can’t escape.
4. Towel and garbage can
This technique is for when you have direct contact with the mouse. If you spot it and it’s within your reach, throw a towel over it and place a wastebasket over the lump it will form under it. Be careful with this method, because you’ll need to be very agile so that it doesn’t escape or you’ll hurt it unintentionally.
5. Bottle technique
This is one of the easiest and most ethical mouse traps to make. To make it, all you need is a bottle, wood in the shape of a square, and a wire. Pierce the center of the bottle with the wire and attach it to the piece of wood, so that the container is left as a kind of rocker.
The idea is that the mouse enters the bottle to take the bait, which will be in the back of the bottle. In doing so, it’ll swing the bottle and cause the opening to be placed against the wood, plugging the exit. The mechanism couldn’t be simpler and more economical at the same time.
There are many versions of this trap on the web, so feel free to explore and find the one that best suits your possibilities.
6. Tubes for burrows
Going back to the mouse traps sold on the market, you also have the option of buying one of this type, which has a tubular shape and is placed at the entrances of the burrows of rodents and garden voles. The animal will enter and get trapped.
Remember to check this trap every so often, because it’s small and the mouse won’t be able to move too much. It’s a tool to be used at specific moments, not to be left unattended for long periods of time.

Mice will often want to enter a house in search of food. However, rather than capturing them, it’s best to prevent them from entering your home by using a technique to scare small animals away from your home.
If you choose to spare these rodents’ lives once they enter your home, you’ll be taking the most ethical and respectful path there is, so don’t hesitate to use any of the techniques we’ve told you about today.
Fortunately, the role of small rodents in the ecosystem is being recognized more and more every day, and people are looking for humane traps for mice, rats, and other animals. This new and respectful way of getting them out of the home is good for them, obviously, and has the same result for humans, as the rodents disappear from your home!
If you suspect that a mouse has sneaked into your home and you want to get it out, here are the best solutions, as well as the most ethical ones. Don’t miss them, as one of them is sure to be the best for your specific case.
Catch and release traps for mice
There are many types of traps for mice that don’t kill the rodent. All of them follow the idea you read in the title: capture the animal and release it later somewhere else. Below are some commercial and homemade examples, so don’t miss them.
1. Trap cages
These cages are equipped with a mechanism that allows the mouse to enter, but not to leave. If you suspect the presence of a rodent at home, you only have to place the cage close to where you observe their activity and put a succulent bait inside them.
There are traps that allow you to catch several mice at once in case a group is installed in your home.
Remember to check the traps several times a day, as the little ones could die of stress or starvation if they spend too much time inside them. Once you find one, it’s time to release it.
Ideally, you should release the captured specimens at least 8 kilometers from your home and in a rural environment. Otherwise, the mice will easily find their way back and relocate to your surroundings, either in your own home or in the neighbors’.

2. Bowl and coin
This is one of our homemade traps for mice. It has a mechanism that you probably know about: placing a glass or bowl upside down and lifting it with the help of a coin placed on edge (or other material, such as wood). Then, place food under the glass for the mouse to enter. When it does so, the mouse will move its grip and the glass will fall on it, trapping it.
Afterwards, you will only have to insert something flat and resistant underneath to transport the bowl with the rodent inside. Release it following the instructions in the previous section and problem solved.
3. High container
If you have a container at home that’s taller than it is wide, you can use it as a trap. Just place a ramp up to the edge and place succulent food inside the container. Make sure it has a strong smell, as this will attract the mouse more easily. Once it falls in, the height will be too high for it to get out and it will be trapped. Then it’s as easy as covering it, and taking it away to release it.
Mice are agile and capable of making big jumps, so you’ll have to choose a fairly high container with smooth walls so that it can’t escape.
4. Towel and garbage can
This technique is for when you have direct contact with the mouse. If you spot it and it’s within your reach, throw a towel over it and place a wastebasket over the lump it will form under it. Be careful with this method, because you’ll need to be very agile so that it doesn’t escape or you’ll hurt it unintentionally.
5. Bottle technique
This is one of the easiest and most ethical mouse traps to make. To make it, all you need is a bottle, wood in the shape of a square, and a wire. Pierce the center of the bottle with the wire and attach it to the piece of wood, so that the container is left as a kind of rocker.
The idea is that the mouse enters the bottle to take the bait, which will be in the back of the bottle. In doing so, it’ll swing the bottle and cause the opening to be placed against the wood, plugging the exit. The mechanism couldn’t be simpler and more economical at the same time.
There are many versions of this trap on the web, so feel free to explore and find the one that best suits your possibilities.
6. Tubes for burrows
Going back to the mouse traps sold on the market, you also have the option of buying one of this type, which has a tubular shape and is placed at the entrances of the burrows of rodents and garden voles. The animal will enter and get trapped.
Remember to check this trap every so often, because it’s small and the mouse won’t be able to move too much. It’s a tool to be used at specific moments, not to be left unattended for long periods of time.

Mice will often want to enter a house in search of food. However, rather than capturing them, it’s best to prevent them from entering your home by using a technique to scare small animals away from your home.
If you choose to spare these rodents’ lives once they enter your home, you’ll be taking the most ethical and respectful path there is, so don’t hesitate to use any of the techniques we’ve told you about today.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- The Open Sanctuary Project, Inc. (2021a, mayo 4). Compassionate Wildlife Practices At Your Animal Sanctuary. The Open Sanctuary Project. Recuperado 6 de enero de 2022, de https://opensanctuary.org/article/compassionate-wildlife-practices/
- Branco, A. R. V., Soriano, V. S., Schnaider, M. A., & Molento, C. F. M. (2017). Compassionate conservation: Concept and applications. Archives of Veterinary Science, 22(4).
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.