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How to Healthily Treat Vomiting in Dogs

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With the proper tips and natural solutions, you can help your dog feel better in no time
How to Healthily Treat Vomiting in Dogs
Last update: 11 March, 2018

Vomiting is usually normal in dogs. But when it goes on for too long, it could indicate something else. Knowing how to treat vomiting in dogs is important. Let’s be able to help our pet get the help that they need.

Why dogs vomit

Before knowing how to help our pet, we must know the causes and symptoms of vomiting.


Vomiting in dogs often starts with intestinal parasites. This is one anomaly that we must treat immediately. After all, ignoring it could cause life-threatening pathologies for the animal.

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It’s necessary to take special care with puppies. Also, dogs that have not been dewormed need special care. Additionally, malnourished dogs need more attention. After all, they all have weakened immune systems.

Properly trained, man can be dog’s best friend.

-Corey Ford-

Metabolic illnesses

Any type of illness that has to do with metabolism, such as renal failure, intestinal obstruction, or a problem with the liver, can cause vomiting.

Viral infections

These illnesses, such as parvovirus or distemper, lead to vomiting in dogs. The dogs that most prone to this are younger and not immunized. Therefore, it’s important to keep your pup up to date with vaccines.


It’s possible that you may see your dog vomiting for no reason, which could be a food allergy. If you’ve recently changed the dog’s food or he’s eaten something that he’s not used to, it’s possible that this presented an allergy and that’s being shown by vomiting.


We use so many chemical products that sometimes we don’t realize the damage that they may cause us or those around us like our pets.

The simple odor could poison them and lead them to vomit. Also you must ensure that these products are kept far from your pet, in a place that he can’t access.

Other reasons

A tumor, inflammation in the intestine, an ulcer or a panic attack might also make your dog vomit.

What to do when your dog is vomiting

Now that we’ve identified the causes and we know which are serious and which are not as serious, it’s time to act in the case our dog vomits.

These are the steps to follow to treat vomiting in dogs:

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  • Identify if it’s vomiting or regurgitation. These may be easily confused, but it’s important to distinguish them in order not to act unnecessarily. In the case of regurgitation, it’s a spontaneous event that’s not a sign of an illness, and additionally doesn’t strain the stomach, so it will not cause further damage.
  • Think about the causes. We’ve already made known the causes of why your pet may be vomiting. Think about his diet, or examine him at the veterinarian to be able to give him the necessary treatment.
  • Give him water. Avoid your dog becoming dehydrated. If the vomiting is constant, he will lose a lot of liquid, and that could cause greater damage. Give him enough water. If you see that he is panting and that his skin looks dry, he is definitely beginning to become dehydrated.
  • Put him in a comfortable place. Vomiting is very stressful and uncomfortable, so move your pet to a quiet place to help him feel better.
  • Fasting. While he is vomiting, it’s best that he not eat anything for at least 12 hours. If this time has passed and you give him something to eat and he vomits, you should take him to the vet.

These are the guidelines to follow to treat vomiting in dogs. Watch your pet and observe what is causing him to have the problem. Give him sufficient water and, if you see that it goes on for more than a day, go to the vet.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.