8 Useful Tips to Help Your Pet Cope with Moving House

A change of house is usually a stressful event for you, but have you ever wondered how distressing it can be for your pet? For animals, it is also an uncomfortable situation, and in some cases it can even lead to behavioral problems. For your pet, moving is a confusing event and that is why it’s advisable to plan it calmly. Here you can learn 8 useful tips to help your pet cope with moving house.
Help your pet cope with moving house
1. Choose your dream home with your pet in mind
It’s great that you’re going to share the “house of your dreams” with your pet, but you also need to make sure that your pet likes it and that they’ll have areas they’ll enjoy spending time in. For this reason, experts recommend walking around the neighborhood to determine if it is safe for the animal.
2. Evaluate the space
When it comes to space needs, cats and dogs differ. If your pet is a cat, make sure the place has enough room to create a vertical environment with shelving or whatever you can think of on top of the furniture.
If you have a dog, you should consider the breed and life stage of the canine. Older dogs, puppies and those with training issues will need to go outside often and this is often difficult in an apartment building with lots of stairs or in a home without a yard.
3. Organize packing time
If you own a cat you know for sure that they aren’t big fans of change. Any process they go through, if not done properly, can lead to health and behavioral problems, among other consequences.
Help your frightened cat or dog adapt to the change of house by bringing moving boxes early and familiarizing them with an already empty room. Feed them there and set up their bed and toys.
On moving day, keep your pet in that room with the door closed or at a friend’s house. With this room already empty, your pet can stay there and won’t need to be disturbed while the big move takes place. This will ensure that your cat or dog doesn’t panic and then try to escape while the movers load the truck.
4. Use pheromones
Using a pheromone diffuser in your pet’s room will help them feel more relaxed during the move, as it’s normal for there to be strange and often loud noises in the house. Pheromones are natural scents that are undetectable to humans, but help keep your pet calm. You can also use them in the old house as well as in the new one.
5. Too little food
The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) recommends not feeding your pet near the time of the move, as this can cause motion sickness. Instead, you can give it small amounts of its usual food throughout the day.
This will give the animal something to do while you’re busy and will be gentler on their stomach if they’re feeling anxious. In addition, also provide them with a fun toy to keep them occupied.
6. Familiarize your pet with their crate
Many pets haven’t spent enough time in crates, cages, or cars, so in the weeks or months leading up to the big change, it’s a good idea to acclimate your pet gradually to their crate or cage. To do this, you can place their food inside or give them treats after a car ride in the crate. This will help to avoid discomfort on moving day.
7. Make a safe place for your pet
It’s important that the environment and home aren’t only comfortable and pleasant, but also safe for your pet. To do this, put away electrical cords, cover corners where your pet could get stuck, make sure all windows have secure screens, remove poisonous plants and confirm that there are no poisonous pest control traps anywhere in the house.
8. Introduce your pet to your new home a little at a time
When you arrive at your new home, it will be tempting to let your pet loose in the house to start exploring. However, a new and unfamiliar space can be overwhelming.
So, to help your pet cope with moving house, start by allowing them to settle into a room first. This should include their favorite toys, treats, water bowls, food, and other essentials. Once your pet is comfortable, gradually introduce them to other rooms in the house by keeping certain doors closed.
With patience, your pet will feel at home in less time than you think. For this to happen easily, remember to be patient and follow these tips and the recommendations given by your veterinarian.
A change of house is usually a stressful event for you, but have you ever wondered how distressing it can be for your pet? For animals, it is also an uncomfortable situation, and in some cases it can even lead to behavioral problems. For your pet, moving is a confusing event and that is why it’s advisable to plan it calmly. Here you can learn 8 useful tips to help your pet cope with moving house.
Help your pet cope with moving house
1. Choose your dream home with your pet in mind
It’s great that you’re going to share the “house of your dreams” with your pet, but you also need to make sure that your pet likes it and that they’ll have areas they’ll enjoy spending time in. For this reason, experts recommend walking around the neighborhood to determine if it is safe for the animal.
2. Evaluate the space
When it comes to space needs, cats and dogs differ. If your pet is a cat, make sure the place has enough room to create a vertical environment with shelving or whatever you can think of on top of the furniture.
If you have a dog, you should consider the breed and life stage of the canine. Older dogs, puppies and those with training issues will need to go outside often and this is often difficult in an apartment building with lots of stairs or in a home without a yard.
3. Organize packing time
If you own a cat you know for sure that they aren’t big fans of change. Any process they go through, if not done properly, can lead to health and behavioral problems, among other consequences.
Help your frightened cat or dog adapt to the change of house by bringing moving boxes early and familiarizing them with an already empty room. Feed them there and set up their bed and toys.
On moving day, keep your pet in that room with the door closed or at a friend’s house. With this room already empty, your pet can stay there and won’t need to be disturbed while the big move takes place. This will ensure that your cat or dog doesn’t panic and then try to escape while the movers load the truck.
4. Use pheromones
Using a pheromone diffuser in your pet’s room will help them feel more relaxed during the move, as it’s normal for there to be strange and often loud noises in the house. Pheromones are natural scents that are undetectable to humans, but help keep your pet calm. You can also use them in the old house as well as in the new one.
5. Too little food
The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) recommends not feeding your pet near the time of the move, as this can cause motion sickness. Instead, you can give it small amounts of its usual food throughout the day.
This will give the animal something to do while you’re busy and will be gentler on their stomach if they’re feeling anxious. In addition, also provide them with a fun toy to keep them occupied.
6. Familiarize your pet with their crate
Many pets haven’t spent enough time in crates, cages, or cars, so in the weeks or months leading up to the big change, it’s a good idea to acclimate your pet gradually to their crate or cage. To do this, you can place their food inside or give them treats after a car ride in the crate. This will help to avoid discomfort on moving day.
7. Make a safe place for your pet
It’s important that the environment and home aren’t only comfortable and pleasant, but also safe for your pet. To do this, put away electrical cords, cover corners where your pet could get stuck, make sure all windows have secure screens, remove poisonous plants and confirm that there are no poisonous pest control traps anywhere in the house.
8. Introduce your pet to your new home a little at a time
When you arrive at your new home, it will be tempting to let your pet loose in the house to start exploring. However, a new and unfamiliar space can be overwhelming.
So, to help your pet cope with moving house, start by allowing them to settle into a room first. This should include their favorite toys, treats, water bowls, food, and other essentials. Once your pet is comfortable, gradually introduce them to other rooms in the house by keeping certain doors closed.
With patience, your pet will feel at home in less time than you think. For this to happen easily, remember to be patient and follow these tips and the recommendations given by your veterinarian.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- ASPCA. (s. f.). Moving With Your Pet. Recuperado 3 de diciembre de 2021, de https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/moving-your-pet
- PSDA. (s. f.). Moving home with your pet. PDSA. Recuperado 3 de diciembre de 2021, de https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/looking-after-your-pet/all-pets/moving-home-with-your-pet
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.