Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs

Written and verified by the vet Eugenio Fernández Suárez
Although it may seem strange, fruits and vegetables can also be a part of your dog’s diet. However, many dogs are mainly carnivorous, and they need to have meat as their main source of food in order to be healthy.
Are dogs omnivorous?
The truth is, unlike wolves, dogs have more genes that allow them to digest starches and grains. This is because dogs are descendants of wolves that fed on animal remains and foods of vegetable origin.
In fact, most store-bought dog foods contain a lot of grains and vegetables. Even so, fresh fruits and vegetables should only make up less than 10% of your dog’s diet, or should only be used as treats. Even though dogs can eat these foods, their digestive system and jaw are made to eat meat.
Vegetables for Dogs
There are several interesting vegetables for dogs, and they can make their diets more interesting and nourishing. Among these vegetables are the green leafy ones. For example, spinach and cabbage have a high amount of fiber and antioxidant properties and can be consumed raw or cooked.

On the other hand, carrots can be very fun for your pet because they chew on them like bones. Dog bones aren’t recommended by professionals, but carrots are good for their dental health.
Green beans, peas, and even celery are good for your pet as well because they contain antioxidant properties and vitamins.
Among the fruits and vegetables your dog may like a lot is pumpkin because it’s for dealing with constipation. Potatoes are also an option, but they have to be cooked first because they contain solanine, which is a toxic substance that is also dangerous to humans.
All of these vegetables, along with meat like chicken, are great for making rice with meat and vegetables, which is especially good for elimination diets when detecting allergens.

Fruit for dogs
When it comes to fruit, some berries like blueberries or strawberries have good antioxidant properties, while apricots and peaches can improve your pet’s intestinal tract, but you have to be sure to remove their pits.
Watermelon and melon are foods your dog may like, but you must remove the seeds so they don’t hurt your pet. Pears and apples are also good fruits to add to your pet’s diet as long as he eats them in a safe manner.
Some tropical fruits, like pineapple, papaya, mango or medlars can also be good for your dog. Just keep in mind that your dog should not eat them in excessive amounts.
Be careful of experimenting
Although fruits and vegetables can be added to your dog’s diet, many professionals question if they’re necessary. So, it’s important that you only use safe, well-washed foods that don’t have any seeds or pits.
Remember that you should occasionally give these foods to your dog. They’re not even necessary if your dog follows a balanced diet. Also, remember that many fruits and vegetables are toxic, so you shouldn’t experiment with ones that you not sure if they’re safe.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.