The Basset Fauve de Bretagne: A Wonderful Friend
The Basset Fauve de Bretagne is a relatively unknown breed of dog. However, the hunting world does know all about it. This breed has great qualities when it comes to that activity, but they’re also perfect dogs to keep you company at home.
Their friendly, calm look and their small-medium size make them great pets to keep in the home. Of course, you still need to make sure you give it time to do exercise every day.
The history of the Basset Fauve de Bretagne
This breed comes from Brittany, the northwestern region of France. Back in the day, people mostly used them for small game hunting. Their size and good instincts make them perfect for hunting hares and rabbits, which led to a huge spike in their breeding in the 1900s.
Their rough, thick fur makes it easier for them to dart through areas with thorny underbrush where other dogs would get stuck and get hurt. Plus, their short legs also give them that natural hound posture that makes it easy to keep sniffing the ground and track prey.
As time went on, they started to show up in other parts of Europe, and France was well aware of their hunting skills. People still use them for it nowadays, they’re also becoming more common as house pets, which the Basset Fauve de Bretagne is also great at.
Characteristics of the Basset Fauve de Bretagne
The size of this lovely breed makes it perfect to have in an apartment. These dogs don’t need much space, and are calm enough inside that it’s really easy to live with them.
One thing they do absolutely need is regular physical exercise. They have a lot more endurance than they look like they would have, and sometimes they just need to run off energy.
They’re usually about 36-40 pounds and 13-15 inches tall. That means they’re actually quite heavy for their size, because of their long, wide bodies. Their heads are also large compared to the rest of their bodies, which is what gives them that cute look when they’re sitting down.
Their personality isn’t what you might think from looking at them either. This is a brave, determined breed with lots of confidence. You’re unlikely to see it show fear in the face of any situation because of how the hunters in the past bred them. But don’t worry, the Basset Fauve de Bretagne is very friendly and fun with kids.
They’re tough and won’t get sick too much. Plus, they don’t have any hereditary, genetic diseases or any other problems common to the breed. They don’t need much aesthetic care either, because their tangled fur is part of what makes them look nice.
Their life expectancy is about 10 years, though they can reach 12 with proper care. They’re also just wonderful companions that will bring you lots of joy.
You don’t need to cover them up in winter, either! Their dense fur allows them to withstand cold and rain, like the weather back in Brittany. The roughness of the fur also means it dries off more quickly, which is especially nice if you live in an apartment.
Daily exercise and proper nutrition are the two main things a Basset Fauve de Bretagne needs to be happy and stay healthy. As for you, you’ll get the daily love and protection that a hunting dog knows how to give.
But one last thing about the breed before we go: their cleverness makes them a bit wary of strangers at first. They tend to keep their distance until they get to know a person a bit better. But, after that short phase, they’re super loving and faithful, and you can play together all the time. Plus, they like to sleep a lot, so you’ll have plenty of time to rest!
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