How to Combat Feline Urinary Infections

Feline urinary infections should be treated as quickly as possible. Learning to avoid and detect them is crucial for your pet's health.
How to Combat Feline Urinary Infections

Written by Alberto Fuentes

Last update: 27 December, 2022

Feline urinary infections are one of the most common reasons why cats get sick. You should learn how to identify the symptoms and change certain habits. This, in turn, will help to prevent the appearance of this unpleasant infection.

Any pet can suffer from a urinary infection, but with a dog it’s usually easier to identify, since this type of infection usually means your dog won’t be able to hold on and will urinate inside the house. In cats, since they usually go to the toilet in a litter tray, and taking into account the stealth with which they do it, it can be much more difficult to detect the problem.

Below, let’s see some common behavior in felines when they suffer from this kind of infection. We’ll also take a look at some habits you may need to adjust in order to reduce the possibilities of your cat getting another infection.

Symptoms of feline urinary infections

As is the case with the most animals, urinary infections are more common in females than in males. This risk increases even more with age.

What is the most common symptom you should look for if you suspect your cat may have a feline urinary infection? Listen to see if your cat complains when it urinates. This may be caused by the stinging or burning sensation when urinating. Cats are, of course, quite silent animals, and even more so when answering the calls of nature. So if you hear your cat making noises when it goes to the toilet, take notice!

The frequency that your cat uses its litter box is another telling sign. Your cat may need to use the litter box up to three times as often if it has an infection. A very small amount of urine is also an obvious sign.

A cat licking its paw.

As cats tend to do with any kind of pain, felines normally lick themselves in the affected area. They do this to try to disinfect it naturally. So, watch out for your cat licking its genital area more than normal; it may be trying to relieve pain or discomfort.

Another possible symptom of feline urinary infections may be that your cat starts going to the toilet in another place, apart from in its litter box. This is not normal behavior.

The urine may also be a much stronger orange color than usual. The presence of a little bit of blood in the urine is the cause of a darker color. The smell is also stronger, and you’ll quickly notice the smell in your home.

Other signs of infection

The same as with other infections, the animal can feel a little more out of sorts than normal. This may show itself, for instance, in a loss of appetite, even including vomiting or diarrhea. In the case of felines, their need to be alone is increased even more.

If your cat’s symptoms fit with those described above, it would be a good idea to take your pet to the vet immediately. It may need to take medication. If you delay in getting your friend looked at, it may take longer to get better or this may bring further or more serious consequences in the future.

An infection that’s not detected in time can cause nephritis, an inflammation of the animal’s kidneys. This makes the work of the kidneys more difficult, and the blood won’t get filtered properly. This can, in turn, bring further complications or diseases.

Causes that can provoke infections

Those who live with a cat know how sensitive these animals are to changes. Stress is one of the causes that can be most damaging and can weaken a cat’s health. It can also increase the irritability of the urinary tract.

A lack of physical activity and being overweight doesn’t help either. These factors may cause a cat to be more susceptible to infections. The fact of never going anywhere outside of the home can end up taking its toll on your cat’s health, and it may become overly sensitive to changes in its life.

If felines suffer from other types of diseases, such as diabetes or urolithiasis, then the probability of contracting urinary infections increases greatly.

If your cat also frequently hurts itself or gets involved in fights with other cats, the infections from these wounds can pass through to the urinary tract. They may be caused by fungus, bacteria or viruses.

How can you prevent feline urinary infections?

Foremost in preventing infections is the hygiene of the areas where your cat spends most of the time. Firstly, always have clean, fresh water on hand for your cat.

It’s a well-known fact that cats can commonly pig out on food. Therefore, you should give smaller amounts of food at a time to your cat. It would also be ideal to include wet food in their diet, not just dry cat kibble.

A boy with a litter box.

Of course, make sure you clean out your cat’s litter box at least once a week. Keep it in a dry, quiet place where your cat can feel as private and relaxed as it needs.

Getting into the habit of observing your pet is the best way to detect any potential problems quickly. Then, if you notice something unusual, take it to see the vet. Only a professional should take care of fixing up this type of infection. Don’t forget!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.