The Sixth Sense in Deaf Dogs

Deaf dogs are more common that we think. However, outside of the obvious physical defect, deaf dogs are normal animals. Hearing loss in dogs, as with humans, can result in isolation and loneliness.
Dogs have three highly developed senses that give them the opportunity to have an intuition that’s far more superior to a human’s. Their sight, smell and hearing allow them to face a much more complex sensory world.
The sixth sense in deaf dogs
Almost everyone knows about dogs’ amazing intelligence and intuition; these characteristics are almost as famous as their loyalty. Their ability to sense certain situations before they occur is part of the traits that we’ll point out when talking about canine’s sixth sense.
There isn’t any scientific data that confirms a sixth sense in dogs. However, it’s been proven that dogs are very intuitive and they can tell if you’re happy or sad just by hearing your voice and reading your body language.
Dogs can perceive a storm that’s approaching. They may jump into your lap to take cover or start barking to warn the family of possible danger. If we cold understand what he’s trying to tell us, then we’d be able to prepare ourselves for incoming adverse weather conditions.

An addition to this, some seismologists think that dogs can predict earthquakes. There are two theories in this regard. The first is that dogs can feel the vibrations of the earth in their legs. The second states that, due to their sensitive hearing, canines can hear the rocks breaking underneath the ground.
Causes of deafness in dogs
Deafness in dogs can be the result of several different factors, and no breed is exempt from the condition. The main reasons for the lack of hearing in our pets are:
Dogs born deaf
Many dogs are born without a sense of hearing. These animals come into the world without the ability to hear for congenital reasons. In most cases, the problem is genetic. This implies that, from conception, a barrier is formed in the auditory apparatus.
There are some breeds and characteristics that are more prone to this type of disability. The bull terrier and the boxer are two of the breeds that suffer from this condition most frequently. Dogs with white fur are also more likely to be born deaf.
Otitis in dogs
Different states of inflammation can cause ear infections that can lead to deafness in dogs. Depending on the depth of the ear infection, our furry friend may suffer from different types of otitis: external, average and internal.
Another factor that you have to consider is that the dog may have received a blow to his ear. This can cause minor deafness, but it’s very common in animals. Severe trauma in the dog’s ear can cause permanent and irreversible damage.

Old age
Dogs, like humans, cannot avoid the ravages that time leaves on their bodies. Dogs’ ears also age and lose their innate abilities. So, even if your dog is born with a good sense of hearing, the years can affect his hearing and his age may result in deafness.
Is there a sixth sense in deaf dogs?
If the theories about canine intuition are based around their amazing auditory abilities, then how can deaf dogs also exhibit these types of perceptions? Some canine behavior experts believe that deaf dogs are able to sharpen their other senses – sight and smell – and this helps them preserve their intuition.
We also know that some dogs can perceive their master’s epileptic attack before it occurs. Also, dogs can detect an irregular fall in their owner’s blood sugar levels if he has type 1 diabetes.
It’s believed that humans emit some natural chemicals through respiration. It’s then assumed that dogs can smell these chemical changes and detect diseases.
Whether through hearing, sight or smell, we have to recognize how amazing dogs are. Learning to recognize these behaviors and identify the warning signs could even help you avoid imminently dangerous situations.
Canines can also warn you of people – either people they know or strangers – by reading their body language and looking at their faces. You should listen to your dog if he seems to really dislike a certain person.
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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.