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Instructing Your Dog During The Daily Walk

4 minutes
Instructing your dog during thier daily walk will help them be more balanced, enjoy the experience more, and avoid any problems.
Instructing Your Dog During The Daily Walk
Last update: 18 November, 2018

You’ve surely seen it before or experienced it yourself when a dog pulls on the leash or others that take off running without paying the slightest attention to their owners. There are others that bark for seemingly no reason at all or try to attack other animals. In today’s article, you will read about the importance of instructing your dog on their daily walks and how you can do it.

Instructing a dog on a walk: the main rules

If you’ve only just got a puppy and you’re starting to take them out for walks, then it’s really important to follow some basic rules so  your walks can be fun and easygoing:

1. Collar and leash

They are fundamental for young dogs that don’t have experience going out for walks. This way, your dog won’t move too far away from you and you’ll be able to control them. At first, they’ll probably pull a lot. But, with patience and dedication, you’ll be able to get them walking by your side as they should. In some cases, it would be a good idea to use a harness to prevent any injuries.

2. Control

This is really important for everybody to have a good time with their dog. Your dog, whether it’s a Shar Pei or a Dalmatian, should know that you’re in control and it’s not the other way around. They should walk by your side, not in front or behind you, and follow your steps. Whenever they walk this way, you can reward them with a treat for their good behavior.

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3. Calm

You mustn’t forget that animals can pick up on human emotions. Therefore, when you’re calm, your pet will be calm too. Try to avoid exciting him with words like “wanna go for a walk”. Walk calmly and enjoy the moment. He will too!

4. Patience

Instructing your dog is not a simple task. It needs time, dedication, and effect. However, you will notice the results. Your do will learn a little more every day. If you show them you’re proud and praise them, they’ll definitely want to do a better job on the next walk.

5. Rewards

What better way to show your dog that you’re happy with his behavior than by giving them a treat? It doesn’t need to be a biscuit or edible treat. It could just be petting them, a loving word, or a little bit more playtime.

Instructing your dog while walking off the leash

Once you’ve managed all this, it’s time to move onto something more difficult, as long as you’re sure that your dog wil be able to deal with it. Walking your dog off the leash might seem impossible, but it isn’t.

Best of all is that, once your dog mastered it and appreciates their freedom walking off the leash, your walks will be even more lovely together.

When you start this exercise, you should release them gradually. You can buy extendible leashes that stretch out a few metres. These leashes are meant to let your dog think that they’re free while you actually have control over them.

Choose a wide open space, an enclosed area if possible, and practice the first few times. Their first reaction will be to run off and be overwhelmed with joy, cross the road or bump into other people close by.

It’s really important to use some direct and clear commands that your dog understands when he needs to come back to your side and walk close to you (as if he was on the leash). Just one or two words may be enough: “let’s go”, “walk”, “play”, etc.

Instructing your dog to avoid fights

On the daily walk, most people tend to take their dogs to the park or a green space where there are other animals around. Although socialization is really important for dogs, it can also cause behaviour problems, particularly if they want to attack or bite a “friend”.

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At this point, your dog should now realize that you’re in command and that he needs to follow your instructions. However, sometimes they may “forget” this little detail if they think there is danger nearby (another dog).

At first, don’t let them off the leash, but let them get close to the other dog graudally. Assess their reaction and body language and stay alert in case you need to pull your dog away.

Instructing your dog on the daily walk is not an easy task, but it can give a lot of satisfaction. This is why it’s worth all the effort!

You’ve surely seen it before or experienced it yourself when a dog pulls on the leash or others that take off running without paying the slightest attention to their owners. There are others that bark for seemingly no reason at all or try to attack other animals. In today’s article, you will read about the importance of instructing your dog on their daily walks and how you can do it.

Instructing a dog on a walk: the main rules

If you’ve only just got a puppy and you’re starting to take them out for walks, then it’s really important to follow some basic rules so  your walks can be fun and easygoing:

1. Collar and leash

They are fundamental for young dogs that don’t have experience going out for walks. This way, your dog won’t move too far away from you and you’ll be able to control them. At first, they’ll probably pull a lot. But, with patience and dedication, you’ll be able to get them walking by your side as they should. In some cases, it would be a good idea to use a harness to prevent any injuries.

2. Control

This is really important for everybody to have a good time with their dog. Your dog, whether it’s a Shar Pei or a Dalmatian, should know that you’re in control and it’s not the other way around. They should walk by your side, not in front or behind you, and follow your steps. Whenever they walk this way, you can reward them with a treat for their good behavior.

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3. Calm

You mustn’t forget that animals can pick up on human emotions. Therefore, when you’re calm, your pet will be calm too. Try to avoid exciting him with words like “wanna go for a walk”. Walk calmly and enjoy the moment. He will too!

4. Patience

Instructing your dog is not a simple task. It needs time, dedication, and effect. However, you will notice the results. Your do will learn a little more every day. If you show them you’re proud and praise them, they’ll definitely want to do a better job on the next walk.

5. Rewards

What better way to show your dog that you’re happy with his behavior than by giving them a treat? It doesn’t need to be a biscuit or edible treat. It could just be petting them, a loving word, or a little bit more playtime.

Instructing your dog while walking off the leash

Once you’ve managed all this, it’s time to move onto something more difficult, as long as you’re sure that your dog wil be able to deal with it. Walking your dog off the leash might seem impossible, but it isn’t.

Best of all is that, once your dog mastered it and appreciates their freedom walking off the leash, your walks will be even more lovely together.

When you start this exercise, you should release them gradually. You can buy extendible leashes that stretch out a few metres. These leashes are meant to let your dog think that they’re free while you actually have control over them.

Choose a wide open space, an enclosed area if possible, and practice the first few times. Their first reaction will be to run off and be overwhelmed with joy, cross the road or bump into other people close by.

It’s really important to use some direct and clear commands that your dog understands when he needs to come back to your side and walk close to you (as if he was on the leash). Just one or two words may be enough: “let’s go”, “walk”, “play”, etc.

Instructing your dog to avoid fights

On the daily walk, most people tend to take their dogs to the park or a green space where there are other animals around. Although socialization is really important for dogs, it can also cause behaviour problems, particularly if they want to attack or bite a “friend”.

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At this point, your dog should now realize that you’re in command and that he needs to follow your instructions. However, sometimes they may “forget” this little detail if they think there is danger nearby (another dog).

At first, don’t let them off the leash, but let them get close to the other dog graudally. Assess their reaction and body language and stay alert in case you need to pull your dog away.

Instructing your dog on the daily walk is not an easy task, but it can give a lot of satisfaction. This is why it’s worth all the effort!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.