Animals in Spain: How to Help Them

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
In Spain, there are several foundations, organizations, and associations that provide aid and shelter to animals. There are those who respect and love animals, but, on the other hand, there are others who pay back animals’ loyalty with inhuman behavior.
A suitable home to help animals in Spain

It’s important to find a suitable home where these animals can receive love, friendship, and loyalty. In addition to that, these groups should work together to help control the homeless dog and cat populations. We also need to remember that this is a service to the wider community, and there are health and safety benefits for us all.
In Spain, there are many options to choose from. People interested in helping can become a member of an animal protection group. They can also sponsor or adopt a dog or cat, report abuse, and help to avoid litters that are unforeseen or undesired.
How to help animals
Here are some ways to help animals that really need it:
Work with a protection group or shelter
Become a member of an animal protection group. These types of organizations have to shelter and feed animals, in addition to offering them appropriate health care. The members also help to maintain the shelter’s facilities.
Among the options for helping in animal shelters are:
- Getting involved in campaigns that promote adoption
- Supporting legal initiatives
- Taking part in, and helping publicize, conferences and talks
- Offering help with the facilities.
Outside partners form a fundamental part in maintaining these associations. Because of this, the desire to associate and help raise funds to protect animals is very important.
First of all, you need to choose an association that has the same ideals as you, and, after that, you can then consider their needs and how you could help out.
Sponsoring animals
Sponsoring consists of contributing specific sums of money. Sponsors help maintain the animals collected in shelters in a more personalized way. Some associations even send a photo with a brief history of the animal to their sponsors.
Adopting animals
Adoption is also something that is needed and shelters are overrun with abandoned animals in Spain.
Adopting a dog or cat in a responsible manner is a way of offering a home to an animal that needs it. In return, these animals will usually give all their love and loyalty to whoever adopts them. In Spain, data shows that approximately half of the dogs in shelters end up being adopted.
Avoid unwanted litters
Each year, shelters receive many dogs and cats that come from unwanted litters. Moving house or financial changes in the family are other reasons why pets end up in shelters. That’s why a good alternative for this is sterilization.
Reporting abuse
Reporting abuse is also an important factor in helping animals. Every year in Spain, the Nature Protection Service receives more than 10,000 reports of abuse and violence against animals, including beatings, abandonment, neglect, lack of food, torture, etc.
Citizens who denounce and inform authorities of animal abuse are important links in preventing this type of illegal behavior.
Another important factor is reporting animal abuse videos on the internet. Complaints can be filed through the Nature Protection Service and animal defense associations, which usually have legal advice.
Associations to help animals

You should keep in mind that each animal protection association has its own policy in how it selects the volunteers that help them on a daily basis. However, all those that have an interest in taking part can contact them by phone or by email.
Associations will keep the information of all those who offer to volunteer, and include them on a list which enables them to get in touch whenever they need help.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.