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Watson the Golden Retriever and His Fun Photos

3 minutes
In this article, read all about Watson the Golden Retriever and why this dog has gained so many followers.
Watson the Golden Retriever and His Fun Photos
Francisco María García

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García

Last update: 27 December, 2022

There’s a domestic dog that may become as popular as any rock star. His name is Watson and he’s a Golden Retriever. Today, a lot of people know him for being one of the photogenic animals with the best photos on Instagram.

His funny photos entertain people from all around the world. One of his videos already has more than half a million views.

Watson is quite a peculiar Golden Retriever. His Instagram account @wat.ki has a total of 814,000 faithful followers. They have been captivated by the 298 posts, most of all fun photos, that have been published since the account was opened on January 15, 2015.

Funny photos

Some figure
Source: Facebook of Watson the Smart-mouthed Golden Retriever

Perhaps his most popular video is the one where his owner gives him the order “trust fall” and he just falls back with great confidence and mastery. Up to date, this video has 675,800 views. It’s a real example of training and trust between a dog and its owner.

This account not only talks about Watson, but also about the great efforts its owners make to care for his coat and take those fun photos worthy of any professional photographer.

These dogs are already considered models. In some of the photos, its owners promote the products they use to look after its coat.

Watson the Golden Retriever

Watson is the perfect representation of the characteristics that have made Golden Retrievers so popular. Like others of its breed, this dog is very family-oriented, sociable, and easy to train.

He’s so docile and friendly that he quickly got along with Kiko, another 5-year-old Golden Retriever that was adopted by its owners. Watson is also fond of Harry, the cat who also became a member of the family.

Watson’s funny pictures prove that this breed has an innate and genuine desire to please their human owners as much as possible. If it weren’t so, how could those high-quality photos have been taken? In one of them, you can see Kiko carefully holding a valuable camera.

Cold resistance

Certainly, this dog breed can survive more easily in cold environments. In fact, in the pictures, you can clearly see that Watson and Kiko’s owners live in an area where it snows regularly. However, these adorable pets don’t suffer from the cold, thanks to their coats.

These two adorable dogs represent their breed very well. They also demystify some of the prejudices that exist about it. For example, in many of the photos, you see them covered by white sheets, which are always clean no matter how much Kiko and Watson roll around in them.

This is a strong indication that the problem isn’t pets’ behavior, but rather how much their owners care for them. Moreover, they look calm and loving in every one of the pictures.

Keeping them clean is relatively easy because they love to bathe in water at room temperature.

Caring for a Golden Retriever

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Source: Facebook of Watson the Smart-mouthed Golden Retriever

Something you can easily notice in the fun viral photos is the excellent condition and shine of their coats. It’s obvious that their owners use special brands of shampoo and spend time intensively drying and brushing their coats.

You’ll never see Kiko and Watson with totally cut coats, as they’re obviously taken to dog grooming salons to get their coats styled. It’s evident that their owners know that their coats protect them from the cold and that the breed sheds on its own twice a year.

As you can see, a well-groomed and trained dog can become a global figure. Watson’s fame is the result of the deep knowledge his owners have acquired on pet care… as well as the fun they have with him.

Source of the images: Facebook of Watson the Smart-mouthed Golden Retriever

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