Wonderful Fruits And Vegetables For Your Dog

Animals need a special diet, and not all human foods are good for them. However, some could improve an animal’s health and certain features of his physique. Would you like to know which ones they are?
This article contains a list of the best fruits and vegetables for dogs. Find out which fruits they are and how beneficial they can be for your dog. Don’t miss out.
What Are The Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs?

Nevertheless, your pet currently has no need to hunt. Therefore, it is your responsibility to provide all the nutrients he needs to remain healthy and strong.
As formerly mentioned in other articles, your pet cannot eat human food. Although some actually are healthy for your pet. Would you like to know which ones they are? Fruits and vegetables, but not all of them.
Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs
Fruits for Dogs
Let’s start by discussing which fruits are good for dogs:
- Blueberries. They are high in antioxidants, which help prevent heart-related diseases. They also contain vitamin C and fiber that is good for the canine immune and digestive systems. Remember to remove the seeds because they are harmful to dogs.
- Apples. They are ideal for treating diarrhea. For example, they are healthy due to the high digestive properties coming from C and the anti-inflammatory properties from calcium are good for your dog`s bones. Remember to peel the apple because the skin can cause choking and constipation.
- Pears. Despite popular belief, pears hardly contain any sugar due to being made up out of 80% water. It is also an excellent source of potassium and fiber.
- Bananas. Their high potassium and fiber content are excellent for mental agility and your dog’s digestive system. However, they can occasionally cause diarrhea. Stop feeding your dog bananas if you see this happening.
- Strawberries. These are excellent for your dog’s skin. Just like blueberries, strawberries are high in antioxidant, and help prevent cellular oxidation.
- Watermelons. They have a high water content, which is excellent for fighting the heat and keeping your pet hydrated. However, watermelon should be moderately fed due to being high in fructose content.
Vegetables for Dogs

Now let’s go over the vegetables:
- Spinach. They regulate the gut flora due to being high in fiber. They are also high in vitamins A, C, E, B and F. In order to make full use of their properties, you must serve them raw, thoroughly washed and in small easy to swallow pieces.
- Lettuce and cabbage. Both are excellent sources of iron and antioxidants. They also have analgesic and cleansing properties. You will have to thoroughly wash both of these vegetables because they grow from the soil and contain unhealthy bacteria.
- Celery. This vegetable should be feed moderately to dogs. It is a diuretic which contains digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, and helps strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it helps reduce arthritis pain. If your dog does not like it, you could try blending it all by itself or with other fruits and vegetables.
- Carrots. Other than being high in antioxidants and digestive properties, carrots help strengthen your dog’s teeth by eliminate bacterial plaque.
- Pumpkin. It is good for treating constipation due to being high in fiber. It can be fed either raw or cooked. Although, if you choose to cook it, make sure not to store it away for too long or it will lose its nutritional values.
Remember these fruits and vegetables are meant to complement your pet’s diet, so they should never exceed 15% or 20% of your dog’s food.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.