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Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: Uses and Benefits

6 minutes
The use of apple cider vinegar can work as a natural remedy against some dog health problems, as long as it's applied properly. Let's see its uses and benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: Uses and Benefits
Last update: 22 December, 2022

Many home remedies are often used to treat different health problems in dogs. However, this isn’t always the right thing to do, because if their contraindications are unknown, they can affect the animal in other aspects. Due to its properties, apple cider vinegar is one of the most used products for natural remedies, also in the world of pets. Find out about apple cider vinegar for dogs.

Knowing what uses and benefits apple cider vinegar can have for dogs, as well as how to use it on them, will help avoid making mistakes that could harm the animal. In the following lines, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

Apple cider vinegar against external parasites

One of the best-known uses of apple cider vinegar is as a repellent for external parasites in pets. Its acetic acid acts on them, removing them from the animal’s body and preventing the discomfort they can cause. It’s a natural remedy, easy to make, and simple to apply.

To use it on a dog, just put one part of water and another exactly equal part of apple cider vinegar in a container. After diluting it well, a clean, soft cloth is soaked in the mixture. Then, it’ll be necessary to drain it well and pass the cloth moistened with the remedy over the dog’s body, being very careful not to touch their eyes and nose.

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Benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs

Experts have shown the great benefits of apple cider vinegar. In the case of dogs, in addition to working as one of the best home remedies to treat external parasites, the use of apple cider vinegar can provide many other advantages to the dog, both internally and externally. Let’s see some of them.

It favors the dog’s digestion

Apple cider vinegar helps the dog’s digestive system by eliminating harmful bacteria and regulating stomach acids, among other functions. With this, a better intestinal transit is achieved, which is of great help against constipation. In addition, it prevents annoying gases and favors your pet’s digestion.

It improves the dog’s skin

The health of the dog’s coat and skin can also be improved by the use of apple cider vinegar. In this case, it’s worth highlighting the moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties of the product. When applying this vinegar to the dog, its qualities act on the pH of the skin and the scalp.

Therefore, adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to its water once a day helps prevent dry skin, some infections, and irritations, while improving the shine and strength of their coat. But, not only that, but dogs that suffer from spots in the lacrimal – as is the case of the poodle – will see great improvement here.

Of course, to exert its effects on the coat, it can be applied in the same way as in the case of parasites – by wiping it with a cloth moistened with the mixture of water and apple cider vinegar. Also, there’s the option of adding a little apple cider vinegar to its shampoo at bath time. This technique is also beneficial in reducing bad body odor.

Apple cider vinegar dosage for dogs

Before continuing with the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs, it should be remembered that its use should be carried out in a moderate way, applying the recommended doses for each case. In addition, the ideal thing here is that before you use it in any way, you need to carry out a small test.

If you want to use it as a remedy against fleas, before passing the cloth moistened with the mixture all over the pet’s body, you should only perform the test in one area. Then wait a few hours to see if there’s any type of reaction on the skin. There shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s always best to be cautious.

The doses in the use of apple cider vinegar for dogs must be respected in each case so that it doesn’t harm the dog in any way. Additionally, when it comes to administering it internally – putting it in a bowl of water, for example, you should do this when the animal has eaten.

Taking vinegar on an empty stomach can cause intolerances in animals.

Apple cider vinegar against urine infections

In addition to cleaning the intestinal transit, apple cider vinegar gives very good results in the canine urinary tract, cleaning it out and preventing and improving cases of urine infection and kidney problems. In this way, this product can be used as a complementary aid to the treatment recommended by the vet.

Again, just dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in its water each day, until the dog’s urinary problems improve. Even so, keep in mind that the dog’s hydration is essential, so if this technique causes it to stop drinking, then immediately remove that bowl and give them one without the vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar to relieve canine arthritis

Due to the aforementioned anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its high vitamin C content and its ability to break down calcium deposits in the joints, apple cider vinegar has another great benefit for dogs. It’s very useful to alleviate the pain caused by arthritis.

Again, the way to offer it to the animal will be with a daily spoonful diluted in its bowl of water, without exceeding this dose and monitoring the dog’s reactions. Even so, remember that this is never going to replace a pharmacological treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

In the same way, the potassium that this compound also contains makes it ideal for dogs with hip dysplasia.

Apple cider vinegar as a natural detoxifier

Apple cider vinegar also acts as a natural detoxifier for the dog since, thanks to its properties, it helps in the metabolic processes of fats in the body. It works as a purifier through the elimination of toxins and, as already mentioned in the previous point, it’s of great help in the breakdown of calcium deposits that accumulate in the joints.

In addition to this, it favors the animal’s blood circulation, as well as the cleanliness of its blood. Vinegar in the proper doses is believed to act on the blood pH balance of the animal.


Now that we’ve seen the great benefits that apple cider vinegar can have for dogs, it’s worth remembering and highlighting some recommendations that you should take into account when using it.

First of all, both internal and external applications must be carried out with the vinegar diluted correctly in water and never directly. In addition, the doses must never be exceeded. Finally, we want to highlight the importance of protecting the animal’s eyes, nose and wounds from vinegar.

Second, even though apple cider vinegar can help improve or prevent certain infections, this isn’t always the case and, in some cases, it can even be counterproductive. For example, it isn’t recommended in cases of otitis or skin problems derived from allergies.

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For all these reasons, it’s always advisable to go to a veterinary center that provides a proper diagnosis and treatment for the dog’s condition. You’ll need to ask if the use of apple cider vinegar as a complement is indicated in each specific case.

Many home remedies are often used to treat different health problems in dogs. However, this isn’t always the right thing to do, because if their contraindications are unknown, they can affect the animal in other aspects. Due to its properties, apple cider vinegar is one of the most used products for natural remedies, also in the world of pets. Find out about apple cider vinegar for dogs.

Knowing what uses and benefits apple cider vinegar can have for dogs, as well as how to use it on them, will help avoid making mistakes that could harm the animal. In the following lines, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

Apple cider vinegar against external parasites

One of the best-known uses of apple cider vinegar is as a repellent for external parasites in pets. Its acetic acid acts on them, removing them from the animal’s body and preventing the discomfort they can cause. It’s a natural remedy, easy to make, and simple to apply.

To use it on a dog, just put one part of water and another exactly equal part of apple cider vinegar in a container. After diluting it well, a clean, soft cloth is soaked in the mixture. Then, it’ll be necessary to drain it well and pass the cloth moistened with the remedy over the dog’s body, being very careful not to touch their eyes and nose.

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Benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs

Experts have shown the great benefits of apple cider vinegar. In the case of dogs, in addition to working as one of the best home remedies to treat external parasites, the use of apple cider vinegar can provide many other advantages to the dog, both internally and externally. Let’s see some of them.

It favors the dog’s digestion

Apple cider vinegar helps the dog’s digestive system by eliminating harmful bacteria and regulating stomach acids, among other functions. With this, a better intestinal transit is achieved, which is of great help against constipation. In addition, it prevents annoying gases and favors your pet’s digestion.

It improves the dog’s skin

The health of the dog’s coat and skin can also be improved by the use of apple cider vinegar. In this case, it’s worth highlighting the moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties of the product. When applying this vinegar to the dog, its qualities act on the pH of the skin and the scalp.

Therefore, adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to its water once a day helps prevent dry skin, some infections, and irritations, while improving the shine and strength of their coat. But, not only that, but dogs that suffer from spots in the lacrimal – as is the case of the poodle – will see great improvement here.

Of course, to exert its effects on the coat, it can be applied in the same way as in the case of parasites – by wiping it with a cloth moistened with the mixture of water and apple cider vinegar. Also, there’s the option of adding a little apple cider vinegar to its shampoo at bath time. This technique is also beneficial in reducing bad body odor.

Apple cider vinegar dosage for dogs

Before continuing with the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs, it should be remembered that its use should be carried out in a moderate way, applying the recommended doses for each case. In addition, the ideal thing here is that before you use it in any way, you need to carry out a small test.

If you want to use it as a remedy against fleas, before passing the cloth moistened with the mixture all over the pet’s body, you should only perform the test in one area. Then wait a few hours to see if there’s any type of reaction on the skin. There shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s always best to be cautious.

The doses in the use of apple cider vinegar for dogs must be respected in each case so that it doesn’t harm the dog in any way. Additionally, when it comes to administering it internally – putting it in a bowl of water, for example, you should do this when the animal has eaten.

Taking vinegar on an empty stomach can cause intolerances in animals.

Apple cider vinegar against urine infections

In addition to cleaning the intestinal transit, apple cider vinegar gives very good results in the canine urinary tract, cleaning it out and preventing and improving cases of urine infection and kidney problems. In this way, this product can be used as a complementary aid to the treatment recommended by the vet.

Again, just dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in its water each day, until the dog’s urinary problems improve. Even so, keep in mind that the dog’s hydration is essential, so if this technique causes it to stop drinking, then immediately remove that bowl and give them one without the vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar to relieve canine arthritis

Due to the aforementioned anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its high vitamin C content and its ability to break down calcium deposits in the joints, apple cider vinegar has another great benefit for dogs. It’s very useful to alleviate the pain caused by arthritis.

Again, the way to offer it to the animal will be with a daily spoonful diluted in its bowl of water, without exceeding this dose and monitoring the dog’s reactions. Even so, remember that this is never going to replace a pharmacological treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

In the same way, the potassium that this compound also contains makes it ideal for dogs with hip dysplasia.

Apple cider vinegar as a natural detoxifier

Apple cider vinegar also acts as a natural detoxifier for the dog since, thanks to its properties, it helps in the metabolic processes of fats in the body. It works as a purifier through the elimination of toxins and, as already mentioned in the previous point, it’s of great help in the breakdown of calcium deposits that accumulate in the joints.

In addition to this, it favors the animal’s blood circulation, as well as the cleanliness of its blood. Vinegar in the proper doses is believed to act on the blood pH balance of the animal.


Now that we’ve seen the great benefits that apple cider vinegar can have for dogs, it’s worth remembering and highlighting some recommendations that you should take into account when using it.

First of all, both internal and external applications must be carried out with the vinegar diluted correctly in water and never directly. In addition, the doses must never be exceeded. Finally, we want to highlight the importance of protecting the animal’s eyes, nose and wounds from vinegar.

Second, even though apple cider vinegar can help improve or prevent certain infections, this isn’t always the case and, in some cases, it can even be counterproductive. For example, it isn’t recommended in cases of otitis or skin problems derived from allergies.

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For all these reasons, it’s always advisable to go to a veterinary center that provides a proper diagnosis and treatment for the dog’s condition. You’ll need to ask if the use of apple cider vinegar as a complement is indicated in each specific case.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Suárez, M. E. C. (2008). Remedios caseros para perros y gatos. La Cúpula.
  • Stein, D. (2004). The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs and Cats. B. Jain Publishers.
  • Mitre, A. R., & Burgoa, I. (2013). ¡Fuera Pulgas! Manual para el control de pulgas en animales de compañía. (1.a ed.). A. Robles Mitre.
  • Vinagre de manzana – Revistas UNMSM. Recogido el 27 de junio en https://www.usmp.edu.pe/recursoshumanos/concurso2013/pdf/triptico.pdf
  • Apple cider vinegar for dogs: benefits and uses. Recogido el 27 de junio en https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/apple-cider-vinegar-for-dogs/

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.