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Animals that Mate for Life

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While most animals change from one mate to another numerous times over the course of their lives, there are certain species that mate for life. We'll tell you more in the following article.
Animals that Mate for Life
Francisco María García

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García

Last update: 19 October, 2023

Monogamy doesn’t only exist within human relationships. We can also find animals that mate for life in nature. Yes, there are certain species that choose only one partner to have a long-lasting relationship with. This isn’t common, but these animals develop bonds that go far beyond the basic needs of reproduction.

The reasons that explain why some animals mate for life

Some animals develop bonds that go far beyond reproduction. On most occasions, the explanation behind their behavior has to do with more than romance. In fact, romanticism isn’t the true protagonist of this story.

So, what’s the real reason why animals mate for life? Actually, there are a variety of motives, but we can reduce them down to two: Proximity and the nurturing of their young.

By default, these animals create a permanent bond with another nearby member of the same species. In other words, proximity becomes a question of survival and reproduction.

The care of their young is another key aspect when it comes to why animals choose one partner for life. Just as with human beings, being good parents and defending their young is primordial.

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In other words, on many occasions, these animals stay together for the good of their offspring. In an inhospitable environment full of danger, staying together increases the survival rate of their young.

The incredible animals that mate for life


Parakeets are among the most faithful animals we can find in nature. They are extremely social and, once they find their mate, they stay together forever. In fact, when a parakeet dies, the surviving partner can suffer very strong episodes of anxiety and stress.


The climatic conditions where these animals are born and grow up are very extreme. The only way for young penguins to survive and reach adulthood is the union and strength of their parents. In this case, both males and females are responsible for caring for their eggs and bringing up their young.

Gray wolf

The gray wolf, which originates from North America, the Middle East, and Eurasia, is also one of the monogamous animals that stands out the most. This wolf species forms a pack that consists of a male, female, and their young. These wolves are extremely protective and loyal. Therefore, if someone or something attacks a member of their pack, the attacker will have to face the wolves’ fury.


The albatross is one of the bird species that always goes back to the same partner. These birds take a considerably long time to reach sexual maturity.

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However, once they reproduce, they stay with the same partner for the rest of their lives. In fact, even if they travel around the world, they always come back to their one and only mate.

More animals that mate for life

French angelfish

These beautiful fish are very faithful and protective.Once they begin to reproduce, they stay with the same mate until they die. Unlike other animal species, the parents don’t care for their young once they hatch. However, they stay together just the same, as this is the best way to take on other predators.


Owls remain together far beyond the time it takes them to reproduce and raise their young. Both mother and father take on the responsibility of caring for and feeding their offspring. What’s more, they are quite protective, and are even willing to lose their lives in order to protect their own.


Gibbons are a primate species that find mating for life very natural. The bond that they develop tends to be very strong, and the reasons why they stay with the same partner are more practical than romantic.

Gibbon couples share their resources and raise their offspring as a team. They spend the entire time together, which means greater mutual protection in the face of the threats of other animals. It also allows them to save energy and maximize their resources.


When you think of monogamous animals, insects probably don’t come to mind. However, termites can also mate for life. This isn’t true for all termites, but rather certain termite species. After a time of courting, termite couples find a safe place to reproduce and create a new colony where they become king and queen.

These monogamous animals are truly extraordinary. They use their strength and unity as a foundation for taking on the challenges and obstacles that can appear over the course of their lives. The romantic feelings that humans experience aren’t what drive these animals to mate for life. Rather, their motivation lies in practicality, protection, and increasing the chances of survival of their species.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.