8 Amazing Freshwater Fish

To start with, freshwater fish require the least amount of work, and you can move on to more challenging fish once you become an expert. In this article, we’ll tell you which species you can choose.
What freshwater fish are there?
The answer to this is…too many! However, we’re going to list the most well-known freshwater fish, and the ones that are easiest to look after. This is so you can create the perfect aquarium with your favorite fish. Bear in mind that not all fish get along together, so it’s a good idea to consult an expert before buying them.
1. The red-tailed silverside
Also known as the Madagascan rainbow fish, its scientific name is Bedotia geayi. This fish originates in East Africa, reproduces easily and is a popular choice for fish tanks as it’s very showy. The natural habitat of these freshwater fish is rivers, streams, and ponds with plenty of vegetation.
Morphologically, they have an elongated body, an upward-facing mouth, large eyes and a dark line running along them. It grows to about 8 inches in captivity, is quite peaceful and ignores other fish. However, it’s a fast swimmer which can stress other fish out.
2. Killifish
This belongs to the cyprinodontiformes group, of which there are about 100 different species. They can adapt to different climates, don’t compete for food, and are generally ignored by other aquarium fish. Best of all, killifish bring a lot of color to your tank.

3. Catfish
Catfish grow quite big, therefore you need enough space in your fish tank if you want one of these freshwater fish. They are close relatives of the sea catfish and are characterized by living at the bottom of the tank and have whiskers on their faces.
They have pointed pectoral and dorsal fins that they use as a defense. They’re great at helping keep the tank clean. You’ll see them searching for food debris in the sand.
4. Anostomidae
Another large fish that grows to about 5 inches long. They come in many different colors so they can bring a lot of life to your tank. They’re quite independent, coexist well with other fish and don’t fight for food. If you’re thinking of building a large fish tank, anostomidae is an excellent option.
5. Cichlids
Another freshwater fish, but these can be very problematic because they’re omnivores. This means that they’ll eat other fishes’ eggs or offspring as well as the food you feed them.
Try not to put a pair of cichlids together. It’s quite common for them to dominate a fish tank. One way to control their population is through water temperatures: females can’t ovulate in warmer or colder water.
6. Armored catfish
They have similar characteristics to catfish because they live at the bottom of the aquarium, and because they have whiskers on the sides of their faces. However, they’re smaller than catfish, and are ideal for smaller aquariums. Also, they can adapt to all types of waters and habitats.
7. The kissing fish
The kissing fish or kissing Gourami was named after the shape of its mouth (it pouts). They’re always on the move so it looks like they’re always trying to kiss other fish.
There are many other similar freshwater fish. But kissing fish are very quiet and have no problems with their companions. They can grow up to almost 10 inches, but you have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to them to get them to that size. Otherwise they usually grow to about 4 inches.
8. Angelfish
A very social and peaceful species that needs to live in groups. They suffer from stress when on their own. You need to be careful choosing other fish. If angel fish feel intimidated, their behavior changes and they won’t eat.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.