Gorgeous Fish for Your Aquarium

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
The marine world offers a huge variety of species in incredible shapes, colors and sizes. Some are tiny, like certain types of coral, and others are huge, like the blue whale. But there are certain special species of gorgeous fish that will be ideal for your aquarium.
Some fish are very brightly colored and have amazing designs on their scales. In most cases, these colors and patterns actually serve as camouflage from their predators.
Remember that fish can be great pets. This is especially the case for those who don’t have much space in their home, or for people who don’t have much time to spend with their animals. Having an aquarium can also be a great way to teach your kids how to be responsible pet owners.
Below, let’s see some ideas of gorgeous fish that you could have in your aquarium. When you’re choosing your fish, one very important thing to do is to consult with someone in the know to make sure all your fish species will get along well with each other.
The mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus), also known as the mandarin goby, is a fish with brilliant colors. It forms part of the dragonet family, which is very popular for saltwater aquariums. This species is native to the Pacific Ocean.

It has a long body and has protruding eyes. These fish normally grow up to a little over 2 inches long and have two dorsal fins. They have very bright, almost iridescent colors and spectacular patterns. The base color of their scales is normally blue and over this you will find orange, yellow and green swirls. Its diet consists of small crustaceans and other invertebrates.
This fish owes its name to a certain Mr. Lechmere Guppy, who discovered it. It’s one of the most popular fish for home aquariums, thanks to its easy upkeep. Males are more colorful than females, which have their young every 30 days.

Gorgeous fish for your aquarium: the clownfish
Clownfish, also called anemone fish, are one of the most beautiful species for aquariums, and one of the most requested at pet shops. These gorgeous fish came to be popular thanks to the movie Finding Nemo, whose main character was a clownfish.

Their body is generally orange or yellow and they have broad white stripes with black edges. Their fins also normally have a black line around them. There are several species of clownfish, which vary in their colors and patterns. All of them are very attractive and beautiful. The largest specimens reach 7 inches long, while the smallest only grow up to around 4 inches.
Discus fish
Discus fish are considered the kings of the aquarium. They are a beautiful genus of fish that is also very sociable. They are medium size fish and they have a flat, round body, similar to a disk shape. Their fins are very tall and they have a tiny mouth and brilliant eyes.

These gorgeous fish vary greatly in their coloring depending on the species. Discus fish are normally brilliant blue, green, purple or even red. Some just have one solid color, while others have beautiful patterns and designs. Their body also has 9 dark vertical stripes that they use for camouflage and as a means of communication with their mate.
This is one of the most beautiful animals in the marine world and the world of aquariums. They belong to the family of the syngnathids; their body has an outer skeleton of bony rings. Seahorses have a medium size snout and a small crown on their head with five points.

Generally, seahorses range in color from ivory white to dark maroon. Often they will have horizontal white, or sometimes dark, stripes. When a seahorse comes into bright light, it becomes lighter in color. The size of this genus depends on the species, but the largest species can measure up to almost 10 inches.
Siamese fighting fish
The betta fish is also known as the Siamese fighting fish, since this species was used by the Thai people in times past for fish fights. They are gorgeous fish and are also one of the most popular species for freshwater aquariums.

The Siamese fighting fish belongs to the Gourami family (Osphronemidae), of the order of the Anabantiformes. It originates from southeastern Asia and the natural colors of these fish are green and maroon.
Species that are developed in captivity have many other colors, are very eye-catching, and have different types of fins. They are very elegant fish and are easy to care for, which is why you can find them in many aquariums.
Any of these species of gorgeous fish that we’ve seen would be perfect to give a beautiful, colorful touch to your aquarium. You’ll be able to create a special feature for your home, and enjoy keeping these small pets.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.