How to Combat Rat Infestations

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
Mouse or rat infestations can be one of the most bothersome and dangerous types of plague. These animals reproduce quickly and abundantly. There are numerous methods you can use in order to combat a rodent invasion.
Rodents build their nests in the most unexpected nooks and crannies. What’s more, their urine and feces increase the risk of illness. They can also be a threat to any pets that try to hunt them–one bite can cause rabies.
The simplest way to avoid rat infestations is by practicing proper hygiene. However, once these pesky creatures have settled into our homes, it’s important to exterminate them as soon as possible. The assistance of experts that specialize in this kind of plague can be an effective and immediate solution.
Rat infestations: How and when
Rats have the capacity to reproduce quite quickly. In fact, in one year they can give birth up to 5 times, with litter sizes varying from 8 to 12. This rapid propagation can turn an invasion into a true infestation in no time.
These rodents are the cause of illnesses like hepatitis, salmonella, and cholera. Their bites can spread rabies and their presence can be a health hazard and cause structural damage. Among other reasons, because they chew on cables, wood, and other materials.

The most common way to identify rat infestations is through the presence of their feces. What’s more, excessive urination can produce an odor that’s particularly easy to recognize.
How to combat rat invasions
- Specialized attention. When it comes to rat infestations, the best thing you can do is hire a professional specialist to take care of the situation. Although it may be a big expense at first, in the long run, you’ll be saving a lot of money because of how effective this solution is. What’s more, extermination services often include cleaning up and removing all of the dead rodents.
- The use of chemicals. Getting rid of rat infestations with chemical products is the most effective method. However, it’s crucial that you’re extremely careful as these substances can be toxic for both humans and pets.
- The application of these products should be performed by specialists. Their use is recommended when an invasion exceeds the capacity of conventional traps or when you’re dealing with a rat or mouse infection.
- Traps. There are various different types of traps that allow you to catch rodents. These include everything from the classic spring and hammer trap to sophisticated traps that deliver an electric shock to invading pests. However, these traps quickly lose their charge.
- The most common traps are those with a metal spring and hammer, sticky traps, or cages. Spring and hammer traps are the cheapest, but they require some sort of bait in order for mice or rats to step on them. The same is true when it comes to sticky traps.
- Cage traps are the solution that ecologists and animal rights activists recommend. This is because they neither harm nor kill animals. Rather, they simply trap rodents, making it impossible for them to escape by their own means.
Home remedies for combating rat infestations
- Baking soda mixture. Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of wheat flour, and 1 cup of baking soda. Baking soda produces gases inside rats, leading to their death.
- A cat as a pet. It’s no myth that cats are excellent at exterminating rats. One very effective way to protect your home from rat infestations is to have a cat as a pet. What’s more, their urine acts as a repellent.
- The scent of mint. Mint can be an effective repellent when it comes to rats. You can spray a mint infusion around the corners of a room or your home. Planting mint in the entrance or placing them near windows is another good preventative measure.

Preventative measures against rat infestations
- Keep all areas of your home clean. A buildup of organic and inorganic waste attracts the attention of rats. For example, cardboard boxes can become a favorite spot for them to build their nests and eat.
- Don’t leave food or garbage out in the open. If you suspect the presence of rodents, then you should avoid leaving out garbage that they could use as food. In these cases, it’s best to put food away in the refrigerator in order to keep from attracting pests.
- Be careful with pet food. For rats and mice, pet food is a huge temptation. Putting your pet’s food bowl away is a good way to keep it from getting contaminated by rats.
- Seal off any entrances that are out of use. This includes pipes, drains, and pet doors that are out of service. Don’t forget that rats can climb and squeeze through extremely small openings.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.