I Want to Take My Dog into the Snow: Things to Keep in Mind

Taking your dog out into the snow can be an unforgettable experience for you both. But you can't do it without taking some precautions and keeping your dog's safety in mind.
I Want to Take My Dog into the Snow: Things to Keep in Mind

Last update: 17 March, 2019

We’ve had lots of articles about how to have a wonderful vacation with your furry best friend. We’ve also talked about what to do if you want to go into the mountains or anywhere else that involves being in nature for a couple days with your dog. But today we’re going to tell you what to do if you want to take your dog into the snow.

Snow is very abrasive (and, of course, cold), so there are some things you need to think about and precautions you need to take before you go into the snow with your dog.

What to keep in mind before you take your dog into the snow

A group of three Siberian huskies standing in the snow.

If you want the snow day to be as unforgettable for you as for your dog, you can’t walk out of the house just like that, without any preparation. Here are some precautions to take:

Protect it from the cold

No matter what breed your dog is (even a husky), you need to protect it from the cold. Obviously long-haired dogs can handle it better, but they still need protection. That makes it even more important if you have a short-haired dog.

You can find everything you need to keep your dog warm in the cold at any pet shop, and even in some sports stores.

Protect its paws

You probably already know that a dog’s paw pads are one of the most sensitive parts of its body. So, you need to protect your dog’s paws too if you want the day to go off without a hitch.

You should talk to your vet about finding products that can heal and strengthen your dog’s paw pads before you take it out into the snow.

You should also apply petroleum jelly to its paws while you’re in the snow. They’ll act like a protective layer and keep your dog from getting hurt. Plus, the hydration they provide will help prevent cuts and scrapes from the cold.

Examine its paw pads several times while you’re outside and apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) if you see cracks or anything like that.

Watch over it

Dogs will eat anything they find. This makes it very important to watch over your dog while you’re in the snow, because it’ll probably try to eat it! It might seem fun and harmless, but it could actually cause nausea and vomiting.

You should also watch it to make sure it doesn’t get lost, of course. That’s especially common in areas with lots of people.


Even if it’s cold, it might also be sunny the day you decide to take your dog into the snow. Sun reflecting off the snow can be blinding (think of how it hits the water at the beach). So, make sure your dog isn’t out in the sun and snow for too long.

Even if you’ve given it a coat to wear, there are also other sensitive parts of the body, like the nose, that could get burnt. 

Don’t let it go on its own

A couple of huskies in the snow.

Be careful about where you let your dog run around on its own. Try to find places where there are kids or other people walking around or throwing snowballs.

You need to keep your dog out of any areas where people are skiing or sledding. It might cause an accident, and people could get hurt, and your dog too. That’s definitely not a situation you want to find yourself in.

So, it’s definitely not impossible to take your dog out into the snow with you. In fact, your dog will probably love it, running through the snow, rolling around in it, and giving you lots of laughs.

Just don’t forget our tips to make sure you can take full advantage of the day!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.