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7 of the Most Energetic Dog Breeds

8 minutes
Do you like to play sports outdoors or do you enjoy walking with your pet? Then you should know the most energetic dog breeds that exist. Here is a selection of some of them.
7 of the Most Energetic Dog Breeds
Cesar Paul Gonzalez Gonzalez

Reviewed and approved by the biologist Cesar Paul Gonzalez Gonzalez

Written by Alba Muñiz
Last update: 10 July, 2023

Some dogs are naturally more active and dynamic. This is an important factor when choosing a pet, as the time spent playing and walking is conditioned by this factor, as well as the space available at home. That’s why today, here at My Animals, we’re going to analyze the most energetic dog breeds.

In principle, many people look for these types of breeds because they love to do exercise with their pet or, failing that, they have ample space for the dogs to keep amused. Of course, the list of the most energetic dogs breeds is very wide, so the following is only a selection. Still, it will serve as a starting point in case you are looking for a faithful companion with a lot of vigor and energy.

Why do some dog breeds have more energy?

Most of the most active dog breeds fall into the category of sheepdogs. However, not all of them fall into this classification, as there are others that have been bred over the centuries and have developed a eagaerness for activity. For example, dogs that have been used for tracking, hunting, protection or that have been trained and developed outdoors.

Due to this, dogs of this type demand more time for physical activity, games and walks than other breeds. The objective in all this is to drain their natural inclination to be in constant movement. It’s important to note that, even though these breeds are grouped into a homogeneous category in this space, the truth is that the needs of each of them vary individually.

As pointed out in a paper published in PLOS ONE, the actual energy requirements of adult dogs depend on their age, weight, breed, neutering status, and many other factors. Thus, within these there will be dogs that manifest a greater degree of energy than others.

Considerations about adopting an energetic dog

If you opt for one of these breeds as a pet, you should think of a number of activities for them to expend their abundant energy on. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of your new friend looking for their own way to do it. It’s very common that, in the absence of attention, games and walks, they develop destructive behaviors inside the home.

As suggested by a study reported in the Journal of Nutritional Science, many dog breeds don’t receive the recommended amount of daily exercise. You should keep this in mind, as their requirements are higher than the average for other breeds. Ideally, you should inquire about their specific demand based on their age, physical condition, weight, and other factors. Consult with your veterinarian.

A playful way to entertain energetic dogs is to provide them with a good variety of toys for them to have fun at home. These are not a substitute for daily walks and exercise, but they are a way of entertaining them physically and mentally. In this way, you’ll prevent them from using your furniture, cushions, shoes, plants and other household objects as toys!

Another good option is to make them participate in obedience or agility competitions. This way they’ll be able to run, jump and climb to their heart’s content, besides sharing good times with you. After all, the most energetic dog breeds need owners who can satisfy their natural requirements. You should, therefore, have the same willingness to move as they do.

7 of the most energetic dog breeds

Before we show you a selection of dogs that meet this characteristic, keep in mind that, even with the most energetic dogs, there are variations in energy levels that depend on factors other than breed, such as size or temperament.

1. Vizsla

Some figure
This breed doesn’t only stand out for its energy, but also for its size.

Athletic, lean and muscular, it requires both love and physical exercise. Its origin is in Hungary, where it was used as a hunting dog for its excellent sense of smell and its ability to track, aim and retrieve prey. As the American Kennel Club reminds us, the ancestor of the breed can be found in the dogs that accompanied the Magyar warriors in their conquest of Western Europe.

Intelligent, balanced and with a lively temperament, it is a great companion for children. They need ample space and, if not properly trained, can be somewhat stubborn. At a minimum, they require 30 minutes of activity a day, although most of them will demand much more. Given their tendency to manipulate, they require training and discipline from puppyhood.

2. Jack Russell Terrier, one of the most energetic dog breeds

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Despite its size, this breed demands a great deal of exercise and stimulation.

As the FCI warns, this breed descends from Reverend John Russell’s working dogs. John Russell used them to retrieve foxes and other prey, so their energetic instincts can be traced back to their ancestors.

The idea was to create a breed that was fast enough to keep up with the hounds, but whose size would allow it to go to ground and catch prey in burrows.

What they lack in size, these lovable little guys make up for in energy. They’re intelligent dogs, and they stand out for their liveliness and ability to develop skills. Active, agile, fast and resistant, they’re animals that need the open air and open places to run to their heart’s content.

3. Dalmatian

Some figure
Both as puppies and as adults, Dalmatians have a very active and vigorous personality.

Apart from being famous due to the Walt Disney movie, these dogs were once used to run alongside horse-drawn carriages. So says The Kennel Club, which also notes that they were used to guard stables at night and to run in front of horse-drawn fire trucks to clear the road because of their imposing size.

Eager, energetic and with very athletic bodies, they endure long distances and high speeds. If you are training, for example, for a marathon, you have found the ideal companion. Despite their reputation as rebels, they are animals that have a great capacity to adapt and to learn, as well as being good playmates for children.

4. Border collie

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Dogs of this breed often excel in obedience, herding and dog agility competitions.

Great agility, high energy level, intelligence and obedience are some of the characteristics of this breed. They were used as herding dogs, qualified for herding and driving herds. Currently, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes them as a breed in the category of herding and bovine dogs.

Cheerful, playful, fun and extroverted, they tend to always be attentive to their owners and are ideal companions for children (especially older ones).

They are very intelligent. In fact, in some sectors they are called the most intelligent breed in the world. For this reason, they are very easy to train.

5. Beagle

Some figure
Among other things, beagles stand out for their sense of smell and tracking instincts.

Given their cuddly appearance, many consider them the ideal pet for infants and adults. However, these small, attractive and easy-to-handle animals were developed for hunting and maintain this characteristic, although today they’re also chosen as companion dogs.

They need a lot of exercise, so it’s advisable to give them long and frequent walks, as well as having outdoor space at home.

Although they are stubborn and distracted, with a lot of patience and persistence you’ll be able to train them. As The National Beagle Club of America points out, they demand a great deal of attention because they were bred to live and work in packs.

6. Redbone Coonhound

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Although often thought of as lazy, this breed has actually been used to track bears, wild boar, and even mountain lions.

This hound was developed by American settlers to secure a source of meat and coonskin during the first decades of expansion. Although in popular culture (series, movies, paintings and so on) they’re portrayed as lazy, they’re actually a very active breed that can walk and keep pace at a high speed.

This is a perfect breed for runners, cyclists or hikers. Even so, and as the East Cooper Animal Hospital points out, they can be very noisy dogs with a propensity to bark. This characteristic stands out even more in puppies, but even in adulthood they manifest it.

7. Greyhounds

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Greyhounds require no introduction, since in the popular imagination they are the sporting dog par excellence.

It’s impossible to make a list of the most energetic dogs without including the greyhound. The breed originated in the Middle Ages, specifically in Great Britain. There a law was passed that established that nobles could only hunt with greyhounds, such was the esteem they had for their power and gallantry on the field.

Nowadays they are known for greyhound racing, a sport that has been officially practiced since 1926. They have been used for hunting hares and rabbits in packs, so the instinct for activity is very present in their genes.

About the most energetic dogs

Before adopting any of the most energetic dog breeds, it’s always advisable to assess the responsibility, time and dedication available to deal with their care. Most of these dogs maintain much of their energy during adulthood, so it isn’t completely drained as they get older.

Because of this, it should be assimilated that the level of activity they demand is long-term; and not only during their puppyhood. We invite you to investigate more about each breed, so you can decide on the one that best suits your space and needs. In any case, you can always consult a professional or an expert for guidance.

Some dogs are naturally more active and dynamic. This is an important factor when choosing a pet, as the time spent playing and walking is conditioned by this factor, as well as the space available at home. That’s why today, here at My Animals, we’re going to analyze the most energetic dog breeds.

In principle, many people look for these types of breeds because they love to do exercise with their pet or, failing that, they have ample space for the dogs to keep amused. Of course, the list of the most energetic dogs breeds is very wide, so the following is only a selection. Still, it will serve as a starting point in case you are looking for a faithful companion with a lot of vigor and energy.

Why do some dog breeds have more energy?

Most of the most active dog breeds fall into the category of sheepdogs. However, not all of them fall into this classification, as there are others that have been bred over the centuries and have developed a eagaerness for activity. For example, dogs that have been used for tracking, hunting, protection or that have been trained and developed outdoors.

Due to this, dogs of this type demand more time for physical activity, games and walks than other breeds. The objective in all this is to drain their natural inclination to be in constant movement. It’s important to note that, even though these breeds are grouped into a homogeneous category in this space, the truth is that the needs of each of them vary individually.

As pointed out in a paper published in PLOS ONE, the actual energy requirements of adult dogs depend on their age, weight, breed, neutering status, and many other factors. Thus, within these there will be dogs that manifest a greater degree of energy than others.

Considerations about adopting an energetic dog

If you opt for one of these breeds as a pet, you should think of a number of activities for them to expend their abundant energy on. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of your new friend looking for their own way to do it. It’s very common that, in the absence of attention, games and walks, they develop destructive behaviors inside the home.

As suggested by a study reported in the Journal of Nutritional Science, many dog breeds don’t receive the recommended amount of daily exercise. You should keep this in mind, as their requirements are higher than the average for other breeds. Ideally, you should inquire about their specific demand based on their age, physical condition, weight, and other factors. Consult with your veterinarian.

A playful way to entertain energetic dogs is to provide them with a good variety of toys for them to have fun at home. These are not a substitute for daily walks and exercise, but they are a way of entertaining them physically and mentally. In this way, you’ll prevent them from using your furniture, cushions, shoes, plants and other household objects as toys!

Another good option is to make them participate in obedience or agility competitions. This way they’ll be able to run, jump and climb to their heart’s content, besides sharing good times with you. After all, the most energetic dog breeds need owners who can satisfy their natural requirements. You should, therefore, have the same willingness to move as they do.

7 of the most energetic dog breeds

Before we show you a selection of dogs that meet this characteristic, keep in mind that, even with the most energetic dogs, there are variations in energy levels that depend on factors other than breed, such as size or temperament.

1. Vizsla

Some figure
This breed doesn’t only stand out for its energy, but also for its size.

Athletic, lean and muscular, it requires both love and physical exercise. Its origin is in Hungary, where it was used as a hunting dog for its excellent sense of smell and its ability to track, aim and retrieve prey. As the American Kennel Club reminds us, the ancestor of the breed can be found in the dogs that accompanied the Magyar warriors in their conquest of Western Europe.

Intelligent, balanced and with a lively temperament, it is a great companion for children. They need ample space and, if not properly trained, can be somewhat stubborn. At a minimum, they require 30 minutes of activity a day, although most of them will demand much more. Given their tendency to manipulate, they require training and discipline from puppyhood.

2. Jack Russell Terrier, one of the most energetic dog breeds

Some figure
Despite its size, this breed demands a great deal of exercise and stimulation.

As the FCI warns, this breed descends from Reverend John Russell’s working dogs. John Russell used them to retrieve foxes and other prey, so their energetic instincts can be traced back to their ancestors.

The idea was to create a breed that was fast enough to keep up with the hounds, but whose size would allow it to go to ground and catch prey in burrows.

What they lack in size, these lovable little guys make up for in energy. They’re intelligent dogs, and they stand out for their liveliness and ability to develop skills. Active, agile, fast and resistant, they’re animals that need the open air and open places to run to their heart’s content.

3. Dalmatian

Some figure
Both as puppies and as adults, Dalmatians have a very active and vigorous personality.

Apart from being famous due to the Walt Disney movie, these dogs were once used to run alongside horse-drawn carriages. So says The Kennel Club, which also notes that they were used to guard stables at night and to run in front of horse-drawn fire trucks to clear the road because of their imposing size.

Eager, energetic and with very athletic bodies, they endure long distances and high speeds. If you are training, for example, for a marathon, you have found the ideal companion. Despite their reputation as rebels, they are animals that have a great capacity to adapt and to learn, as well as being good playmates for children.

4. Border collie

Some figure
Dogs of this breed often excel in obedience, herding and dog agility competitions.

Great agility, high energy level, intelligence and obedience are some of the characteristics of this breed. They were used as herding dogs, qualified for herding and driving herds. Currently, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes them as a breed in the category of herding and bovine dogs.

Cheerful, playful, fun and extroverted, they tend to always be attentive to their owners and are ideal companions for children (especially older ones).

They are very intelligent. In fact, in some sectors they are called the most intelligent breed in the world. For this reason, they are very easy to train.

5. Beagle

Some figure
Among other things, beagles stand out for their sense of smell and tracking instincts.

Given their cuddly appearance, many consider them the ideal pet for infants and adults. However, these small, attractive and easy-to-handle animals were developed for hunting and maintain this characteristic, although today they’re also chosen as companion dogs.

They need a lot of exercise, so it’s advisable to give them long and frequent walks, as well as having outdoor space at home.

Although they are stubborn and distracted, with a lot of patience and persistence you’ll be able to train them. As The National Beagle Club of America points out, they demand a great deal of attention because they were bred to live and work in packs.

6. Redbone Coonhound

Some figure
Although often thought of as lazy, this breed has actually been used to track bears, wild boar, and even mountain lions.

This hound was developed by American settlers to secure a source of meat and coonskin during the first decades of expansion. Although in popular culture (series, movies, paintings and so on) they’re portrayed as lazy, they’re actually a very active breed that can walk and keep pace at a high speed.

This is a perfect breed for runners, cyclists or hikers. Even so, and as the East Cooper Animal Hospital points out, they can be very noisy dogs with a propensity to bark. This characteristic stands out even more in puppies, but even in adulthood they manifest it.

7. Greyhounds

Some figure
Greyhounds require no introduction, since in the popular imagination they are the sporting dog par excellence.

It’s impossible to make a list of the most energetic dogs without including the greyhound. The breed originated in the Middle Ages, specifically in Great Britain. There a law was passed that established that nobles could only hunt with greyhounds, such was the esteem they had for their power and gallantry on the field.

Nowadays they are known for greyhound racing, a sport that has been officially practiced since 1926. They have been used for hunting hares and rabbits in packs, so the instinct for activity is very present in their genes.

About the most energetic dogs

Before adopting any of the most energetic dog breeds, it’s always advisable to assess the responsibility, time and dedication available to deal with their care. Most of these dogs maintain much of their energy during adulthood, so it isn’t completely drained as they get older.

Because of this, it should be assimilated that the level of activity they demand is long-term; and not only during their puppyhood. We invite you to investigate more about each breed, so you can decide on the one that best suits your space and needs. In any case, you can always consult a professional or an expert for guidance.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.