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6 Steps to Train a Doberman

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Training this breed of dog doesn't have to be more complicated than with other smaller breeds. You just have to take into consideration some small guidelines.
6 Steps to Train a Doberman
Last update: 15 February, 2022

If you want to train a Doberman dog, as with any other breed, it’s essential that you start as early as possible. At an early age, dogs are easier to train and this will help give the animal a better life. Learn more in this article.

Techniques and steps to train a Doberman

Elegance, beauty, and poise… Those are the three words that can characterize the breed. And, contrary to popular belief, Dobermans aren’t dangerous dogs, as long as they’re trained correctly.

Best of all, they’re easy to train, loyal to their family, an ideal guard dog, and a faithful friend forever. However, before training a Doberman dog you must take into account some questions. Pay close attention:

1. Don’t be afraid to scold him

This advice can be applied to any breed, but in the case of an animal as big and strong as the Doberman, it’s necessary to remember it at all times. Your pet is your responsibility and you must show them who is in charge (you). Of course, the scolding doesn’t consist of excessive hitting or yelling, but of small calls to attention with a strong and firm voice.

2. Teach it as soon as it arrives at your house

Some figure

If you adopt a Doberman when it’s still a puppy, it will be much easier to train it, but you can also teach one that’s already a few years old. The key is to start as soon as possible, that is, as soon as they arrive at your house.

In this way, the dog will learn what the owner tells him and will behave correctly at all times. It isn’t about being a bad owner by ordering them to do certain things, but, rather, to find a way to train and raise them accordingly.

3. Socialize them

When you adopt a dog with a certain reputation, such as the Doberman, it’s a little difficult as owners to take them to a park and expect other owners not to be wary. But, for the animal, socialization is vital and that requires approaching other dogs.

You must first take them on a leash and let them gradually approach the other dogs (be it a Chihuahua, Golden Retriever, or Rottweiller). They need to get to know each other without pressure and sniff each other as much as necessary. Once they ‘become friends’ they’ll recognize each other and won’t attack each other.

Keep in mind that much of their social training is established during the first months of life. For this reason, it mustn’t be separated from its mother or siblings before the age of two months, as these will be its first contacts with other dogs. In addition, the mother will correct its behavior when necessary and will establish a basis for socialization.

4. Start with simple commands

The simplest thing for a pet, be it a Doberman or any other breed, is to learn to sit. They can easily do it from very young, but they still need to practice several times a day for a few days. Then you can teach them other ‘tricks’ such as lying down next to you, fetching their toys, pawing you, coming when you call them, etc.

At this point, you should also teach them the command that corresponds to each trick. Remember that dogs are good at associating things, so it’s easier if you assign a keyword to each new command. You can use any phrase you want, although it’s always recommended to keep things simple with one word if possible.

5. Be very patient

Some figure

Another of the steps to train a Doberman dog is related to what sort of person the owner is. Of course, if you’re nervous, the animal will act in the same way, or if you get angry because ‘at first’ it doesn’t obey, the pet will also get frustrated.

Therefore, we recommend you to be very patient while you’re training your dog. Remember that they’re like a small child that you’re teaching to walk or ride a bike. They need time to assimilate all these new things!

Don’t forget to be firm with any command you give them and be consistent. Dogs follow their owners, because, in their eyes, the owner is the alpha of the pack. So, under no circumstances should you let your pet exceed your authority, otherwise they’ll start to ignore your commands.

6. Don’t forget about rewards

Many owners are against rewards because they think that the dog only obeys because of what’s in it for them (the reward). However, animals aren’t like us, and they relate almost everything to food. It’s a matter of instinct and survival.

However, you don’t need to reward them with a toy, a cookie, or a treat. You can also show them that you’re proud of them with a cuddle or kind, loving words. However, you should be careful about when you do this, because if you offer them petting all the time, it’ll be difficult to get results when you’re training them.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t pet your dog, but there should be a difference between reward petting and normal petting. For example, the former should be done with more effusiveness and various compliments, while the latter should be done calmly, slowly, and without saying too many words.

Finally, we’ve given you some important steps and tips to train a Doberman, but be aware that you may require the help of a professional. A trainer will be able to achieve what you haven’t been able to (up to now) and will give you the correct guidelines to follow. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one if you need to!

If you want to train a Doberman dog, as with any other breed, it’s essential that you start as early as possible. At an early age, dogs are easier to train and this will help give the animal a better life. Learn more in this article.

Techniques and steps to train a Doberman

Elegance, beauty, and poise… Those are the three words that can characterize the breed. And, contrary to popular belief, Dobermans aren’t dangerous dogs, as long as they’re trained correctly.

Best of all, they’re easy to train, loyal to their family, an ideal guard dog, and a faithful friend forever. However, before training a Doberman dog you must take into account some questions. Pay close attention:

1. Don’t be afraid to scold him

This advice can be applied to any breed, but in the case of an animal as big and strong as the Doberman, it’s necessary to remember it at all times. Your pet is your responsibility and you must show them who is in charge (you). Of course, the scolding doesn’t consist of excessive hitting or yelling, but of small calls to attention with a strong and firm voice.

2. Teach it as soon as it arrives at your house

Some figure

If you adopt a Doberman when it’s still a puppy, it will be much easier to train it, but you can also teach one that’s already a few years old. The key is to start as soon as possible, that is, as soon as they arrive at your house.

In this way, the dog will learn what the owner tells him and will behave correctly at all times. It isn’t about being a bad owner by ordering them to do certain things, but, rather, to find a way to train and raise them accordingly.

3. Socialize them

When you adopt a dog with a certain reputation, such as the Doberman, it’s a little difficult as owners to take them to a park and expect other owners not to be wary. But, for the animal, socialization is vital and that requires approaching other dogs.

You must first take them on a leash and let them gradually approach the other dogs (be it a Chihuahua, Golden Retriever, or Rottweiller). They need to get to know each other without pressure and sniff each other as much as necessary. Once they ‘become friends’ they’ll recognize each other and won’t attack each other.

Keep in mind that much of their social training is established during the first months of life. For this reason, it mustn’t be separated from its mother or siblings before the age of two months, as these will be its first contacts with other dogs. In addition, the mother will correct its behavior when necessary and will establish a basis for socialization.

4. Start with simple commands

The simplest thing for a pet, be it a Doberman or any other breed, is to learn to sit. They can easily do it from very young, but they still need to practice several times a day for a few days. Then you can teach them other ‘tricks’ such as lying down next to you, fetching their toys, pawing you, coming when you call them, etc.

At this point, you should also teach them the command that corresponds to each trick. Remember that dogs are good at associating things, so it’s easier if you assign a keyword to each new command. You can use any phrase you want, although it’s always recommended to keep things simple with one word if possible.

5. Be very patient

Some figure

Another of the steps to train a Doberman dog is related to what sort of person the owner is. Of course, if you’re nervous, the animal will act in the same way, or if you get angry because ‘at first’ it doesn’t obey, the pet will also get frustrated.

Therefore, we recommend you to be very patient while you’re training your dog. Remember that they’re like a small child that you’re teaching to walk or ride a bike. They need time to assimilate all these new things!

Don’t forget to be firm with any command you give them and be consistent. Dogs follow their owners, because, in their eyes, the owner is the alpha of the pack. So, under no circumstances should you let your pet exceed your authority, otherwise they’ll start to ignore your commands.

6. Don’t forget about rewards

Many owners are against rewards because they think that the dog only obeys because of what’s in it for them (the reward). However, animals aren’t like us, and they relate almost everything to food. It’s a matter of instinct and survival.

However, you don’t need to reward them with a toy, a cookie, or a treat. You can also show them that you’re proud of them with a cuddle or kind, loving words. However, you should be careful about when you do this, because if you offer them petting all the time, it’ll be difficult to get results when you’re training them.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t pet your dog, but there should be a difference between reward petting and normal petting. For example, the former should be done with more effusiveness and various compliments, while the latter should be done calmly, slowly, and without saying too many words.

Finally, we’ve given you some important steps and tips to train a Doberman, but be aware that you may require the help of a professional. A trainer will be able to achieve what you haven’t been able to (up to now) and will give you the correct guidelines to follow. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one if you need to!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Koscinczuk, P. (2017). Domesticación, bienestar y relación entre el perro y los seres humanos. Revista Veterinaria.
  • American Kennel Club. (2022) Doberman Pinscher. Recuperado el 13 de febrero de 2022, disponible en: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/doberman-pinscher/

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.