Care Tips for a Golden Retriever's Coat
Recognized worldwide for its intelligence, cunning and learning ability, the Golden Retriever also stands out for its great beauty. The Golden Retriever’s coat requires certain care to prevent its deterioration and to preserve the breed’s characteristic luminosity.
However, contrary to what many owners would think, caring for the Golden Retriever’s coat isn’t too complicated. Continue reading these lines and discover all the aspects related to the management of the coat of this exceptional dog.
What’s the right way to bathe a Golden Retriever?
To start with this topic, we must first keep in mind that it’s advisable to bathe your pet at least once a month. To do so, it’s best to use neutral or specific soaps and shampoos for this breed of dog. Human products should be avoided, since they can irritate the skin or cause more serious problems such as allergic or atopic dermatitis.
Likewise, you can try dry baths that allow you to properly clean your dog without the need to wet its coat with water. Finally, since this breed’s coat is composed of two layers of hair, it’s best to use a hair dryer to remove all the water from its body. In this way, you’ll ensure that it’s completely dry, since humidity can also cause skin problems such as fungus.
How should I brush my Golden Retriever’s coat?
Regarding this aspect, it should be carried out daily or at least once a week. Thanks to this, we will prevent the development of knots in its coat, besides keeping it shiny and stimulating the hair follicles for a proper growth. The areas where it should be brushed more often are the groin, armpits, and behind the ears, as the hair tangles more easily in these places.
In addition, as Golden Retrievers shed their hair twice a year, you should brush them constantly to prevent them from being scattered all over the house. On the other hand, as mentioned above, these dogs have two layers of hair, a short undercoat, and a longer outer coat. Therefore, brushing should be performed with a metal bristle comb, in order to reach the deepest layers of the coat.
Does feeding play a role?
Another important aspect in the welfare of their coat is nutrition. According to some research, dogs fed a balanced diet with a source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids have a higher quality and resistance in their hair fibers. Therefore, if we want to keep a healthy and attractive coat in our pet, we can’t neglect to provide a good quality concentrate. In the same way, a premium food will prevent any type of allergy to the ingredients contained in these concentrated formulas.
Why does my Golden Retriever’s hair fall out so much?
Finally, one of the most common reasons for consulting veterinarians is excessive hair loss in these animals. However, on many occasions, this is not related to any pathology, but is due to the normal shedding process. Remember that this change of coat occurs in winter and summer, as an adaptation to seasonal climate changes.
However, if hairless patches, rashes, itching, or constant licking start to appear, we could be dealing with a skin disease. So, we can see that hair loss alone isn’t synonymous with disease, but if it comes with other symptoms then that could indicate a possible pathology. If this is the case, the first option should be to consult a specialized professional.
Now that you know the main care tips for a Golden Retriever’s coat, there are no excuses for not keeping it shiny and attractive at all times. Remember that a dog’s coat is one of the indicators of their well-being. If it’s healthy, then it’s a good indication that they’re healthy in other ways too.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Rosendahl S, Anturaniemi J. Diet and dog characteristics affect major and trace elements in hair and blood of healthy dogs. 2022;46(1):261-75.
- Zatz M, Zucconi E, Valadares M, Jazedje T. Phenotypes in golden retriever. Neuromuscular disorders : NMD. 2010;20(1):71.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.