Precautions for Dogs with Flea Allergies

Parasites can be a problem for our dogs, especially if our dog is allergic to them. These are some precautions you should take for dogs with flea allergies.
Precautions for Dogs with Flea Allergies

Last update: 13 April, 2019

Common fleas can cause both our dogs and us a lot of problems. They’re everywhere and our dog is constantly getting bitten; this is, of course, very uncomfortable for him. However, the situation is even worse for dogs with flea allergies. Today, we’ll talk more about this problem.

What are fleas and what do they do?

A dog looking up at the camera.

Fleas are small parasites without wings that have six legs. The last pair of legs are more developed, and this enables them to easily jump onto their host. They feed on their victim’s blood, and they’ll continue to suck it until they’ve had enough. As long as there is enough blood for them, the fleas will have a home. 

They stick onto the hair and skin of the animal, usually on the back, loins, and abdomen. As for puppies, they usually stick to their head, ears, and neck.

Fleas can cause irritation, stings, and blood loss in our pets. They can also transmit diseases between people and dogs. Its saliva is what makes many dogs allergic to these pests. This is known as allergic dermatitis due to flea bites.

What is allergic dermatitis?

It’s an allergy caused by the flea’s saliva that causes extreme itching, irritation and swelling. This makes the dog scratch, lick and even bite the affected area. Additionally, he could also lose his hair.

This allergy occurs mostly in body parts such as the start of the tail, abdomen, thighs and the genital area.

For dogs with flea allergies, you’ll notice the excessive redness on their skin. This is a real cause for concern, and requires action.

Prevention for dogs with flea allergies

They say that a good defense is a strong offense. So, attacking fleas before they arrive will be our best asset to fight against them and, in turn, to protect our pet’s health.

A dog is getting a check-up.

Although there are many anti-parasitic products, they contain a lot of chemicals and could damage our pet’s hair and skin. Of course, you could always get something less harmful, but it won’t be as effective. We have to prevent fleas from entering our home as well. 

In order to do this, there are different home remedies that can keep them away.

Home remedies for fleas

  • Light and water. This has to be done for several days, but we assure you that it’ll be worth it. Put water in a bowl with a little dish soap, but don’t let it foam. Then, put the container under a lamp and leave it overnight with the light on. When you get up, you’ll see that there are many fleas in the container. As the days go on, there will be fewer and fewer fleas until they’re all gone. This happens because fleas love the light, and when they go towards it, they jump into the container since that’s where the light’s reflection is.
  • Lemon juice. This is a smell and a taste that they hate. Therefore, it’s an extremely effective, simple and quick way to get rid of them. Add the juice from two or three lemons to the water you use to mop the floor. Remember, this should only be used on the floor, don’t apply it to your pet’s skin.
  • Pennyroyal. Just put small bags of it around the house and the fleas will leave.
  • Lavender and vinegar. A glass of vinegar and 40 drops of lavender diluted in a bucket of water. Use this mixture to clean your house, fleas hate it. Soon, they will all die or at least be heavily affected by it. It’s best to vacuum afterward to get rid of them completely.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.