Procox for Dogs: Uses and Side Effects

Written and verified by the vet Daniel Aguilar
Diseases caused by parasites are very common and dangerous for dogs, especially in those that don’t have adequate preventive management. Medications such as Procox for dogs are an excellent tool to control these infestations and keep your pet in good health.
The great diversity of parasites that affect canids has created the need for drugs to attack more than one type of parasite in their action, thus increasing their effectiveness. Procox for dogs has a number of interesting features that make it an excellent drug. We invite you to continue reading so that you can get to know a little more about it.
What is Procox for dogs and what is it used for?
Procox for dogs is an antiparasitic drug whose composition focuses on two active compounds: emodepside and toltrazuril. The main action of this drug is to attack internal parasites that frequently affect canids. It’s an oily suspension of a whitish, sometimes yellowish, color.
Emodepside is a powerful anthelmintic that has been used for more than 20 years against gastrointestinal nematodes. Its application is focused on exclusive pet treatments, not on production animals. Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, and Uncinaria stenocephala are some of the main nematodes that it can eradicate.
On the other hand, toltrazuril is a compound that has been used since 1970 for the treatment of coccidia, first attacking the Isospora ohioensis and Isospora canis complex. The synergism of both substances makes Procox for dogs a very efficient drug against these types of problems.

How does Procox work?
Every active principle has a particular mode of action that characterizes it and helps the veterinarian to indicate the start of treatment. In the case of Procox for dogs, as it’s a drug composed of two substances, the action it exerts on the parasites will be more powerful.
The nematode nervous system has specific receptors, which are the ultimate target of emodepside. These will be affected, causing paralysis and, ultimately, their death. In turn, toltrazuril has the ability to destroy all stages of development of coccidia when in contact with them. Together they make an excellent team!
Procox dosage for dogs
As we mentioned before, the administration of Procox for dogs is oral, which greatly facilitates its application for owners. Before giving it to your dog, you need to shake the product well. Then, you must take the amount that was prescribed and give it to your pet with the help of a syringe or applicator.
Like other medications, Procox for dogs is dosed in relation to the dog’s weight. For greater and better effects, we recommend that you weigh your pet whenever you’re going to start treatment, so that the dose indicated will be the most effective.
Generally, Procox for dogs is prescribed in a single administration. However, on some occasions, the veterinarian may suggest certain changes in the frequency of application. The usual dose is 0.5 milliliters for every kilo of the pet’s weight. However, before starting treatment, we recommend consulting with professionals.
If the infection is suspected in more than one dog, or if the parasitized dog lives with other dogs at home, then Procox for dogs needs to be administered to all pets as a means of prevention. Infections by parasites inside the home are usually very frequent.
Contraindications of Procox in dogs
Procox for dogs is contraindicated in several situations. We’ll list them below:
- Puppies less than two weeks old
- Dogs weighing less than 400 grams
- Dogs allergic to any of the active substances in Procox.
- Collie breed dogs and the like. The margin of safety and tolerance of Procox for dogs of this type is usually lower than in other breeds.
- Pregnant bitches and those in the lactation period.
- Because the reactions are unknown, it’s recommended to avoid its application in conjunction with prednisolone, erythromycin and ivermectin.

Side effects
There are few side effects that can occur after treatment with Procox for dogs, as it’s considered a safe drug. However, there’s a risk of poisoning from mismanaged dosages. In these situations, pets could suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and digestive disorders in general.
Each drug has a specific function to perform in animal’s bodies; many of the drugs seek to combat diseases caused by parasites and many others by bacteria and fungi. However, they all share a common goal: the well-being of your pet. We recommend that you follow the therapeutic indications of the veterinarian in order to obtain good results.
Diseases caused by parasites are very common and dangerous for dogs, especially in those that don’t have adequate preventive management. Medications such as Procox for dogs are an excellent tool to control these infestations and keep your pet in good health.
The great diversity of parasites that affect canids has created the need for drugs to attack more than one type of parasite in their action, thus increasing their effectiveness. Procox for dogs has a number of interesting features that make it an excellent drug. We invite you to continue reading so that you can get to know a little more about it.
What is Procox for dogs and what is it used for?
Procox for dogs is an antiparasitic drug whose composition focuses on two active compounds: emodepside and toltrazuril. The main action of this drug is to attack internal parasites that frequently affect canids. It’s an oily suspension of a whitish, sometimes yellowish, color.
Emodepside is a powerful anthelmintic that has been used for more than 20 years against gastrointestinal nematodes. Its application is focused on exclusive pet treatments, not on production animals. Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, and Uncinaria stenocephala are some of the main nematodes that it can eradicate.
On the other hand, toltrazuril is a compound that has been used since 1970 for the treatment of coccidia, first attacking the Isospora ohioensis and Isospora canis complex. The synergism of both substances makes Procox for dogs a very efficient drug against these types of problems.

How does Procox work?
Every active principle has a particular mode of action that characterizes it and helps the veterinarian to indicate the start of treatment. In the case of Procox for dogs, as it’s a drug composed of two substances, the action it exerts on the parasites will be more powerful.
The nematode nervous system has specific receptors, which are the ultimate target of emodepside. These will be affected, causing paralysis and, ultimately, their death. In turn, toltrazuril has the ability to destroy all stages of development of coccidia when in contact with them. Together they make an excellent team!
Procox dosage for dogs
As we mentioned before, the administration of Procox for dogs is oral, which greatly facilitates its application for owners. Before giving it to your dog, you need to shake the product well. Then, you must take the amount that was prescribed and give it to your pet with the help of a syringe or applicator.
Like other medications, Procox for dogs is dosed in relation to the dog’s weight. For greater and better effects, we recommend that you weigh your pet whenever you’re going to start treatment, so that the dose indicated will be the most effective.
Generally, Procox for dogs is prescribed in a single administration. However, on some occasions, the veterinarian may suggest certain changes in the frequency of application. The usual dose is 0.5 milliliters for every kilo of the pet’s weight. However, before starting treatment, we recommend consulting with professionals.
If the infection is suspected in more than one dog, or if the parasitized dog lives with other dogs at home, then Procox for dogs needs to be administered to all pets as a means of prevention. Infections by parasites inside the home are usually very frequent.
Contraindications of Procox in dogs
Procox for dogs is contraindicated in several situations. We’ll list them below:
- Puppies less than two weeks old
- Dogs weighing less than 400 grams
- Dogs allergic to any of the active substances in Procox.
- Collie breed dogs and the like. The margin of safety and tolerance of Procox for dogs of this type is usually lower than in other breeds.
- Pregnant bitches and those in the lactation period.
- Because the reactions are unknown, it’s recommended to avoid its application in conjunction with prednisolone, erythromycin and ivermectin.

Side effects
There are few side effects that can occur after treatment with Procox for dogs, as it’s considered a safe drug. However, there’s a risk of poisoning from mismanaged dosages. In these situations, pets could suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and digestive disorders in general.
Each drug has a specific function to perform in animal’s bodies; many of the drugs seek to combat diseases caused by parasites and many others by bacteria and fungi. However, they all share a common goal: the well-being of your pet. We recommend that you follow the therapeutic indications of the veterinarian in order to obtain good results.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Procox emodepsida/ toltrazurilo. Reino Unido, 2010. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2021. Disponible en:
Rauscher B. Control of Canine Endoparasites Especially Isospora spp., with Procox in Naturally Infected Puppies: Parasitological, Bacteriological and Health Parameters. Viena 2013. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2021. Disponible en:
Procox suspensión oral 7,5 ml. León, España. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2021. Disponible en:
Procox suspensión oral desparasitante para perros. Zúrich, Suiza. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2021. Disponible en:
Besteiros M. Procox para perros – Dosis y para qué sirve. España. 12 de mayo de 2020. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2021. Disponible en:
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.