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Dog Rescue: Husky Trapped in an Empty House

3 minutes
Read about the rescue of this desperate little husky, trapped in an abandoned home.
Dog Rescue: Husky Trapped in an Empty House
Last update: 11 April, 2019

Sadly, the abuse and abandonment of animals continue to be in the news. But to solve this travesty, there always tend to be people who worry about this. Consequently, they try to help these defenseless creatures. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you about the rescue of a little husky trapped in an abandoned house. 

Learn about the case of a little husky trapped in an empty house

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This happened in Chapinero, a neighborhood in Bogata, the capital of Columbia.

A female Siberian Husky had apparently fractured her hip. In addition to her misery, the owners tied her up in the patio of an empty house. 

Due to this, the 5-year-old doggie was continually crying. Additionally, she had no food and the only thing she had to drink was rainwater. At the same time, she was always outside in the weather.

For some reason, a group of neighbors called the fire department to come help in the rescue of the trapped dog. 

 Learn about the story of a little dog tied up in the patio of an empty house that was rescued by firefighters, thanks to the timely intervention of her neighbors in a section of Bogota, Columbia. The poor animal is now recuperating from a serious case of malnutrition and dehydration and a fractured rib.

The rescue of the husky trapped at the abandoned house

Alvaro Acevedo, Sargent of the firefighters, answered the call. He then quickly went to the house with 5 firefighters and several police officers. 

The rescuers went in through the second floor of the house. Then they made sure that no one was in the building.

Fortunately, they freed and removed the dog. Meanwhile, the neighbors had prepared to take the husky to the veterinarian.  

Searching for the responsible owners

In addition to the fracture, she had a severe case of malnutrition and dehydration.

No one knows anything about the owners. It seems that two elderly people lived in the house and their children moved them.

It appeared that no one cared about the future of the husky trapped in the patio, without food and water. In addition to the sad situation, she had a wounded hip.

At this time, the husky is recuperating from her ordeal and is waiting to find a new home where people love and respect her. Any animal deserves this. So we hope that life offers her a new opportunity.

Columbia, a country with a new law against animal abuse

Columbia is one of the countries that has recently made advances in relation to the rights of animals.

At the beginning of 2016, President Juan Manuel Santos passed the law against animal abuse. Consequently, this law imposes fines and prison on those who abuse innocent animals. At the same time, it allows the national police to confiscate mistreated animals. 

According to civil code 655 of Columbia, animals are no longer considered objects. Therefore, they should receive special protection against pain and suffering. This is especially true if humans are the perpetrators.

Advances are little by little. For example, the law doesn’t protect against the following:

  • Bullfights
  • Cockfights
  • Treatment of animals used as food

Bogota invests in the protection of abandoned animals

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In Bogata, where the husky trapped in an abandoned house was rescued, the government also made important advances for the protection of animals.

For example, the local government decided to invest 23 million euros or about 26 million dollars in programs for unprotected animals in South America. As a result, this initiative plans the following:

To summarize, the capital of Columbia is making an effort to prevent the cruelty of animals and punish those who are responsible.


Sadly, the abuse and abandonment of animals continue to be in the news. But to solve this travesty, there always tend to be people who worry about this. Consequently, they try to help these defenseless creatures. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you about the rescue of a little husky trapped in an abandoned house. 

Learn about the case of a little husky trapped in an empty house

Some figure

This happened in Chapinero, a neighborhood in Bogata, the capital of Columbia.

A female Siberian Husky had apparently fractured her hip. In addition to her misery, the owners tied her up in the patio of an empty house. 

Due to this, the 5-year-old doggie was continually crying. Additionally, she had no food and the only thing she had to drink was rainwater. At the same time, she was always outside in the weather.

For some reason, a group of neighbors called the fire department to come help in the rescue of the trapped dog. 

 Learn about the story of a little dog tied up in the patio of an empty house that was rescued by firefighters, thanks to the timely intervention of her neighbors in a section of Bogota, Columbia. The poor animal is now recuperating from a serious case of malnutrition and dehydration and a fractured rib.

The rescue of the husky trapped at the abandoned house

Alvaro Acevedo, Sargent of the firefighters, answered the call. He then quickly went to the house with 5 firefighters and several police officers. 

The rescuers went in through the second floor of the house. Then they made sure that no one was in the building.

Fortunately, they freed and removed the dog. Meanwhile, the neighbors had prepared to take the husky to the veterinarian.  

Searching for the responsible owners

In addition to the fracture, she had a severe case of malnutrition and dehydration.

No one knows anything about the owners. It seems that two elderly people lived in the house and their children moved them.

It appeared that no one cared about the future of the husky trapped in the patio, without food and water. In addition to the sad situation, she had a wounded hip.

At this time, the husky is recuperating from her ordeal and is waiting to find a new home where people love and respect her. Any animal deserves this. So we hope that life offers her a new opportunity.

Columbia, a country with a new law against animal abuse

Columbia is one of the countries that has recently made advances in relation to the rights of animals.

At the beginning of 2016, President Juan Manuel Santos passed the law against animal abuse. Consequently, this law imposes fines and prison on those who abuse innocent animals. At the same time, it allows the national police to confiscate mistreated animals. 

According to civil code 655 of Columbia, animals are no longer considered objects. Therefore, they should receive special protection against pain and suffering. This is especially true if humans are the perpetrators.

Advances are little by little. For example, the law doesn’t protect against the following:

  • Bullfights
  • Cockfights
  • Treatment of animals used as food

Bogota invests in the protection of abandoned animals

Some figure

In Bogata, where the husky trapped in an abandoned house was rescued, the government also made important advances for the protection of animals.

For example, the local government decided to invest 23 million euros or about 26 million dollars in programs for unprotected animals in South America. As a result, this initiative plans the following:

To summarize, the capital of Columbia is making an effort to prevent the cruelty of animals and punish those who are responsible.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.