Can Parrots Eat Boiled Egg?

Reviewed and approved by the biologist Samuel Sanchez
When it comes to caring for birds, one of the most important factors to consider is their diet. There are seed preparations that are usually the basis of their diet, but you need to supplement their food with more ingredients. That’s why the question may arise as to whether or not parrots should eat cooked egg sporadically.
Feeding a bird the wrong way can lead to serious health problems and even put its life at risk. Because of this, knowing what they can consume and what not is very relevant. Keep reading if you want to know more about the subject.
Is boiled egg good for birds?
This common ingredient in human cooking is good for any type of bird. So the answer is yes, parrots can eat boiled egg and they will reap great benefits. These poultry products are an excellent source of protein, but they’re also rich in vitamins. Even the shell itself is good for these animals, as it contains a lot of calcium.
The egg is perfect as food throughout the life of the birds, but especially in the breeding season, when the parents care for their chicks and require an extra energy supply. Of course, it’s important to give eggs in moderation and not every day.

The nutritional properties of eggs
As experts say, the content of an egg allows it to originate a living being by itself. Therefore, experts say that it’s one of the most complete foods that can exist. When it comes to talking about the properties of this compound, it’s very common to hear that the best thing about it is the yolk. However, egg white is also very beneficial.
Egg white is made up of 88% water and has a high protein content, among which albumin stands out (it has a very high proportion of essential amino acids). In addition, it doesn’t contain fat, is low in calories, and is a source of vitamins and minerals.
On the other hand, the yolk contains 50% water, but the rest of its composition is divided between lipids and proteins. Therefore, this part of the egg has more fat and shouldn’t be abused.
Ultimately, you should note that this food also contains many minerals that are important for health. Some of the most prominent are zinc, phosphorus, iodine, and iron.
The benefits of eggs for parrots
Due to all the properties that the egg has, it can be said that this is a very complete and beneficial food for the health of parrots. Of course, we need to remember that its administration shouldn’t be abused due to its caloric component.
The egg provides the animal with a large amount of nutrients that promote its optimal state of health. One of them is calcium, essential in the bird’s bone development. Choline is another important nutrient present in this food. It stands out for its contribution to various vital functions, including liver work and the transmission of nerve impulses.
Calcium is also an essential neurotransmitter in the production of movements.
How to offer an egg to the parrot?
A parrot (or any other bird in the wild) will hunt for and eat raw eggs that other species have produced. However, at home, it’s always best to cook food for the pet, as this reduces the risk of poisoning by microorganisms.
When boiling an egg to give it to a parrot, it’s best to put it under boiling water for 5-7 minutes. This way, the food doesn’t lose its properties and the white and the yolk will remain juicy. When the egg is cooked, you’ll have to wait for it to cool down. Afterward, you’ll split it in half and offer only one part to the parrot. You should leave the shell.
Another option for offering eggs to these birds is to mix them with whole wheat breadcrumbs. The result is a very palatable food for them and, at the same time, it’s a great source of minerals, calories, fiber, and vitamins.
Ideally, remove the egg or its remains two hours after serving if the parrot hasn’t consumed it. This way, the proliferation of fungi and bacteria that could put your health at risk is avoided.
As mentioned, the bird should be given eggs in moderation, not only in terms of quantity, but also in frequency. The animal can eat one boiled egg a week. That is, if it’s given only one half at each feeding, it can feed on it twice a week.
Care regarding feeding parrots
As with any animal, a balanced diet is essential for a healthy life. In the case of parrots, improper feeding is among the main causes of their health problems.
If someone decides to have an exotic bird as a pet, consulting with a professional specialized in these animals about all their care is very important. When it comes to feeding parrots, the basic rule will be that they have a balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients.
What do parrots eat?
Parrots can eat boiled egg, but this should not be the main food on their plate. Also (contrary to what many people think), seeds are important for these birds, but it’s very dangerous to give them nothing else. Birdseed for parrots will be the base of their diet, but not the only ingredient.
An adequate diet for these birds will be divided as follows:
- 50% consisting of specific feed for parrots: Composed of cereals, nuts, seeds, vegetable extracts, and dried fruits.
- 20% natural fruit: Apple, pear, watermelon, pineapple, strawberry, and kiwi, among others.
- 20% fresh vegetables: Green and red pepper, carrot, cauliflower, and endive.
- 10% other foods: This is where the egg would come in, in addition to some legumes, rice, crackers, and other products that are rich in carbohydrates.

Now, you know that boiled egg can be part of a parrot’s diet, but in small quantities. As with other foods, too much egg could cause a lot of damage to the animal, so don’t overdo it.
When it comes to caring for birds, one of the most important factors to consider is their diet. There are seed preparations that are usually the basis of their diet, but you need to supplement their food with more ingredients. That’s why the question may arise as to whether or not parrots should eat cooked egg sporadically.
Feeding a bird the wrong way can lead to serious health problems and even put its life at risk. Because of this, knowing what they can consume and what not is very relevant. Keep reading if you want to know more about the subject.
Is boiled egg good for birds?
This common ingredient in human cooking is good for any type of bird. So the answer is yes, parrots can eat boiled egg and they will reap great benefits. These poultry products are an excellent source of protein, but they’re also rich in vitamins. Even the shell itself is good for these animals, as it contains a lot of calcium.
The egg is perfect as food throughout the life of the birds, but especially in the breeding season, when the parents care for their chicks and require an extra energy supply. Of course, it’s important to give eggs in moderation and not every day.

The nutritional properties of eggs
As experts say, the content of an egg allows it to originate a living being by itself. Therefore, experts say that it’s one of the most complete foods that can exist. When it comes to talking about the properties of this compound, it’s very common to hear that the best thing about it is the yolk. However, egg white is also very beneficial.
Egg white is made up of 88% water and has a high protein content, among which albumin stands out (it has a very high proportion of essential amino acids). In addition, it doesn’t contain fat, is low in calories, and is a source of vitamins and minerals.
On the other hand, the yolk contains 50% water, but the rest of its composition is divided between lipids and proteins. Therefore, this part of the egg has more fat and shouldn’t be abused.
Ultimately, you should note that this food also contains many minerals that are important for health. Some of the most prominent are zinc, phosphorus, iodine, and iron.
The benefits of eggs for parrots
Due to all the properties that the egg has, it can be said that this is a very complete and beneficial food for the health of parrots. Of course, we need to remember that its administration shouldn’t be abused due to its caloric component.
The egg provides the animal with a large amount of nutrients that promote its optimal state of health. One of them is calcium, essential in the bird’s bone development. Choline is another important nutrient present in this food. It stands out for its contribution to various vital functions, including liver work and the transmission of nerve impulses.
Calcium is also an essential neurotransmitter in the production of movements.
How to offer an egg to the parrot?
A parrot (or any other bird in the wild) will hunt for and eat raw eggs that other species have produced. However, at home, it’s always best to cook food for the pet, as this reduces the risk of poisoning by microorganisms.
When boiling an egg to give it to a parrot, it’s best to put it under boiling water for 5-7 minutes. This way, the food doesn’t lose its properties and the white and the yolk will remain juicy. When the egg is cooked, you’ll have to wait for it to cool down. Afterward, you’ll split it in half and offer only one part to the parrot. You should leave the shell.
Another option for offering eggs to these birds is to mix them with whole wheat breadcrumbs. The result is a very palatable food for them and, at the same time, it’s a great source of minerals, calories, fiber, and vitamins.
Ideally, remove the egg or its remains two hours after serving if the parrot hasn’t consumed it. This way, the proliferation of fungi and bacteria that could put your health at risk is avoided.
As mentioned, the bird should be given eggs in moderation, not only in terms of quantity, but also in frequency. The animal can eat one boiled egg a week. That is, if it’s given only one half at each feeding, it can feed on it twice a week.
Care regarding feeding parrots
As with any animal, a balanced diet is essential for a healthy life. In the case of parrots, improper feeding is among the main causes of their health problems.
If someone decides to have an exotic bird as a pet, consulting with a professional specialized in these animals about all their care is very important. When it comes to feeding parrots, the basic rule will be that they have a balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients.
What do parrots eat?
Parrots can eat boiled egg, but this should not be the main food on their plate. Also (contrary to what many people think), seeds are important for these birds, but it’s very dangerous to give them nothing else. Birdseed for parrots will be the base of their diet, but not the only ingredient.
An adequate diet for these birds will be divided as follows:
- 50% consisting of specific feed for parrots: Composed of cereals, nuts, seeds, vegetable extracts, and dried fruits.
- 20% natural fruit: Apple, pear, watermelon, pineapple, strawberry, and kiwi, among others.
- 20% fresh vegetables: Green and red pepper, carrot, cauliflower, and endive.
- 10% other foods: This is where the egg would come in, in addition to some legumes, rice, crackers, and other products that are rich in carbohydrates.

Now, you know that boiled egg can be part of a parrot’s diet, but in small quantities. As with other foods, too much egg could cause a lot of damage to the animal, so don’t overdo it.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Mellon, M. (2021). Vivir con un loro: Amazon loro guía de cuidado para principiantes: Cómo cuidar de loro gris africano. Independently published.
- Antonio, J. (2021). Cómo alimentar a un loro cuáquero: Técnicas de crianza, la elección de alimentos y la formación de loros cuáqueros: Guía de habilidades para el periquito para principiantes. Independently published.
- Composición nutricional del huevo. Recogido el 21 de septiembre en
- Piñeiro, C. J. S., & Bert, E. (2011). Principios en la alimentación de psitacidas. REDVET. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria, 12(11), 1-3.
- Dieta para psitácidas. Recogido el 21 de septiembre en
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.