Types of Dog Feeders

As some people can't always be at home to feed their dogs, you should know about the fantastic gadgets that automatically pour out food at the desired times and amounts. There are also feeders that help prevent dogs from eating too quickly.
Types of Dog Feeders

Last update: 20 July, 2020

Just as not all pets are the same, not all dog feeders are the same. There are many different types of feeders for the different needs or habits of each animal. In this article, we’ll tell you about the various options that are available in stores.

What types of dog feeders are there?

Before choosing or buying a feeder for your pet, it’s important to know their tastes and eating habits well. For example, does your dog devour their food in seconds? Does your dog like to carry their bowl around? Alternatively, does your pup like to eat a little, wait a while, and then eat some more?

For each problem, there’s a different type of feeder adapted to these specific needs and behaviors. Once you know about all the options and what type of dog feeders are recommended for each type of behavior, it’s much easier to make a choice. Then, all you have to do is choose a special color or design for your pet!

Keep in mind that each dog feeder has peculiarities, benefits, and disadvantages. For this reason, you need to analyze and compare the alternatives. Here are some of the options:

1. Automatic dog feeders

This is an ideal option for owners that aren’t home for long periods of time. This means that the owner might not be home for mealtime every day. This device has two containers. The first container is for the food and the other is where the dog eats. However, these are not suitable for wet food.

Automatic dog feeders are a great option if you're not home for long periods.

These dog feeders have a clock. This means that you can program the times when the food will come out. You can also choose the amount of food. In fact, there are even some models that you can operate from your phone. These are a great idea if you’re going away for the weekend and want to make sure your dog is eating on their regular schedule.

2. Stainless steel or aluminum bowls

These can come in all different shapes or sizes. However, this is a great option for dogs that are restless at mealtimes or ones that want to play with their dish.

Some dog feeders are just metal bowls.

The only issue with these is that they can be a bit heavy compared to lighter plastic bowls. However, they’re easy to wash and last longer than plastic bowls usually.

3. Feeders with obstacles

If every time you serve your dog you think they would be the winner for the Guinness World Record for the fastest eater, this feeder is a great option. They’re made of plastic – however, unlike other feeders, these have obstacles in the center. These make it more difficult to access the food. As a result, your dog slows down while eating.

A pet food bowl with obstacles.

Of course, if you have a gluttonous dog, it’s not going to prevent your dog from wolfing down their food. However, the truth is that at least it will take a little longer to devour their food. The goal is that they have to rest a bit between bites. This helps prevent choking, gastric or intestinal disorders, vomiting, bloating, or weight gain.

4. Plastic dog feeders

These are typical dishes or containers that are sold in pet stores. Although there are different models, the truth is that we don’t always recommend these for dogs. One reason is that animals can develop allergies to plastic.

A dog and a plastic dog bowl in a field.

In addition, if your dog eats outside and the dish is exposed to sun or rain, this will quickly ruin it. These dishes also can lead to the appearance of insects or fungi if any food remains get stuck to them.

5. Dog feeders according to the size of the dog

Obviously, you won’t get the same size of feeder for a chihuahua as for a Neapolitan mastiff. And we’re not just talking about the amount of food, but also to the type of dish.

Little dogs need smaller dog feeders.

In stores, you can find containers with lower sides for pets with short snouts. You also find bigger containers for breeds like boxers or bigger dogs, such as Afghan greyhounds.

6. High feeders

Finally, one type of feeder is one that you can adjust based on the height of your dog. This prevent your pet from having to make a great effort to feed and prevents stomach issues.

Two high food and water bowls.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.