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Daniel Aguilar

Daniel Aguilar

Medical Team

Veterinary doctor specialized in zootechnics. He has extensive experience collaborating with activities and projects related to environmental sustainability, the agricultural sector and animal welfare. He has participated in conferences, seminars and research programs focused on these areas of interest.

About the author

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico (2020). He completed an academic stay at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Biology and Food Science and Technology of the University of León, Spain.

During his student career, he participated in various congresses related to the agricultural, medical, and environmental sectors in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. He has carried out social service activities in morphology and histology laboratories at the University of Guadalajara.

Due to his interest in scientific research, he has collaborated as a speaker at the CUSUR National Research Week, as well as at the Science and Technology Fair and the Fourth Research Forum of the Academy of Methodology, at the University Center of the South.

He worked in environmental management, training, and enrichment activities within the Animal Welfare department of 'Akumal Monkey Sanctuary & Rescued Animals', in the state of Quintana Roo. His specialty is zootechnics, which he applies under the criteria of environmental sustainability.

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