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Facts about Cat Sleeping Habits

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In this very interesting article, discover everything you need to know about cat sleeping habits. Read on here to learn more!
Facts about Cat Sleeping Habits
Last update: 22 December, 2022

These pets are the envy of many people. In addition to eating, meeting their physiological needs, hydrating themselves, and playing, they spend most of their time sleeping. In this interesting article, learn all about cat sleeping habits.

No matter the place, the time, or season of the year. No matter if it’s raining or not. Nor if they’re hot, cold, hungry or bored. For cats, any reason seems to be valid to lie down, take a short nap, or fall sound asleep.

On average, cats sleep for 16 hours a day

Many first-time cat owners go to the vet concerned and alarmed because their cats spend their days sleeping. This still happens despite the fact that cats are renowned sleepers.

Cat sleeping habits

Some experts say that the fact that cats sleep a lot is one of the remarkable characteristics of felines in general. Thanks to cats’ excellent hunting skills, that allow them to get all the nourishment they need, hunting doesn’t take them long.

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Once their hunger is satisfied, they can relax for long periods of time before needing to hunt again. They use that time between meals to sleep.

This is a phenomenon exclusive to this species, as other species have a much harder time catching prey.

When cats are small, they’re cute and very sleepy. When they’re older, they’re hyperactive. During the first days of life, cats sleep an average of 20 hours a day.

This time isn’t only normal but necessary. Hormones that affect growth act while your cat sleeps. The more your cat sleeps, the more it’ll develop.

Moreover, it’s believed that this is another “tradition” inherited from their wild relatives. Feline mothers also have to go hunting for food, leaving their kittens alone in the nest. To safeguard kittens, nature devised a system that “puts them to sleep” all day.

Kittens develop

When domestic felines reach five weeks of age, they no longer sleep that much. Until they turn one, they’re more active and sleep less during this “adolescent” stage.

On average, kittens sleep 60% of the day, between 12 and 13 hours in total. Besides having a lot of energy and developed physical abilities, teenage cats’ insatiable curiosity lead them to be more active.

When they reach adulthood, cats sleep between 16 and 17 hours every day, approximately 75% of the day.

If your cat spends the day alone at home, chances are it’ll only use up that time sleeping. It’s no wonder that cat owners find their pet sleeping after getting home from work, on the same couch they left them.

Cats can sleep even more during the winter in order to better manage their energy. Also, cats sleep more during this season to replenish their body heat.

As they age, they sleep up to 20 hours a day.

Five-minute naps every five minutes

Cat sleeping habits are very interesting. These pets will always look for the hottest corner in the winter and the coolest corner in the summer. But cats often select unconventional places to sleep. Your pet cat may sleep inside your washing machine, a pot, on a tire, or even inside the engine of a car.

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Cats’ sleeping positions are also very striking. Their flexibility and adaptability make them the envy of contortionists.

They don’t sleep continuously nor divide their sleeping hours into two or three groups. Every time they have a chance, cats take naps. Cats can even fall asleep sitting down in front of the bathroom door while waiting for their owners to take a shower or get ready to go out.

During these short naps, that account for 70% of cats’ sleeping hours, they sleep lightly and are easily awakened.

The remaining 30% represents deep sleep, during which they may experience involuntary bodily and eye movements. In some cases, they can even mew.

While cats sleep soundly, they stay alert, meaning they shouldn’t be disturbed.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.