European Dog Breeds - The Classics

Though most breeds come from Germany, France, and Spain, one could say that there’s at least one specimen of a European dog breed from every country in the continent. We’d like to tell you about the most popular ones in today’s article.
Examples of European dog breeds
These types of dogs may have originated in Europe but you can currently find them in most parts of the world. They’re well-known breeds and today we’d like to tell you a little bit about them:
1. Deutscher Boxer

Their head is strong and their jaw imposing. Ordinarily, their snout is flat and they have short tan and white hair, although some are completely brown. In addition, their ears and tail are short due to the mutilation that’s blamed on “aesthetics.” Note that this practice is now illegal in many countries.
In brief, this kind of dog is very active, faithful, vigilant, somewhat dominant, and highly territorial.
2. The Spanish Mastiff is a European dog
This is one of the European dog breeds that abound in rural areas. They’re used for guarding livestock. They are large, muscular and powerful animals whose thick fur goes well with their striking appearance. A specimen can weigh about 154 pounds (it’s the largest of the Spanish breeds).
They’re elegant, distrustful of strangers, devout to their owners and they’re great with children. The protective instinct of this dog is a lot more enhanced than that of others.
3. Dogue de Bordeaux
This dog of French origin is large, and is a part of the guard dog group. It’s one of the oldest in that country and it has a large head, a short snout, and green or amber-colored eyes. In addition, their ears hang down gracefully and their coat is short and either two-toned or mahogany brown.
The Dogue de Bordeaux can live up to 10 years and is highly affectionate, attached to their family, faithful and calm-natured. Note that they don’t like being alone and will become aggressive if not properly socialized.
4. Neapolitan Mastiff
This dog breed is of Italian origin (from Naples, specifically) and the breed is quite ancient. They’re descendants of the Tibetan Mastiff, a dog brought to Italy by Alexander the Great.
Generally, they have a stocky large body with a wide back, and they’re loyal protectors of both their family and their home. Neapolitan Mastiffs are highly intelligent, noble, majestic, determined, and loyal. Ordinarily, they don’t bite but they will if they have a very good reason.
5. Beagle
A dog of English origin, Beagles are small to medium in size, have short legs and hanging ears. Their breeding began over 2000 years ago; however, their modern development began in 1830.
People connect the Beagle to the Elizabethan era because this queen had several specimens. Next to St. Hubert’s Dog (the bloodhound), the Beagle has one of the most developed senses of smell. This is a gentle animal who’s cheerful, affectionate, somewhat shy, intelligent, and determined.
6. Collies are a European dog breed

There’s also a sub-breed Border Collie with semi-long hair. As a rule, this is a very sweet animal that’s easy to train. They’re also loyal companions and distrustful of anyone they don’t know.
7. Brussels Griffon
A miniature dog from Belgium, the name, in fact, refers to three different breeds: the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon. Their faces are flat and they have big eyes. Additionally, their head is round and they weight around 9 pounds.
8. Welsh Terrier
This is one of the oldest terriers; people bred them to hunt foxes, badgers, and rodents in the mid-18th century. Generally, they require a firm hand and consistent treatment.
They’re short, square, elegant, with a broad head and a medium snout. Generally, their tail is perky and their hair is woolly to keep them warm in cold weather. They’re an active, outgoing and friendly breed of dog. However, they’re quite shy with strangers.
Other European dog breeds are the Cocker Spaniel (England), Golden Retriever (Scotland), Doberman (Germany), Poodle (France), Maltese Bichon (Italy) and the Bernese Mountain Dog (Switzerland).
Thanks for reading, we hope you’ve enjoyed this article.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.