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Colombian Fino Hound: Habits and Characteristics

4 minutes
The Colombian fino hound is a dog native to Colombia that has been created by humans through functional selection for many years.
Colombian Fino Hound: Habits and Characteristics
Samuel Sanchez

Reviewed and approved by the biologist Samuel Sanchez

Written by Santiago Cardona
Last update: 18 November, 2023

Colombia didn’t have an officially recognized breed of dog….at least until now. The Colombian Fino Hound heralds from this country and is now recognized throughout the world. Thanks to its hunting skills, this dog was adopted as a favorite pet in many homes.

For many years, this dog has been used as a hunting dog within the families that work the fields. It’s also an animal that has adapted to the climate and geography of Colombia and, in the same way, it can be found in any region of the country. Next, we’ll discover more about this long-eared dog.

Recognition as a dog breed

The Asociación Club de Sabueso Fino Colombiano began to promote the recognition of this breed as a fino hound, after its discovery and with the investigative help of the National University of Colombia. What they sought was to change the perspective of the animal as a field hunting dog and give it the connotation of a noble pet.

Currently, this dog is recognized as a fino breed dog by the Colombian Canine Club, ever since 2015. These days, these animals can be found in homes that have a medium-high socioeconomic level.

A brief history

Since the arrival of the Spaniards in the Americas —and from the mid-sixteenth century to the nineteenth century— hounds of Spanish origin entered Colombian territory. These were used to hunt ducks, rodents, and deer. Then the English came onto the scene, with breeds of dogs such as the pointer and the fox hound.

It could be said that these dog breeds played an important role in the appearance on the scene of the Colombian Fino Hound and, therefore, in their genetic crosses. In addition, their qualities as game animals were what gave prominence to this breed throughout the territory in question. For now, it only has national recognition as a fine breed dog.

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Habits of the Colombian fine hound

In addition to its hunting skills already discussed at the beginning of this article, the Colombian fine hound has many striking features. Among them, we can highlight the following:

  1. It won’t hesitate at any time to accompany its owner to explore the territory. It has a noble and affectionate temperament.
  2. It’s considered by many as their favorite hunting dog, due to its olfactory qualities and physical resistance.
  3. When it comes to doing work ordered by its owner, it becomes quite cunning, raises its head high, and puts aside its shyness.
  4. When ordered to find prey, it announces its find with high-pitched, joyous barks.
  5. It’s a calm dog that finds closeness to other dogs as something normal. In the same way, it’s excellent company for children, due to its sweet personality.

Characteristics of the Colombian fino hound

The Colombian fino hound is medium in size, with a weight of 15 to 25 kilograms (33 – 55 lbs) and a height of 45 to 50 centimeters (17 to 20 inches). It has a rectangular proportion, which highlights the length of its body. Its coat is shiny, smooth and short. There are also specimens with coarse, denser hair and with undercoats.

All Colombian fine hounds have a long tail that tapers towards the tip.

Its large long ears are very showy, hanging and rounded. Its body has a great variety of colors, as there are browns, whites and blacks, and shades of combined colors. It has short legs, but not like those of a dwarf dog, since they’re proportional to the size of its body. Therefore, it’s an agile dog and has walks fluidly.

Commercial value of the Colombian fino hound

Before buying a Colombian fino hound, make sure the breeder is reputable. Similarly, take some time to make sure your puppy is vaccinated, that it isn’t an aggressive dog, and that it doesn’t have any genetic diseases.

The commercial value of these dogs is approximately $400 (around €330). When acquiring a Colombian fino hound either commercially or through adoption – you’ll require the veterinary certificate to prove that the animal is dewormed and healthy.

Other names of the Colombian fino hound

These wonderful animals have a variety of names in some regions of Colombia, for example, in the department of Santander they are known as “tinajero hounds“, in the Colombian Caribbean they are called “chapolos“, in the department of Antioquia they are called “howlers”, while in other cities and rural areas they are simply called “fino”.

Some figure

Despite its many names, the one that attracts national and international recognition will be that of Colombian fino hound. Perhaps you’re already feeling tempted to buy or adopt one and to welcome it as a new member of your family.

Colombia didn’t have an officially recognized breed of dog….at least until now. The Colombian Fino Hound heralds from this country and is now recognized throughout the world. Thanks to its hunting skills, this dog was adopted as a favorite pet in many homes.

For many years, this dog has been used as a hunting dog within the families that work the fields. It’s also an animal that has adapted to the climate and geography of Colombia and, in the same way, it can be found in any region of the country. Next, we’ll discover more about this long-eared dog.

Recognition as a dog breed

The Asociación Club de Sabueso Fino Colombiano began to promote the recognition of this breed as a fino hound, after its discovery and with the investigative help of the National University of Colombia. What they sought was to change the perspective of the animal as a field hunting dog and give it the connotation of a noble pet.

Currently, this dog is recognized as a fino breed dog by the Colombian Canine Club, ever since 2015. These days, these animals can be found in homes that have a medium-high socioeconomic level.

A brief history

Since the arrival of the Spaniards in the Americas —and from the mid-sixteenth century to the nineteenth century— hounds of Spanish origin entered Colombian territory. These were used to hunt ducks, rodents, and deer. Then the English came onto the scene, with breeds of dogs such as the pointer and the fox hound.

It could be said that these dog breeds played an important role in the appearance on the scene of the Colombian Fino Hound and, therefore, in their genetic crosses. In addition, their qualities as game animals were what gave prominence to this breed throughout the territory in question. For now, it only has national recognition as a fine breed dog.

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Habits of the Colombian fine hound

In addition to its hunting skills already discussed at the beginning of this article, the Colombian fine hound has many striking features. Among them, we can highlight the following:

  1. It won’t hesitate at any time to accompany its owner to explore the territory. It has a noble and affectionate temperament.
  2. It’s considered by many as their favorite hunting dog, due to its olfactory qualities and physical resistance.
  3. When it comes to doing work ordered by its owner, it becomes quite cunning, raises its head high, and puts aside its shyness.
  4. When ordered to find prey, it announces its find with high-pitched, joyous barks.
  5. It’s a calm dog that finds closeness to other dogs as something normal. In the same way, it’s excellent company for children, due to its sweet personality.

Characteristics of the Colombian fino hound

The Colombian fino hound is medium in size, with a weight of 15 to 25 kilograms (33 – 55 lbs) and a height of 45 to 50 centimeters (17 to 20 inches). It has a rectangular proportion, which highlights the length of its body. Its coat is shiny, smooth and short. There are also specimens with coarse, denser hair and with undercoats.

All Colombian fine hounds have a long tail that tapers towards the tip.

Its large long ears are very showy, hanging and rounded. Its body has a great variety of colors, as there are browns, whites and blacks, and shades of combined colors. It has short legs, but not like those of a dwarf dog, since they’re proportional to the size of its body. Therefore, it’s an agile dog and has walks fluidly.

Commercial value of the Colombian fino hound

Before buying a Colombian fino hound, make sure the breeder is reputable. Similarly, take some time to make sure your puppy is vaccinated, that it isn’t an aggressive dog, and that it doesn’t have any genetic diseases.

The commercial value of these dogs is approximately $400 (around €330). When acquiring a Colombian fino hound either commercially or through adoption – you’ll require the veterinary certificate to prove that the animal is dewormed and healthy.

Other names of the Colombian fino hound

These wonderful animals have a variety of names in some regions of Colombia, for example, in the department of Santander they are known as “tinajero hounds“, in the Colombian Caribbean they are called “chapolos“, in the department of Antioquia they are called “howlers”, while in other cities and rural areas they are simply called “fino”.

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Despite its many names, the one that attracts national and international recognition will be that of Colombian fino hound. Perhaps you’re already feeling tempted to buy or adopt one and to welcome it as a new member of your family.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.




This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.