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Is Pineapple Good for Dogs?

4 minutes
Fruits can be a complement in the diet of dogs; That is why the question arises, is pineapple good for dogs?
Is Pineapple Good for Dogs?
Samuel Sanchez

Reviewed and approved by the biologist Samuel Sanchez

Last update: 21 December, 2022

Those who live with a dog at home must be clear that their pet’s diet is essential in order for them to lead a healthy life. Therefore, it’s necessary to know which foods to include in their diet and which to avoid. For example, not all fruits have positive effects on these animals. So the question arises: is pineapple good for dogs?

Found in desserts, ice creams, juices, and different food preparations, pineapple is a tropical fruit well known around the world and full of nutrients that it brings to people’s bodies. But, does it work the same way in dogs? Find out below.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

To begin with, it should be said that dogs can eat pineapple, although its consumption has to be moderate. This fruit shouldn’t be the main dish in the dog’s diet, but rather a complement. Pineapple should be used as a treat a prize or a snack for your furry friend.

This acidic and sweet fruit has properties that could benefit a dog, as long as it’s consumed taking into account some recommendations. Otherwise, the side effects will impact your pet, generating possible health complications.

On the other hand, remember that before giving any food to your pet you should inform yourself about the reactions that the animal may have when digesting it. In this vein, it’s recommended that you always consult and have the approval of a veterinarian. If your dog is allergic to pineapple, a professional in the field will know how to treat it or what other fruits to recommend for consumption.

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Benefits of pineapple for dogs

Pineapple isn’t only good for people, but it also contributes to a dog’s life. This is so due to its rich composition in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Therefore, offering a few small pieces of this fruit to your canine friend could contribute to their well-being.

In this sense, pineapple can help keep your dog hydrated because it’s made up of approximately 85% water. In addition to this, it’s a fruit capable of strengthening the immune system by having vitamins C, A, B1 and folic acid. In addition, it has copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Providing pineapple to your dog will also improve the functioning of its digestive system, as it’s a fruit rich in dietary fiber. Some sources argue that it can prevent the appearance of cancer in the animal’s body, but much more research is necessary to attribute such effects to any fruit.

By reducing oxidative stress on cells and their inflammation, pineapple could act against certain neoplasms. More knowledge is required to affirm it.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its virtues, if you don’t offer this tropical fruit to your pet in a moderate way, the benefits may disappear (while the health problems become evident). By overdoing the pieces of pineapple that you provide your dog with, its digestive system may begin to be affected, especially considering that it’s has a high level of sugar.

In the same way, your dog may also get dental cavities or suffer weight gain due to these sugars. In addition, since it’s a rather acidic fruit, pineapple needs to be included little by little in the animal’s diet. In this way, you’ll be able to observe if your dog has a good reaction to it, or if, on the contrary, it begins to suffer discomfort and allergic reactions.

How to offer pineapple to a dog?

It’s best to provide natural ripe pineapple to your pet. As already mentioned, it’s also essential that you ingest it in small amounts. Factors such as size, weight, age, and health will determine how much fruit to feed your pet. Make sure the pineapple is always fresh and be clear that it isn’t recommended to add salt, sugar, or any other seasoning.

What parts of pineapple should be avoided?

If you’re going to offer pineapple to your dog, it’s important to note that there are some parts that should be avoided. The dog can ingest this fruit as long as you have removed the skin, the core and the black spots from the pulp. Otherwise, your pet could be at risk of obstruction or suffocation. In this sense, it’s also essential that the fruit is chopped into small pieces.

Is pineapple ice cream good for dogs?

It isn’t recommended to give pineapple ice cream to dogs. Even though it isn’t prohibited as such, this isn’t one of the healthiest options for dogs. It’s clear that natural pineapple contains nutrients that contribute to the welfare of these animals, but it shouldn’t be prepared in other formats.

Certain dogs are lactose intolerant. For this reason, the only ice creams that they can consume are popsicles without dairy products.

Is canned pineapple good for dogs?

Canned pineapple isn’t good for dogs. This alternative is even less healthy than ice cream because it’s a processed product. That is, it contains many added ingredients and preservatives (in addition to sugars and empty calories) that could affect your friend’s body. Therefore, it shouldn’t be included in the dog’s diet.

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Finally, remember that food plays a fundamental role in your pet’s lifestyle and, because of that, you must provide a balanced and healthy diet. Don’t forget that it’s very important to have the opinion of a veterinarian and you always need to remain alert to any negative reactions in the animal.

Those who live with a dog at home must be clear that their pet’s diet is essential in order for them to lead a healthy life. Therefore, it’s necessary to know which foods to include in their diet and which to avoid. For example, not all fruits have positive effects on these animals. So the question arises: is pineapple good for dogs?

Found in desserts, ice creams, juices, and different food preparations, pineapple is a tropical fruit well known around the world and full of nutrients that it brings to people’s bodies. But, does it work the same way in dogs? Find out below.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

To begin with, it should be said that dogs can eat pineapple, although its consumption has to be moderate. This fruit shouldn’t be the main dish in the dog’s diet, but rather a complement. Pineapple should be used as a treat a prize or a snack for your furry friend.

This acidic and sweet fruit has properties that could benefit a dog, as long as it’s consumed taking into account some recommendations. Otherwise, the side effects will impact your pet, generating possible health complications.

On the other hand, remember that before giving any food to your pet you should inform yourself about the reactions that the animal may have when digesting it. In this vein, it’s recommended that you always consult and have the approval of a veterinarian. If your dog is allergic to pineapple, a professional in the field will know how to treat it or what other fruits to recommend for consumption.

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Benefits of pineapple for dogs

Pineapple isn’t only good for people, but it also contributes to a dog’s life. This is so due to its rich composition in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Therefore, offering a few small pieces of this fruit to your canine friend could contribute to their well-being.

In this sense, pineapple can help keep your dog hydrated because it’s made up of approximately 85% water. In addition to this, it’s a fruit capable of strengthening the immune system by having vitamins C, A, B1 and folic acid. In addition, it has copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Providing pineapple to your dog will also improve the functioning of its digestive system, as it’s a fruit rich in dietary fiber. Some sources argue that it can prevent the appearance of cancer in the animal’s body, but much more research is necessary to attribute such effects to any fruit.

By reducing oxidative stress on cells and their inflammation, pineapple could act against certain neoplasms. More knowledge is required to affirm it.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its virtues, if you don’t offer this tropical fruit to your pet in a moderate way, the benefits may disappear (while the health problems become evident). By overdoing the pieces of pineapple that you provide your dog with, its digestive system may begin to be affected, especially considering that it’s has a high level of sugar.

In the same way, your dog may also get dental cavities or suffer weight gain due to these sugars. In addition, since it’s a rather acidic fruit, pineapple needs to be included little by little in the animal’s diet. In this way, you’ll be able to observe if your dog has a good reaction to it, or if, on the contrary, it begins to suffer discomfort and allergic reactions.

How to offer pineapple to a dog?

It’s best to provide natural ripe pineapple to your pet. As already mentioned, it’s also essential that you ingest it in small amounts. Factors such as size, weight, age, and health will determine how much fruit to feed your pet. Make sure the pineapple is always fresh and be clear that it isn’t recommended to add salt, sugar, or any other seasoning.

What parts of pineapple should be avoided?

If you’re going to offer pineapple to your dog, it’s important to note that there are some parts that should be avoided. The dog can ingest this fruit as long as you have removed the skin, the core and the black spots from the pulp. Otherwise, your pet could be at risk of obstruction or suffocation. In this sense, it’s also essential that the fruit is chopped into small pieces.

Is pineapple ice cream good for dogs?

It isn’t recommended to give pineapple ice cream to dogs. Even though it isn’t prohibited as such, this isn’t one of the healthiest options for dogs. It’s clear that natural pineapple contains nutrients that contribute to the welfare of these animals, but it shouldn’t be prepared in other formats.

Certain dogs are lactose intolerant. For this reason, the only ice creams that they can consume are popsicles without dairy products.

Is canned pineapple good for dogs?

Canned pineapple isn’t good for dogs. This alternative is even less healthy than ice cream because it’s a processed product. That is, it contains many added ingredients and preservatives (in addition to sugars and empty calories) that could affect your friend’s body. Therefore, it shouldn’t be included in the dog’s diet.

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Finally, remember that food plays a fundamental role in your pet’s lifestyle and, because of that, you must provide a balanced and healthy diet. Don’t forget that it’s very important to have the opinion of a veterinarian and you always need to remain alert to any negative reactions in the animal.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • MANUAL DE BIENESTAR ANIMAL. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria de Argentina. Recogido el 7 de septiembre de 2021 de: http://www.senasa.gob.ar/sites/default/files/ARBOL_SENASA/ANIMAL/BOVINOS_BUBALINOS/INDUSTRIA/ESTABL_IND/BIENESTAR/manual_de_bienestar_animal_especies_domesticas_-_senasa_-_version_1-2015.pdf
  • Cáncer en animales. American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Recogido el 7 de septiembre de 2021 de: https://ebusiness.avma.org/files/productdownloads/cancer_brochure_sp.pdf

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.