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Alejandro Rodríguez

Alejandro Rodríguez

Medical Team

Biologist specialized in bioinformatics. He is a doctor in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from the University of Salamanca. He has worked on different research projects and as a bioinformatician at various institutes. He has also explored a facet as a disseminator for digital media.

About the author

Graduated in Biology from the University of Salamanca (2011). He complemented his studies with a Master's degree in Agroforestry Biotechnology from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2012). Later, he received his doctorate in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food, and Biosystems Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2016).

His Final Master's Project is entitled Role of Plant Urate in the Virulence Regulation of Dickeya dadantii 3937 , and his doctoral thesis Fair Approaches Applied to Unraveling Plant-Pathogen Interactions Data and RNA Processing Evolution, which obtained the qualification of outstanding cum laude.

Likewise, his work as a researcher in the Bioformatics Laboratory of the Center for Biotechnology and Plant Genomics of the Polytechnic University of Madrid stands out, thanks to his contribution to the Official Youth Guarantee Program of the Community of Madrid. He has also specialized in computing and multiplatform application development. His current areas of interest and research revolve around bioinformatics.

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