3 Things You Learn When You Adopt a Cat

So you’ve made the decision, and you’re going to adopt a cat. Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to bring another living being into your home. But although you might think you know how to be a responsible owner, we want to share a few things with you.
Your responsibilities when you adopt a cat
Although cats are very independent animals, this definitely doesn’t mean that they take care of themselves. This is the first thing you’ll learn when you adopt a cat. If you don’t have the time or resources to take care of him, you’re probably best waiting until you do.
If your cat is already part of the family, remember that:

- You need to give him the right food for his age, size, and physical condition. And don’t forget to make sure he always has fresh water.
- Make sure he has a comfortable and clean place to relax, places to hide and feel safe (like a box), and the right toys and scratching posts.
- Make sure his vaccinations and deworming are up to date. Remember to tell the vet if your cat is allowed outside and have a think about sterilization.
- Games and affection are really important to keep your cat happy and healthy. If you spend a lot of time out of the house, think very carefully before adopting another cat.
- If there are children in your home, make sure you explain to them how to treat animals properly. And, even still, don’t leave them alone with your pet.
Adopting a cat is, without a doubt, a good decision, as long as you accept responsibility. You’ll learn a lot from living with a cat. Below are just a few things you’ll learn.
Things you’ll learn when you adopt a cat
So you’ve taken the above points into consideration and the cat is well suited to your home. Now let’s look at some of the things you’re going to learn through the wonderful experience of living with a cat.
1. A cat is not a meowing dog
Although cats adapt well to living in groups, they’re not pack animals like dogs are. So don’t expect your cat to recognize your authority or follow you around waiting for attention. However, their intelligence does make it easier to live with. Respect their time and their wishes, and they will let you know if they want to play or have some cuddles.
2. What your cat will do once he begins to trust you
If your cat rubs his head on certain objects it’s because he’s marking his territory with his scent. If he does it to you, especially if he rubs his face against your legs, it’s his way of saying that you are part of his territory.
Furthermore, if he lies on his back and shows you his belly, waiting for you to stroke it, don’t hesitate. It means he completely trusts you. And if he decides to groom you, as if you were a fellow cat, licking your hands, hair, etc. then congratulations! He considers you to be, pure and simple, one of his own.
3. Living with a cat improves your health and makes you happier

Cats are natural relaxants. Even if you’ve had a terrible day, stroking your cat or playing with him for a while will banish your bad mood and calm you down. Just try it for yourself.
Different research has determined that people who live with cats are healthier and happier. Their purring, as well as having a calming effect, also lowers blood pressure.
So, when you adopt a cat, as well as saying goodbye to loneliness and depression, you’ll be reducing risks of heart problems and increasing your life expectancy! So take great care of your furry friend!
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.