If there’s one thing that’s as important, if not more important than water quality in maintaining an aquarium, it’s providing quality food for your fish. It’s not just a matter of knowing how many times fish eat per day, but…
A good diet is necessary for our pets, as well as for us. Therefore, we must take care of them and feed them according to their needs.
If there’s one thing that’s as important, if not more important than water quality in maintaining an aquarium, it’s providing quality food for your fish. It’s not just a matter of knowing how many times fish eat per day, but…
If you need to change your cat’s food, it’s a more complex process than it may first seem. Especially, on many occasions, because these changes are often the result of health problems and other physical conditions. In addition, many domestic…
Giving their dog a treat is a common practice among most owners, as it serves as an incentive when the pet does something you want, or just simply because you want to pamper it. While it isn’t a bad thing…
When a dog isn’t in its healthy weight range, owners must help it to recover progressively. And what does this involve? We’ll bring you tips to fatten up your dog until they reach the right body mass index and fat.…
Unlike their strictly carnivorous ancestors, dogs have developed the ability to assimilate different types of food. Thanks to this, today’s omnivorous dogs can eat certain fruits that can be beneficial for their organism and their well-being. Most of these fruits…
Knowing how to feed your adult dog is one of the basic tasks that you must take into account if you want your best friend to be healthy, happy, and have a longer life expectancy. According to Catherine Dauvergne, in…
The liver is an important organ in all pets, as it fulfills functions such as detoxifying and absorbing nutrients. For this reason, any disease that impedes its work can bring fatal consequences. Among the most common pathologies is hepatitis, which…
It’s common for owners to wonder if their dogs can eat the different types of melon, taking into account the cooling properties and rich flavor of this fruit. The truth is that dogs can consume many different fruits and vegetables…
As pet owners, it’s normal to have questions about the foods that are really healthy for our dogs. We would like to offer them a good variety, but we don’t know for sure what’s good and what isn’t. Therefore, in…
Vegan diets have become a trend that has been applied to pets, but experts warn that they’re incomplete diets. In…
If you are interested in delving into aspects of your dog’s health beyond the basic daily care you give it,…
Can dogs eat cauliflower? As they’re facultative carnivores, dogs also obtain nutrients through the intake of fruits and vegetables. But, can any fruits and veg be included in the diet of these pets? Of course not! Some foods benefit their…
There are certain food supplements that are truly beneficial for pets. Undoubtedly, fish oil for cats is one of them. However, as always, you should consult with a veterinary professional about which is the best supplement in the diet of a…
Feeding dogs is a fundamental and influential aspect that influences the quality of life of these animals. In order to find a balanced diet that benefits their body, you’ll need to review what foods or ingredients provide enough nutrients for…
Some people love cheese and others hate it. It’s hard to find the middle ground here. If an owner loves this dairy product and has a cat at home, they’ll have been tempted to let their cats eat some. However,…
Depending on the breed and age of the animal, a dog may require from 800 to 2300 kilocalories a day.…
Although many people believe all cats can eat the same food, you actually need to take their age into account.…
People often decide to include their own food in their dogs’ diet. However, it’s important to clarify that not everything that’s part of the human diet is equally good for canines, as their metabolism is different. Hence the question: can…
There’s a debate raging around the subject of pet food at the moment. According to some experts, raw pet food…
Dogs are curious animals by nature. Sometimes they eat things that can hurt them or they sniff out some creature that may sting them. It almost always ends badly! Some atypical behavior patterns can indicate a physiological or mental problem.…