5 Frugivorous Animals

babel · November 18, 2023
This content was reviewed and approved by the biologist Samuel Sanchez on May 26, 2021
Frugivorous creatures (or animals that only eat fruits) have a preferred diet based on the fruits of plant species.

Each living being on this planet has its own way of feeding. Based on this premise, animals are classified into omnivores, carnivores, insectivores, and herbivores. Within herbivores, there are some animal species that only eat fruit: in this case, these beings are called ‘frugivorous’ animals, or frugivores.

The latter are animals that usually only eat fruit, but, in addition, they can resort sporadically to the ingestion of plants, herbs, vegetables, bark and even fungi. There are many species that have this way of eating: discover some of them in these lines.

1. Calendar birds

These are birds that like to be in dense forests and even open grasslands. They build their own nest with the fibers of the yucca plant. They’re animals that mainly only eat fruit, and, in addition to this, they can prey on some insects. However, berries, cultivated fruits, and nectar-rich juices are their favorite dishes.

Calender birds are animals that only eat fruit.

2. The bonobo primate

The bonobo is a creature that has a physical resemblance to the chimpanzee, the difference is that this species of primate is smaller. These hominids have a broad forehead and long legs, which can measure up to a meter in length. Its most relevant physical characteristic is its pink lips, which are highlighted by the intense black color of its face.

It’s a species that has its habitat in the tropical jungles of central Africa. As for their diet, they’re animals that only eat basic fruits, but they also accompany the dish with roots, flowers and stems, as well as termites and worms that can cross their path. It has been seen that they can even prey on flying squirrels.

Differences between chimpanzees and bonobos.

3. The flying fox

You may have thought that the flying fox is a dog-like, 4-legged animal, but it isn’t. They’re mammals that sleep hanging in the trees upside down and, in addition, they’re some of the largest bats in the world. Its name of flying fox is due to the physical resemblance that its face has to a fox’s.

Regarding their diet, the following ideas can be highlighted:

  • They’re frugivorous animals that come out to eat fruits at night.
  • Their favorite food is the fruits of the fig tree.
  • They have an excellent sense of sight, to find a great variety of fruits.
Flying foxes are animals that only eat fruit.

4. Green iguanas

Iguanas are frugivorous animals that only eat fruits and many other vegetables. The important thing is that these reptiles are selective in their food, because they prefer foods that can provide them with calcium and phosphorus. They look for food with this characteristic to strengthen their muscles, bones and some organs of their body.

These reptiles can eat a wide variety of fruits, such as apples, blackberries, pears, cherries, grapes, tangerines, and blueberries, among others. They don’t mind some vegetables either, such as chives and cabbage. They have a reputation for being strictly vegetarian.

An iguana on a branch.

5. The pacú fish

The habitat of these fish is the fresh waters of South America and they have a similar appearance to piranhas. They are frugivorous animals with powerful teeth, which allow them to firmly catch their food.

The pacú’s diet ranges from apples, peaches, pumpkins, and even walnuts. In the same way, these fish can eat lettuce, carrots, and bananas. On rare occasions, they have been seen preying on small fish. Even so, it prefers fruits and vegetables.

Despite the appearance of its teeth, it’s considered a peaceful fish.

A pacu fish showing its teeth.

The diet of these animals contributes to the planet

The diet of herbivorous and frugivorous animals brings great benefits to planet Earth, as it encourages interactions with plants and trees in their natural environment. Consequently, when these animals feed on fruits, they spread the seeds throughout the forest, grasslands, jungles and the plant ecosystems that they inhabit, according to studies.

Thus, these species contribute to the emergence of new fruits and the maintenance of the ecosystem.

Frugivorous animals depend on their natural habitat to be able to find this food and, at the same time, contribute to the birth of new fruits and the expansion of seeds. Thus, successively, an endless chain unfolds and the wise balance of nature is established.



